- Placeholder
- Character count
- Code view
- Undo/Redo manager
- Prevention of cross-site scripting (XSS)
- Resizable support
- Number and Bullet Format Lists
Contact Support
Miscellaneous in React Rich text editor component
21 Mar 202324 minutes to read
Specifies the placeholder for the Rich Text Editor’s content used when the Rich Text Editor body is empty through the placeholder property.
Through the e-rte-placeholder
class to define our custom font family, font color, and styles to the placeholder text.
.e-richtexteditor .e-rte-placeholder {
font-family: monospace;
* Rich Text Editor - Placeholder Sample
import { HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor';
import * as React from 'react';
class App extends React.Component {
render() {
return (<RichTextEditorComponent placeholder={'Type Something'}>
<Inject services={[Toolbar, Image, Link, HtmlEditor, QuickToolbar]}/>
export default App;
* Rich Text Editor - Placeholder Sample
import { HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditor,RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor';
import * as React from 'react';
class App extends React.Component<{},{}> {
public render() {
return (
<RichTextEditorComponent placeholder={'Type Something'}>
<Inject services={[Toolbar, Image, Link, HtmlEditor, QuickToolbar]} />
export default App;
* Rich Text Editor - Placeholder Sample
import { HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor';
import * as React from 'react';
function App() {
return (<RichTextEditorComponent placeholder={'Type Something'}>
<Inject services={[Toolbar, Image, Link, HtmlEditor, QuickToolbar]}/>
export default App;
* Rich Text Editor - Placeholder Sample
import { HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditor,RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor';
import * as React from 'react';
function App() {
return (
<RichTextEditorComponent placeholder={'Type Something'}>
<Inject services={[Toolbar, Image, Link, HtmlEditor, QuickToolbar]} />
export default App;
Character count
The Rich Text Editor automatically counts the number of characters in the content are while typing using the showCharCount property. The characters count displayed at the bottom of the editor. You can limit the number of characters in your content using the maxLength property. By default, the editor sets the characters limit value is infinity.
The character count color will be modified based on the characters in the Rich Text Editor.
Status | Description |
Normal | Till 70% of given maxLength value, character count color is black. |
Warning | Once the number of character count in the Rich Text Editor reached 70% of given maxLength value, the character count color will be orange, indicating that, the count value going to reach the maximum count. |
Error | Once the number of character count in the Rich Text Editor reached 90% of given maxLength value, the character count color will be red, indicating that, the count value reached the maximum count. |
To create Rich Text Editor with character count feature, inject the Count module to the RTE using the
* Rich Text Editor - Character Count Sample
import { Count, HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor';
import * as React from 'react';
class App extends React.Component {
value() {
return (<div>
<p>The Rich Text Editor component is WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") editor that provides the best user experience to create and update the content.
Users can format their content using standard toolbar commands.</p>
<p><b>Key features:</b></p>
<p>Provides <IFRAME> and <DIV> modes</p>
<p>Capable of handling markdown editing.</p>
<p>Contains a modular library to load the necessary functionality on demand.</p>
<p>Provides a fully customizable toolbar.</p>
<p>Provides HTML view to edit the source directly for developers.</p>
<p>Supports third-party library integration.</p>
<p>Allows preview of modified content before saving it.</p>
<p>Handles images, hyperlinks, video, hyperlinks, uploads, etc.</p>
<p>Contains undo/redo manager.</p>
<p>Creates bulleted and numbered lists.</p>
render() {
return (<RichTextEditorComponent height={450} showCharCount={true} maxLength={2000} valueTemplate={this.value}>
<Inject services={[Toolbar, Image, Link, HtmlEditor, QuickToolbar, Count]}/>
export default App;
* Rich Text Editor - Character Count Sample
import { Count, HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor';
import * as React from 'react';
class App extends React.Component<{},{}> {
public value(): JSX.Element {
<p>The Rich Text Editor component is WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") editor that provides the best user experience to create and update the content.
Users can format their content using standard toolbar commands.</p>
<p><b>Key features:</b></p>
<p>Provides <IFRAME> and <DIV> modes</p>
<p>Capable of handling markdown editing.</p>
<p>Contains a modular library to load the necessary functionality on demand.</p>
<p>Provides a fully customizable toolbar.</p>
<p>Provides HTML view to edit the source directly for developers.</p>
<p>Supports third-party library integration.</p>
<p>Allows preview of modified content before saving it.</p>
<p>Handles images, hyperlinks, video, hyperlinks, uploads, etc.</p>
<p>Contains undo/redo manager.</p>
<p>Creates bulleted and numbered lists.</p>
public render() {
return (
<RichTextEditorComponent height={450} showCharCount={true} maxLength={2000} valueTemplate = {this.value}>
<Inject services={[Toolbar, Image, Link, HtmlEditor, QuickToolbar, Count]} />
export default App;
* Rich Text Editor - Character Count Sample
import { Count, HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor';
import * as React from 'react';
function App() {
function value() {
return (<div>
<p>The Rich Text Editor component is WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") editor that provides the best user experience to create and update the content.
Users can format their content using standard toolbar commands.</p>
<p><b>Key features:</b></p>
<p>Provides <IFRAME> and <DIV> modes</p>
<p>Capable of handling markdown editing.</p>
<p>Contains a modular library to load the necessary functionality on demand.</p>
<p>Provides a fully customizable toolbar.</p>
<p>Provides HTML view to edit the source directly for developers.</p>
<p>Supports third-party library integration.</p>
<p>Allows preview of modified content before saving it.</p>
<p>Handles images, hyperlinks, video, hyperlinks, uploads, etc.</p>
<p>Contains undo/redo manager.</p>
<p>Creates bulleted and numbered lists.</p>
return (<RichTextEditorComponent height={450} showCharCount={true} maxLength={2000} valueTemplate={value}>
<Inject services={[Toolbar, Image, Link, HtmlEditor, QuickToolbar, Count]}/>
export default App;
* Rich Text Editor - Character Count Sample
import { Count, HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor';
import * as React from 'react';
function App() {
function value(): JSX.Element {
<p>The Rich Text Editor component is WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") editor that provides the best user experience to create and update the content.
Users can format their content using standard toolbar commands.</p>
<p><b>Key features:</b></p>
<p>Provides <IFRAME> and <DIV> modes</p>
<p>Capable of handling markdown editing.</p>
<p>Contains a modular library to load the necessary functionality on demand.</p>
<p>Provides a fully customizable toolbar.</p>
<p>Provides HTML view to edit the source directly for developers.</p>
<p>Supports third-party library integration.</p>
<p>Allows preview of modified content before saving it.</p>
<p>Handles images, hyperlinks, video, hyperlinks, uploads, etc.</p>
<p>Contains undo/redo manager.</p>
<p>Creates bulleted and numbered lists.</p>
return (
<RichTextEditorComponent height={450} showCharCount={true} maxLength={2000} valueTemplate = {value}>
<Inject services={[Toolbar, Image, Link, HtmlEditor, QuickToolbar, Count]} />
export default App;
Code view
Rich Text Editor includes the ability for users to directly edit HTML code via Source View
in the text area. If you made any modification in Source view directly, the changes will be reflected in the Rich Text Editor’s content. So, the users will have more flexibility over the content they have created.
* Rich Text Editor - CodeView sample
import { createElement } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
import { Count, HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor';
import CodeMirror from 'codemirror';
import 'codemirror/mode/css/css.js';
import 'codemirror/mode/htmlmixed/htmlmixed.js';
import 'codemirror/mode/javascript/javascript';
import * as React from 'react';
class App extends React.Component {
toolbarSettings = {
items: ['SourceCode']
value() {
return (<div>
<p>The Rich Text Editor component is WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") editor that provides the best user experience to create and update the content.
Users can format their content using standard toolbar commands.</p>
<p><b>Key features:</b></p>
<p>Provides <IFRAME> and <DIV> modes</p>
<p>Capable of handling markdown editing.</p>
<p>Contains a modular library to load the necessary functionality on demand.</p>
<p>Provides a fully customizable toolbar.</p>
<p>Provides HTML view to edit the source directly for developers.</p>
<p>Supports third-party library integration.</p>
<p>Allows preview of modified content before saving it.</p>
<p>Handles images, hyperlinks, video, hyperlinks, uploads, etc.</p>
<p>Contains undo/redo manager.</p>
<p>Creates bulleted and numbered lists.</p>
mirrorConversion(e) {
const id = this.rteObj.getID() + 'mirror-view';
let mirrorView = this.rteObj.element.querySelector('#' + id);
const charCount = this.rteObj.element.querySelector('.e-rte-character-count');
if (e.targetItem === 'Preview') {
this.textArea.style.display = 'block';
mirrorView.style.display = 'none';
this.textArea.innerHTML = this.myCodeMirror.getValue();
charCount.style.display = 'block';
else {
if (!mirrorView) {
mirrorView = createElement('div', { className: 'e-content' });
mirrorView.id = id;
else {
mirrorView.innerHTML = '';
this.textArea.style.display = 'none';
mirrorView.style.display = 'block';
this.renderCodeMirror(mirrorView, this.rteObj.value);
charCount.style.display = 'none';
renderCodeMirror(mirrorView, content) {
this.myCodeMirror = CodeMirror(mirrorView, {
lineNumbers: true,
lineWrapping: true,
mode: 'text/html',
value: content
actionComplete(e) {
this.textArea = this.rteObj.contentModule.getEditPanel();
if (e.targetItem && (e.targetItem === 'SourceCode' || e.targetItem === 'Preview')) {
this.rteObj.sourceCodeModule.getPanel().style.display = 'none';
else {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 400);
created() {
this.textArea = this.rteObj.contentModule.getEditPanel();
render() {
return (<RichTextEditorComponent ref={(richtexteditor) => { this.rteObj = richtexteditor; }} height={450} toolbarSettings={this.toolbarSettings} showCharCount={true} actionComplete={this.actionComplete = this.actionComplete.bind(this)} created={this.created = this.created.bind(this)}>
<p>The Rich Text Editor component is WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") editor that provides the best user experience to create and update the content.
Users can format their content using standard toolbar commands.</p>
<p><b>Key features:</b></p>
<p>Provides <IFRAME> and <DIV> modes</p>
<p>Capable of handling markdown editing.</p>
<p>Contains a modular library to load the necessary functionality on demand.</p>
<p>Provides a fully customizable toolbar.</p>
<p>Provides HTML view to edit the source directly for developers.</p>
<p>Supports third-party library integration.</p>
<p>Allows preview of modified content before saving it.</p>
<p>Handles images, hyperlinks, video, hyperlinks, uploads, etc.</p>
<p>Contains undo/redo manager.</p>
<p>Creates bulleted and numbered lists.</p>
<Inject services={[Toolbar, Image, Link, HtmlEditor, QuickToolbar, Count]}/>
export default App;
* Rich Text Editor - CodeView sample
import { createElement } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
import { Count, HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor';
import CodeMirror from 'codemirror';
import 'codemirror/mode/css/css.js';
import 'codemirror/mode/htmlmixed/htmlmixed.js';
import 'codemirror/mode/javascript/javascript';
import * as React from 'react';
class App extends React.Component<{},{}> {
public myCodeMirror: any;
public textArea: HTMLElement;
public rteObj: RichTextEditorComponent;
public toolbarSettings: object = {
items: ['SourceCode']
public value(): JSX.Element {
<p>The Rich Text Editor component is WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") editor that provides the best user experience to create and update the content.
Users can format their content using standard toolbar commands.</p>
<p><b>Key features:</b></p>
<p>Provides <IFRAME> and <DIV> modes</p>
<p>Capable of handling markdown editing.</p>
<p>Contains a modular library to load the necessary functionality on demand.</p>
<p>Provides a fully customizable toolbar.</p>
<p>Provides HTML view to edit the source directly for developers.</p>
<p>Supports third-party library integration.</p>
<p>Allows preview of modified content before saving it.</p>
<p>Handles images, hyperlinks, video, hyperlinks, uploads, etc.</p>
<p>Contains undo/redo manager.</p>
<p>Creates bulleted and numbered lists.</p>
public mirrorConversion(e: any): void {
const id: string = this.rteObj.getID() + 'mirror-view';
let mirrorView: HTMLElement = this.rteObj.element.querySelector('#' + id) as HTMLElement;
const charCount: HTMLElement = this.rteObj.element.querySelector('.e-rte-character-count') as HTMLElement;
if (e.targetItem === 'Preview') {
this.textArea.style.display = 'block';
mirrorView.style.display = 'none';
this.textArea.innerHTML = this.myCodeMirror.getValue();
charCount.style.display = 'block';
} else {
if (!mirrorView) {
mirrorView = createElement('div', { className: 'e-content' });
mirrorView.id = id;
(this.textArea as any).parentNode.appendChild(mirrorView);
} else {
mirrorView.innerHTML = '';
this.textArea.style.display = 'none';
mirrorView.style.display = 'block';
this.renderCodeMirror(mirrorView, this.rteObj.value);
charCount.style.display = 'none';
public renderCodeMirror(mirrorView: HTMLElement, content: string): void {
this.myCodeMirror = CodeMirror(mirrorView, {
lineNumbers: true,
lineWrapping: true,
mode: 'text/html',
value: content
public actionComplete(e: any) {
this.textArea = (this.rteObj as any).contentModule.getEditPanel() as HTMLElement;
if (e.targetItem && (e.targetItem === 'SourceCode' || e.targetItem === 'Preview')) {
(this.rteObj.sourceCodeModule.getPanel() as any).style.display = 'none';
} else {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 400);
public created(): void {
this.textArea = (this.rteObj as any).contentModule.getEditPanel() as HTMLElement;
public render() {
return (
<RichTextEditorComponent ref={(richtexteditor) => { this.rteObj = richtexteditor! }} height={450} toolbarSettings={this.toolbarSettings} showCharCount={true} actionComplete={this.actionComplete =this.actionComplete.bind(this) } created={this.created = this.created.bind(this)}>
<p>The Rich Text Editor component is WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") editor that provides the best user experience to create and update the content.
Users can format their content using standard toolbar commands.</p>
<p><b>Key features:</b></p>
<p>Provides <IFRAME> and <DIV> modes</p>
<p>Capable of handling markdown editing.</p>
<p>Contains a modular library to load the necessary functionality on demand.</p>
<p>Provides a fully customizable toolbar.</p>
<p>Provides HTML view to edit the source directly for developers.</p>
<p>Supports third-party library integration.</p>
<p>Allows preview of modified content before saving it.</p>
<p>Handles images, hyperlinks, video, hyperlinks, uploads, etc.</p>
<p>Contains undo/redo manager.</p>
<p>Creates bulleted and numbered lists.</p>
<Inject services={[Toolbar, Image, Link, HtmlEditor, QuickToolbar, Count]} />
export default App;
* Rich Text Editor - CodeView sample
import { createElement } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
import { Count, HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor';
import CodeMirror from 'codemirror';
import 'codemirror/mode/css/css.js';
import 'codemirror/mode/htmlmixed/htmlmixed.js';
import 'codemirror/mode/javascript/javascript';
import * as React from 'react';
import { useEffect } from "react";
function App() {
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
<p>The Rich Text Editor component is WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") editor that provides the best user experience to create and update the content. Users can format their content using standard toolbar commands.</p>
<p><b>Key features:</b></p>
<p>Provides <IFRAME> and <DIV> modes</p>
<p>Capable of handling markdown editing.</p>
<p>Contains a modular library to load the necessary functionality on demand.</p>
<p>Provides a fully customizable toolbar.</p>
<p>Provides HTML view to edit the source directly for developers.</p>
<p>Supports third-party library integration.</p>
<p>Allows preview of modified content before saving it.</p>
<p>Handles images, hyperlinks, video, hyperlinks, uploads, etc.</p>
<p>Contains undo/redo manager.</p>
<p>Creates bulleted and numbered lists.</p>
let myCodeMirror;
let textArea;
let rteObj;
let toolbarSettings = {
items: ['SourceCode']
function value() {
return ();
function mirrorConversion(e) {
const id = rteObj.getID() + 'mirror-view';
let mirrorView = rteObj.element.querySelector('#' + id);
const charCount = rteObj.element.querySelector('.e-rte-character-count');
if (e.targetItem === 'Preview') {
textArea.style.display = 'block';
mirrorView.style.display = 'none';
textArea.innerHTML = myCodeMirror.getValue();
charCount.style.display = 'block';
else {
if (!mirrorView) {
mirrorView = createElement('div', { className: 'e-content' });
mirrorView.id = id;
else {
mirrorView.innerHTML = '';
textArea.style.display = 'none';
mirrorView.style.display = 'block';
renderCodeMirror(mirrorView, rteObj.value);
charCount.style.display = 'none';
function renderCodeMirror(mirrorView, content) {
myCodeMirror = CodeMirror(mirrorView, {
lineNumbers: true,
lineWrapping: true,
mode: 'text/html',
value: content
function actionComplete(e) {
textArea = rteObj.contentModule.getEditPanel();
if (e.targetItem && (e.targetItem === 'SourceCode' || e.targetItem === 'Preview')) {
rteObj.sourceCodeModule.getPanel().style.display = 'none';
else {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 400);
function created() {
textArea = rteObj.contentModule.getEditPanel();
return (<RichTextEditorComponent ref={(richtexteditor) => { rteObj = richtexteditor; }} height={450} toolbarSettings={toolbarSettings} showCharCount={true} actionComplete={actionComplete = actionComplete.bind(this)} created={created = created.bind(this)}>
<p>The Rich Text Editor component is WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") editor that provides the best user experience to create and update the content.
Users can format their content using standard toolbar commands.</p>
<p><b>Key features:</b></p>
<p>Provides <IFRAME> and <DIV> modes</p>
<p>Capable of handling markdown editing.</p>
<p>Contains a modular library to load the necessary functionality on demand.</p>
<p>Provides a fully customizable toolbar.</p>
<p>Provides HTML view to edit the source directly for developers.</p>
<p>Supports third-party library integration.</p>
<p>Allows preview of modified content before saving it.</p>
<p>Handles images, hyperlinks, video, hyperlinks, uploads, etc.</p>
<p>Contains undo/redo manager.</p>
<p>Creates bulleted and numbered lists.</p>
<Inject services={[Toolbar, Image, Link, HtmlEditor, QuickToolbar, Count]}/>
export default App;
* Rich Text Editor - CodeView sample
import { createElement } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
import { Count, HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor';
import CodeMirror from 'codemirror';
import 'codemirror/mode/css/css.js';
import 'codemirror/mode/htmlmixed/htmlmixed.js';
import 'codemirror/mode/javascript/javascript';
import * as React from 'react';
import { useEffect } from "react";
function App() {
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
<p>The Rich Text Editor component is WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") editor that provides the best user experience to create and update the content. Users can format their content using standard toolbar commands.</p>
<p><b>Key features:</b></p>
<p>Provides <IFRAME> and <DIV> modes</p>
<p>Capable of handling markdown editing.</p>
<p>Contains a modular library to load the necessary functionality on demand.</p>
<p>Provides a fully customizable toolbar.</p>
<p>Provides HTML view to edit the source directly for developers.</p>
<p>Supports third-party library integration.</p>
<p>Allows preview of modified content before saving it.</p>
<p>Handles images, hyperlinks, video, hyperlinks, uploads, etc.</p>
<p>Contains undo/redo manager.</p>
<p>Creates bulleted and numbered lists.</p>
let myCodeMirror: any;
let textArea: HTMLElement;
let rteObj: RichTextEditorComponent;
let toolbarSettings: object = {
items: ['SourceCode']
function value(): JSX.Element {
function mirrorConversion(e: any): void {
const id: string = rteObj.getID() + 'mirror-view';
let mirrorView: HTMLElement = rteObj.element.querySelector('#' + id) as HTMLElement;
const charCount: HTMLElement = rteObj.element.querySelector('.e-rte-character-count') as HTMLElement;
if (e.targetItem === 'Preview') {
textArea.style.display = 'block';
mirrorView.style.display = 'none';
textArea.innerHTML = myCodeMirror.getValue();
charCount.style.display = 'block';
} else {
if (!mirrorView) {
mirrorView = createElement('div', { className: 'e-content' });
mirrorView.id = id;
(textArea as any).parentNode.appendChild(mirrorView);
} else {
mirrorView.innerHTML = '';
textArea.style.display = 'none';
mirrorView.style.display = 'block';
renderCodeMirror(mirrorView, rteObj.value);
charCount.style.display = 'none';
function renderCodeMirror(mirrorView: HTMLElement, content: string): void {
myCodeMirror = CodeMirror(mirrorView, {
lineNumbers: true,
lineWrapping: true,
mode: 'text/html',
value: content
function actionComplete(e: any) {
textArea = (rteObj as any).contentModule.getEditPanel() as HTMLElement;
if (e.targetItem && (e.targetItem === 'SourceCode' || e.targetItem === 'Preview')) {
(rteObj.sourceCodeModule.getPanel() as any).style.display = 'none';
} else {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 400);
function created(): void {
textArea = (rteObj as any).contentModule.getEditPanel() as HTMLElement;
return (
<RichTextEditorComponent ref={(richtexteditor) => { rteObj = richtexteditor! }} height={450} toolbarSettings={toolbarSettings} showCharCount={true} actionComplete={actionComplete =actionComplete.bind(this) } created={created = created.bind(this)}>
<p>The Rich Text Editor component is WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") editor that provides the best user experience to create and update the content.
Users can format their content using standard toolbar commands.</p>
<p><b>Key features:</b></p>
<p>Provides <IFRAME> and <DIV> modes</p>
<p>Capable of handling markdown editing.</p>
<p>Contains a modular library to load the necessary functionality on demand.</p>
<p>Provides a fully customizable toolbar.</p>
<p>Provides HTML view to edit the source directly for developers.</p>
<p>Supports third-party library integration.</p>
<p>Allows preview of modified content before saving it.</p>
<p>Handles images, hyperlinks, video, hyperlinks, uploads, etc.</p>
<p>Contains undo/redo manager.</p>
<p>Creates bulleted and numbered lists.</p>
<Inject services={[Toolbar, Image, Link, HtmlEditor, QuickToolbar, Count]} />
export default App;
Undo/Redo manager
Undo and redo tools allow you to edit the text by disregard/cancel the recently made changes and restore it to previous state. It is a useful tool to restore the performed action which got changed by mistake. By default, upto 30 actions can be undo/redo in the editor.
To undo and redo operations, do one of the following:
- Press the undo/redo button on the toolbar.
- Press the Ctrl + Z/Ctrl + Y combination on the keyboard.
Customize the undo/redo step count using the undoRedoSteps property. By default, undo/redo actions take 300ms time interval for store the action to the undoRedoManager. The time interval can be customized by using the undoRedoTimer.
* Rich Text Editor - Undo/Redo Manager Sample
import { HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor';
import * as React from 'react';
class App extends React.Component {
toolbarSettings = {
items: ['Undo', 'Redo']
render() {
return (<div>
<RichTextEditorComponent height={450} toolbarSettings={this.toolbarSettings} undoRedoSteps={50} undoRedoTimer={400}>
<p>The Rich Text Editor component is WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") editor that provides the best user experience to create and update the content.
Users can format their content using standard toolbar commands.</p>
<p><b>Key features:</b></p>
<p>Provides <IFRAME> and <DIV> modes</p>
<p>Capable of handling markdown editing.</p>
<p>Contains a modular library to load the necessary functionality on demand.</p>
<p>Provides a fully customizable toolbar.</p>
<p>Provides HTML view to edit the source directly for developers.</p>
<p>Supports third-party library integration.</p>
<p>Allows preview of modified content before saving it.</p>
<p>Handles images, hyperlinks, video, hyperlinks, uploads, etc.</p>
<p>Contains undo/redo manager.</p>
<p>Creates bulleted and numbered lists.</p>
<Inject services={[Toolbar, Image, Link, HtmlEditor, QuickToolbar]}/>
export default App;
* Rich Text Editor - Undo/Redo Manager Sample
import { HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor';
import * as React from 'react';
class App extends React.Component<{},{}> {
private toolbarSettings: object = {
items: ['Undo', 'Redo']
public render() {
return (<div>
<RichTextEditorComponent height={450} toolbarSettings={this.toolbarSettings} undoRedoSteps={50} undoRedoTimer={400}>
<p>The Rich Text Editor component is WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") editor that provides the best user experience to create and update the content.
Users can format their content using standard toolbar commands.</p>
<p><b>Key features:</b></p>
<p>Provides <IFRAME> and <DIV> modes</p>
<p>Capable of handling markdown editing.</p>
<p>Contains a modular library to load the necessary functionality on demand.</p>
<p>Provides a fully customizable toolbar.</p>
<p>Provides HTML view to edit the source directly for developers.</p>
<p>Supports third-party library integration.</p>
<p>Allows preview of modified content before saving it.</p>
<p>Handles images, hyperlinks, video, hyperlinks, uploads, etc.</p>
<p>Contains undo/redo manager.</p>
<p>Creates bulleted and numbered lists.</p>
<Inject services={[Toolbar, Image, Link, HtmlEditor, QuickToolbar]} />
export default App;
* Rich Text Editor - Undo/Redo Manager Sample
import { HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor';
import * as React from 'react';
function App() {
let toolbarSettings = {
items: ['Undo', 'Redo']
return (<div>
<RichTextEditorComponent height={450} toolbarSettings={toolbarSettings} undoRedoSteps={50} undoRedoTimer={400}>
<p>The Rich Text Editor component is WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") editor that provides the best user experience to create and update the content.
Users can format their content using standard toolbar commands.</p>
<p><b>Key features:</b></p>
<p>Provides <IFRAME> and <DIV> modes</p>
<p>Capable of handling markdown editing.</p>
<p>Contains a modular library to load the necessary functionality on demand.</p>
<p>Provides a fully customizable toolbar.</p>
<p>Provides HTML view to edit the source directly for developers.</p>
<p>Supports third-party library integration.</p>
<p>Allows preview of modified content before saving it.</p>
<p>Handles images, hyperlinks, video, hyperlinks, uploads, etc.</p>
<p>Contains undo/redo manager.</p>
<p>Creates bulleted and numbered lists.</p>
<Inject services={[Toolbar, Image, Link, HtmlEditor, QuickToolbar]}/>
export default App;
* Rich Text Editor - Undo/Redo Manager Sample
import { HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor';
import * as React from 'react';
function App() {
let toolbarSettings: object = {
items: ['Undo', 'Redo']
return (<div>
<RichTextEditorComponent height={450} toolbarSettings={toolbarSettings} undoRedoSteps={50} undoRedoTimer={400}>
<p>The Rich Text Editor component is WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") editor that provides the best user experience to create and update the content.
Users can format their content using standard toolbar commands.</p>
<p><b>Key features:</b></p>
<p>Provides <IFRAME> and <DIV> modes</p>
<p>Capable of handling markdown editing.</p>
<p>Contains a modular library to load the necessary functionality on demand.</p>
<p>Provides a fully customizable toolbar.</p>
<p>Provides HTML view to edit the source directly for developers.</p>
<p>Supports third-party library integration.</p>
<p>Allows preview of modified content before saving it.</p>
<p>Handles images, hyperlinks, video, hyperlinks, uploads, etc.</p>
<p>Contains undo/redo manager.</p>
<p>Creates bulleted and numbered lists.</p>
<Inject services={[Toolbar, Image, Link, HtmlEditor, QuickToolbar]} />
export default App;
Prevention of cross-site scripting (XSS)
The Rich Text Editor allow the users to edit the content with security by preventing cross-site scripting (XSS). By default, provided built-in support to remove the elements from editor content which cause XSS attack. The editor removes the elements based on the attributes if there is possible to execute script.
In the following sample, removed script
tag and onmouseover
attribute from content of the Rich Text Editor.
import { HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor';
import * as React from 'react';
class App extends React.Component {
template = `<div onmouseover='javascript:alert(1)'>Prevention of Cross Sit Scripting (XSS) </div> <script>alert('hi')</script>`;
render() {
return (<div>
<RichTextEditorComponent id="defaultRTE" ref={(richtexteditor) => { this.rteObj = richtexteditor; }} valueTemplate={this.template}>
<Inject services={[Toolbar, Image, Link, HtmlEditor, QuickToolbar]}/>
export default App;
import { HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor';
import * as React from 'react';
class App extends React.Component<{},{}> {
public rteObj: RichTextEditorComponent;
public template: string = `<div onmouseover='javascript:alert(1)'>Prevention of Cross Sit Scripting (XSS) </div> <script>alert('hi')</script>`;
public render() {
return (<div>
<RichTextEditorComponent id="defaultRTE" ref={(richtexteditor) => { this.rteObj = richtexteditor; }} valueTemplate={this.template}>
<Inject services={[Toolbar, Image, Link, HtmlEditor, QuickToolbar]} />
export default App;
import { HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor';
import * as React from 'react';
function App() {
let template = `<div onmouseover='javascript:alert(1)'>Prevention of Cross Sit Scripting (XSS) </div> <script>alert('hi')</script>`;
let rteObj;
return (<div>
<RichTextEditorComponent id="defaultRTE" ref={(richtexteditor) => { rteObj = richtexteditor; }} valueTemplate={template}>
<Inject services={[Toolbar, Image, Link, HtmlEditor, QuickToolbar]}/>
export default App;
import { HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor';
import * as React from 'react';
function App() {
let template: string = `<div onmouseover='javascript:alert(1)'>Prevention of Cross Sit Scripting (XSS) </div> <script>alert('hi')</script>`;
let rteObj: RichTextEditorComponent;
return (<div>
<RichTextEditorComponent id="defaultRTE" ref={(richtexteditor) => {rteObj = richtexteditor; }} valueTemplate={template}>
<Inject services={[Toolbar, Image, Link, HtmlEditor, QuickToolbar]} />
export default App;
It’s only applicable to editorMode as HTML.
Custom cross-site scripting
You can also filter the elements and attributes additionally which cause the XSS attack through beforeSanitizeHtml
event. Return the value from the event argument helper
function to apply in the editor. If you want to prevent the built-in support and make own cross-site scripting rules, set cancel
argument as true.
The following sample demonstrate how to filter script
tag from value.
import { HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor';
import { detach } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
import * as React from 'react';
class App extends React.Component {
template = `<div onmouseover='javascript:alert(1)'>Prevention of Cross Sit Scripting (XSS) </div> <script>alert('hi')</script>`;
beforeSanitizeHtml(e) {
e.helper = (value) => {
e.cancel = true;
let temp = document.createElement('div');
temp.innerHTML = value;
let scriptTag = temp.querySelector('script');
if (scriptTag) {
return temp.innerHTML;
render() {
return (<div>
<RichTextEditorComponent id="defaultRTE" ref={(richtexteditor) => { this.rteObj = richtexteditor; }} valueTemplate={this.template} beforeSanitizeHtml={this.beforeSanitizeHtml = this.beforeSanitizeHtml.bind(this)}>
<Inject services={[Toolbar, Image, Link, HtmlEditor, QuickToolbar]}/>
export default App;
import { HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar, BeforeSanitizeHtmlArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor';
import { detach } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
import * as React from 'react';
class App extends React.Component<{},{}> {
public template: string = `<div onmouseover='javascript:alert(1)'>Prevention of Cross Sit Scripting (XSS) </div> <script>alert('hi')</script>`;
public rteObj: RichTextEditorComponent;
public beforeSanitizeHtml(e: BeforeSanitizeHtmlArgs) {
e.helper = (value: string) => {
e.cancel = true;
let temp: HTMLElement = document.createElement('div');
temp.innerHTML = value;
let scriptTag: HTMLElement = temp.querySelector('script');
if (scriptTag) {
return temp.innerHTML;
public render() {
return (<div>
<RichTextEditorComponent id="defaultRTE" ref={(richtexteditor) => { this.rteObj = richtexteditor; }} valueTemplate={this.template} beforeSanitizeHtml={this.beforeSanitizeHtml= this.beforeSanitizeHtml.bind(this)}>
<Inject services={[Toolbar, Image, Link, HtmlEditor, QuickToolbar]} />
export default App;
import { HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor';
import { detach } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
import * as React from 'react';
function App() {
let template = `<div onmouseover='javascript:alert(1)'>Prevention of Cross Sit Scripting (XSS) </div> <script>alert('hi')</script>`;
let rteObj;
function beforeSanitizeHtml(e) {
e.helper = (value) => {
e.cancel = true;
let temp = document.createElement('div');
temp.innerHTML = value;
let scriptTag = temp.querySelector('script');
if (scriptTag) {
return temp.innerHTML;
return (<div>
<RichTextEditorComponent id="defaultRTE" ref={(richtexteditor) => { rteObj = richtexteditor; }} valueTemplate={template} beforeSanitizeHtml={beforeSanitizeHtml = beforeSanitizeHtml.bind(this)}>
<Inject services={[Toolbar, Image, Link, HtmlEditor, QuickToolbar]}/>
export default App;
import { HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar, BeforeSanitizeHtmlArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor';
import { detach } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
import * as React from 'react';
function App() {
let template: string = `<div onmouseover='javascript:alert(1)'>Prevention of Cross Sit Scripting (XSS) </div> <script>alert('hi')</script>`;
let rteObj: RichTextEditorComponent;
function beforeSanitizeHtml(e: BeforeSanitizeHtmlArgs) {
e.helper = (value: string) => {
e.cancel = true;
let temp: HTMLElement = document.createElement('div');
temp.innerHTML = value;
let scriptTag: HTMLElement = temp.querySelector('script');
if (scriptTag) {
return temp.innerHTML;
return (<div>
<RichTextEditorComponent id="defaultRTE" ref={(richtexteditor) => {rteObj = richtexteditor; }} valueTemplate={template} beforeSanitizeHtml={beforeSanitizeHtml= beforeSanitizeHtml.bind(this)}>
<Inject services={[Toolbar, Image, Link, HtmlEditor, QuickToolbar]} />
export default App;
Resizable support
This feature allows the editor to be resized dynamically. The users can enable or disable this feature using the enableResize
property in the Rich Text Editor. If enableResize
is set to true, the Rich Text Editor component creates grip at the bottom right corner, which allows resizing the component in the diagonal direction. The following sample demonstrates the resizable feature.
Enabling the resizable support
To render the Rich Text Editor in the resizable mode, set the enableResize
property to true. The above feature is built as module and hence the Resize
module needs to be included in your application.
* Rich Text Editor - Resizable Sample
import { HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, Resize, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor';
import * as React from 'react';
class App extends React.Component {
resize = true;
render() {
return (<RichTextEditorComponent enableResize={this.resize}>
<p>The Rich Text Editor component is WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") editor that provides the best user experience to create and update the content.
Users can format their content using standard toolbar commands.</p>
<Inject services={[HtmlEditor, Toolbar, Image, Link, Resize, QuickToolbar]}/>
export default App;
* Rich Text Editor - Resizable Sample
import { HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, Resize, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor';
import * as React from 'react';
class App extends React.Component<{},{}> {
public resize: boolean = true;
public render() {
return (
<RichTextEditorComponent enableResize={this.resize} >
<p>The Rich Text Editor component is WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") editor that provides the best user experience to create and update the content.
Users can format their content using standard toolbar commands.</p>
<Inject services={[HtmlEditor, Toolbar, Image, Link, Resize, QuickToolbar]} />
export default App;
* Rich Text Editor - Resizable Sample
import { HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, Resize, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor';
import * as React from 'react';
function App() {
let resize = true;
return (<RichTextEditorComponent enableResize={resize}>
<p>The Rich Text Editor component is WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") editor that provides the best user experience to create and update the content.
Users can format their content using standard toolbar commands.</p>
<Inject services={[HtmlEditor, Toolbar, Image, Link, Resize, QuickToolbar]}/>
export default App;
* Rich Text Editor - Resizable Sample
import { HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, Resize, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor';
import * as React from 'react';
function App() {
let resize: boolean = true;
return (
<RichTextEditorComponent enableResize={resize} >
<p>The Rich Text Editor component is WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") editor that provides the best user experience to create and update the content.
Users can format their content using standard toolbar commands.</p>
<Inject services={[HtmlEditor, Toolbar, Image, Link, Resize, QuickToolbar]} />
export default App;
Specifying the Minimum and Maximum width and height for Resize
To have a restricted resizable area for the RichTextEditor, you need to specify the min-width, max-width, min-height, and max-height CSS properties for the control’s wrapper element. By default, the control is capable of resizing upto the current viewport. The e-richtexteditor
CSS class will be available in the component’s wrapper and can be used for applying the above mentioned styles.
* Rich Text Editor - Resizable Sample
import { HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, Resize, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor';
import * as React from 'react';
class App extends React.Component {
resize = true;
render() {
return (<RichTextEditorComponent enableResize={this.resize}>
<p>The Rich Text Editor component is WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") editor that provides the best user experience to create and update the content.
Users can format their content using standard toolbar commands.</p>
<Inject services={[HtmlEditor, Toolbar, Image, Link, Resize, QuickToolbar]}/>
export default App;
* Rich Text Editor - Resizable Sample
import { HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, Resize, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor';
import * as React from 'react';
class App extends React.Component<{},{}> {
public resize: boolean = true;
public render() {
return (
<RichTextEditorComponent enableResize={this.resize} >
<p>The Rich Text Editor component is WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") editor that provides the best user experience to create and update the content.
Users can format their content using standard toolbar commands.</p>
<Inject services={[HtmlEditor, Toolbar, Image, Link, Resize, QuickToolbar]} />
export default App;
* Rich Text Editor - Resizable Sample
import { HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, Resize, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor';
import * as React from 'react';
function App() {
let resize = true;
return (<RichTextEditorComponent enableResize={resize}>
<p>The Rich Text Editor component is WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") editor that provides the best user experience to create and update the content.
Users can format their content using standard toolbar commands.</p>
<Inject services={[HtmlEditor, Toolbar, Image, Link, Resize, QuickToolbar]}/>
export default App;
* Rich Text Editor - Resizable Sample
import { HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, Resize, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor';
import * as React from 'react';
function App() {
let resize: boolean = true;
return (
<RichTextEditorComponent enableResize={resize} >
<p>The Rich Text Editor component is WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") editor that provides the best user experience to create and update the content.
Users can format their content using standard toolbar commands.</p>
<Inject services={[HtmlEditor, Toolbar, Image, Link, Resize, QuickToolbar]} />
export default App;
Number and Bullet Format Lists
This feature allows the user to change the appearance of the Numbered and Bulleted lists. Users can also apply different numbering or bullet formats lists such as lowercase greek, upper Alpha, square and circles. You can also customize the style type of the lists to be populated in the dropdown from the toolbar by using the numberFormatList
and bulletFormatList
properties in the Rich Text Editor.
* Rich Text Editor - Number/Bullet Format list Sample
import { HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor';
import * as React from 'react';
class App extends React.Component {
toolbarSettings = {
items: ['NumberFormatList', 'BulletFormatList']
render() {
return (<div>
<RichTextEditorComponent toolbarSettings={this.toolbarSettings}>
<p>The Rich Text Editor component is WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") editor that provides the best user experience to create and update the content.
Users can format their content using standard toolbar commands.</p>
<p><b>Key features:</b></p>
<p>Provides <IFRAME> and <DIV> modes</p>
<p>Capable of handling markdown editing.</p>
<p>Contains a modular library to load the necessary functionality on demand.</p>
<p>Provides a fully customizable toolbar.</p>
<p>Provides HTML view to edit the source directly for developers.</p>
<p>Supports third-party library integration.</p>
<p>Allows preview of modified content before saving it.</p>
<p>Handles images, hyperlinks, video, hyperlinks, uploads, etc.</p>
<p>Contains undo/redo manager.</p>
<p>Creates bulleted and numbered lists.</p>
<Inject services={[Toolbar, Image, Link, HtmlEditor, QuickToolbar]}/>
export default App;
* Rich Text Editor - Number/Bullet Format list Sample
import { HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor';
import * as React from 'react';
class App extends React.Component<{},{}> {
private toolbarSettings: object = {
items: ['NumberFormatList', 'BulletFormatList']
public render() {
return (<div>
<RichTextEditorComponent toolbarSettings={this.toolbarSettings}>
<p>The Rich Text Editor component is WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") editor that provides the best user experience to create and update the content.
Users can format their content using standard toolbar commands.</p>
<p><b>Key features:</b></p>
<p>Provides <IFRAME> and <DIV> modes</p>
<p>Capable of handling markdown editing.</p>
<p>Contains a modular library to load the necessary functionality on demand.</p>
<p>Provides a fully customizable toolbar.</p>
<p>Provides HTML view to edit the source directly for developers.</p>
<p>Supports third-party library integration.</p>
<p>Allows preview of modified content before saving it.</p>
<p>Handles images, hyperlinks, video, hyperlinks, uploads, etc.</p>
<p>Contains undo/redo manager.</p>
<p>Creates bulleted and numbered lists.</p>
<Inject services={[Toolbar, Image, Link, HtmlEditor, QuickToolbar]} />
export default App;
* Rich Text Editor - Number/Bullet Format list Sample
import { HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor';
import * as React from 'react';
function App() {
let toolbarSettings = {
items: ['NumberFormatList', 'BulletFormatList']
return (<div>
<RichTextEditorComponent toolbarSettings={toolbarSettings}>
<p>The Rich Text Editor component is WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") editor that provides the best user experience to create and update the content.
Users can format their content using standard toolbar commands.</p>
<p><b>Key features:</b></p>
<p>Provides <IFRAME> and <DIV> modes</p>
<p>Capable of handling markdown editing.</p>
<p>Contains a modular library to load the necessary functionality on demand.</p>
<p>Provides a fully customizable toolbar.</p>
<p>Provides HTML view to edit the source directly for developers.</p>
<p>Supports third-party library integration.</p>
<p>Allows preview of modified content before saving it.</p>
<p>Handles images, hyperlinks, video, hyperlinks, uploads, etc.</p>
<p>Contains undo/redo manager.</p>
<p>Creates bulleted and numbered lists.</p>
<Inject services={[Toolbar, Image, Link, HtmlEditor, QuickToolbar]}/>
export default App;
* Rich Text Editor - Number/Bullet Format list Sample
import { HtmlEditor, Image, Inject, Link, QuickToolbar, RichTextEditorComponent, Toolbar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-richtexteditor';
import * as React from 'react';
function App() {
let toolbarSettings: object = {
items: ['NumberFormatList', 'BulletFormatList']
return (<div>
<RichTextEditorComponent toolbarSettings={toolbarSettings}>
<p>The Rich Text Editor component is WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") editor that provides the best user experience to create and update the content.
Users can format their content using standard toolbar commands.</p>
<p><b>Key features:</b></p>
<p>Provides <IFRAME> and <DIV> modes</p>
<p>Capable of handling markdown editing.</p>
<p>Contains a modular library to load the necessary functionality on demand.</p>
<p>Provides a fully customizable toolbar.</p>
<p>Provides HTML view to edit the source directly for developers.</p>
<p>Supports third-party library integration.</p>
<p>Allows preview of modified content before saving it.</p>
<p>Handles images, hyperlinks, video, hyperlinks, uploads, etc.</p>
<p>Contains undo/redo manager.</p>
<p>Creates bulleted and numbered lists.</p>
<Inject services={[Toolbar, Image, Link, HtmlEditor, QuickToolbar]} />
export default App;