Getting Started
13 Feb 202524 minutes to read
This section explains how to create a simple Ribbon, and configure its available functionalities in React.
The following list of dependencies are required to use the Ribbon component in your application.
|-- @syncfusion/ej2-react-ribbon
|-- @syncfusion/ej2-react-base
|-- @syncfusion/ej2-base
|-- @syncfusion/ej2-data
|-- @syncfusion/ej2-buttons
|-- @syncfusion/ej2-popups
|-- @syncfusion/ej2-splitbuttons
|-- @syncfusion/ej2-inputs
|-- @syncfusion/ej2-lists
|-- @syncfusion/ej2-dropdowns
|-- @syncfusion/ej2-navigations
|-- @syncfusion/ej2-ribbon
Setup for Local Development
To set-up a React application, choose any of the following ways. The best and easiest way is to use the create-react-app. It sets up your development environment in JavaScript and improvise your application for production. Refer to the installation instructions of create-react-app
npx create-react-app my-app
cd my-app
npm start
yarn create react-app my-app
cd my-app
yarn start
To set-up a React application in TypeScript
environment, run the following command.
npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript
cd my-app
npm start
Besides using the npx package runner tool, also create an application from the npm init
. To begin with the npm init
, upgrade the npm
version to npm 6+
npm init react-app my-app
cd my-app
npm start
Adding Syncfusion packages
All the available Essential JS 2 packages are published in public registry.
To install Ribbon
component, use the following command
npm install @syncfusion/ej2-react-ribbon --save
The above command installs Ribbon dependencies which are required to render the component in the React
Adding Style sheet to the Application
Add Ribbon component’s styles as given below in App.css
@import "../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-base/styles/material.css";
@import "../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-buttons/styles/material.css";
@import "../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-popups/styles/material.css";
@import "../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-splitbuttons/styles/material.css";
@import "../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-inputs/styles/material.css";
@import "../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-lists/styles/material.css";
@import "../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-dropdowns/styles/material.css";
@import "../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-navigations/styles/material.css";
@import "../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-ribbon/styles/material.css";
Add Ribbon to the project
Now, you can create Ribbon
component in the application. Add Ribbon
component in src/App.tsx
file using the following code snippet.
import { RibbonComponent } from "@syncfusion/ej2-react-ribbon";
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import "./App.css";
function App() {
return (
<RibbonComponent id="ribbon"></RibbonComponent>
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById("element"));
root.render(<App />);
Injecting required modules
Inject the Ribbon required modules in your src/App.tsx
file using the following code snippet.
import { RibbonComponent, RibbonFileMenu, Inject, RibbonColorPicker } from "@syncfusion/ej2-react-ribbon";
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import "./App.css";
function App() {
return (
<RibbonComponent id="ribbon">
<Inject services={[RibbonFileMenu, RibbonColorPicker]} />
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById("element"));
root.render(<App />);
Adding Ribbon Tab
In Ribbon, the options are arranged in tabs for easy access. You can use the RibbonTabDirective
to define the ribbon tab like below.
import { RibbonComponent, RibbonTabsDirective, RibbonTabDirective } from "@syncfusion/ej2-react-ribbon";
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import "./App.css";
function App() {
return (
<RibbonComponent id="ribbon">
<RibbonTabDirective header="Home"></RibbonTabDirective>
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById("element"));
root.render(<App />);
Adding Ribbon Group
To define a ribbon group under each tab, you can use the RibbonGroupDirective
like below. The orientation
property of ribbon group defines whether the collection of items will be rendered column-wise or row-wise.
import { RibbonComponent, RibbonTabsDirective, RibbonTabDirective, RibbonGroupsDirective, RibbonGroupDirective } from "@syncfusion/ej2-react-ribbon";
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import "./App.css";
function App() {
return (
<RibbonComponent id="ribbon">
<RibbonTabDirective header="Home">
<RibbonGroupDirective header="Clipboard" orientation="Row"></RibbonGroupDirective>
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById("element"));
root.render(<App />);
Adding Ribbon Item
You can use the RibbonCollectionDirective
to define each ribbon collection that contains one or more items. To define each ribbon item, you can use the RibbonItemDirective
and the type
property to specify the type of component to be rendered, like a button, a drop-down button, a combo box, and more.
import { RibbonComponent, RibbonTabsDirective, RibbonTabDirective, RibbonGroupsDirective, RibbonGroupDirective, RibbonCollectionsDirective, RibbonCollectionDirective, RibbonItemsDirective, RibbonItemDirective, RibbonItemSize } from "@syncfusion/ej2-react-ribbon";
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import "./App.css";
function App() {
return (
<RibbonComponent id="ribbon">
<RibbonTabDirective header="Home">
<RibbonGroupDirective header="Clipboard" orientation="Row">
<RibbonCollectionDirective id="paste-collection">
<RibbonItemDirective type="SplitButton" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Large}
splitButtonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-paste", items: [{ text: "Keep Source Format" }, { text: "Merge format" }, { text: "Keep text only" }], content: "Paste" }}>
<RibbonCollectionDirective id="cutcopy-collection">
<RibbonItemDirective type="Button" buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-cut", content: "Cut" }}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="Button" buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-copy", content: "Copy" }}>
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById("element"));
root.render(<App />);
Run the application
Run the application in the browser using the following command:
npm start
The following example illustrates how tabs, groups, collections, and items are used in a ribbon component to form the ribbon layout.
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDom from "react-dom";
import { RibbonComponent, RibbonTabsDirective, RibbonTabDirective, RibbonCollectionsDirective, RibbonCollectionDirective, RibbonGroupsDirective, RibbonGroupDirective, RibbonItemsDirective, RibbonItemDirective, RibbonColorPicker, DisplayMode } from "@syncfusion/ej2-react-ribbon";
import { RibbonFileMenu, RibbonItemSize, Inject } from "@syncfusion/ej2-react-ribbon";
function App() {
const pasteOptions = [{ text: "Keep Source Format" }, { text: "Merge format" }, { text: "Keep text only" }];
const tableOptions = [{ text: "Insert Table" }, { text: "This device" }, { text: "Convert Table" }, { text: "Excel SpreadSheet" }];
const fontSize = ["8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "14", "16", "18", "20", "22", "24", "26", "28", "36", "48", "72", "96"];
const fontStyle = ["Algerian", "Arial", "Calibri", "Cambria", "Cambria Math", "Courier New", "Candara", "Georgia", "Impact", "Segoe Print", "Segoe Script", "Segoe UI", "Symbol", "Times New Roman", "Verdana", "Windings"];
function template(props) {
const cssClass = "ribbonTemplate " + props.activeSize;
return (<span className={cssClass}><span className="e-icons e-video"></span><span className="text">Video</span></span>)
const fileOptions = [{ text: "New", iconCss: "e-icons e-file-new", id: "new" },
{ text: "Open", iconCss: "e-icons e-folder-open", id: "Open" },
{ text: "Rename", iconCss: "e-icons e-rename", id: "rename" },
{ text: "Save as", iconCss: "e-icons e-save", id: "save" }]
return (
<RibbonComponent id="ribbon" fileMenu={{ visible: true, menuItems: fileOptions }}>
<RibbonTabDirective header="Home">
<RibbonGroupDirective header="Clipboard" groupIconCss="e-icons e-paste" showLauncherIcon={true}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="SplitButton" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Large}
splitButtonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-paste", items: pasteOptions, content: "Paste" }}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="Button" buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-cut", content: "Cut" }}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="Button" buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-copy", content: "Copy" }}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="Button" buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-format-painter", content: "Format Painter" }}>
<RibbonGroupDirective header="Font" groupIconCss="e-icons e-bold" isCollapsible={false} enableGroupOverflow={true} orientation="Row" cssClass="font-group">
<RibbonItemDirective type="ComboBox" comboBoxSettings={{ dataSource: fontStyle, index: 3, width: "150px", allowFiltering: true }}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="ComboBox" comboBoxSettings={{ dataSource: fontSize, index: 3, width: "65px", allowFiltering: true }}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="ColorPicker" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Small} displayOptions={DisplayMode.Simplified} colorPickerSettings={{ value: "#123456" }}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="Button" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Small} buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-bold", content: "Bold" }}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="Button" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Small} buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-italic", content: "Italic" }}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="Button" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Small} buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-underline", content: "Underline" }}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="Button" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Small} buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-strikethrough", content: "Strikethrough" }}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="Button" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Small} buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-change-case", content: "Change Case" }}>
<RibbonGroupDirective header="Editor" isCollapsible={false}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="Button" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Large} buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-edit", content: "Editor" }}>
<RibbonTabDirective header="Insert">
<RibbonGroupDirective header="Tables" isCollapsible={false}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="DropDown" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Large} dropDownSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-table", items: tableOptions, content: "Table" }}>
<RibbonGroupDirective header="Illustration" id="illustration" groupIconCss="e-icons e-image" enableGroupOverflow={true} showLauncherIcon={true} orientation="Row">
<RibbonItemDirective type="Button" buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-chart", content: "Charts" }}>
<RibbonGroupDirective header="Media" isCollapsible={false}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="Template" itemTemplate={template}>
<RibbonTabDirective header="View">
<RibbonGroupDirective header="Views" groupIconCss="e-icons e-print" orientation="Row">
<RibbonItemDirective type="Button" buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-print", content: "Print Layout" }}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="Button" buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-web-layout", content: "Web Layout" }}>
<RibbonGroupDirective header="Show" isCollapsible={true}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="CheckBox" checkBoxSettings={{ label: "Ruler", checked: false }}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="CheckBox" checkBoxSettings={{ label: "Gridlines", checked: false }}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="CheckBox" checkBoxSettings={{ label: "Navigation Pane", checked: true }}>
<Inject services={[RibbonFileMenu, RibbonColorPicker]} />
export default App;
ReactDom.render(<App />, document.getElementById("element"));
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDom from "react-dom";
import { RibbonComponent, RibbonTabsDirective, RibbonTabDirective, RibbonCollectionsDirective, RibbonCollectionDirective, RibbonGroupsDirective, RibbonGroupDirective, RibbonItemsDirective, RibbonItemDirective, RibbonColorPicker, DisplayMode } from "@syncfusion/ej2-react-ribbon";
import { RibbonFileMenu, RibbonItemSize, Inject } from "@syncfusion/ej2-react-ribbon";
import { ItemModel } from "@syncfusion/ej2-splitbuttons";
import { MenuItemModel } from "@syncfusion/ej2-navigations";
function App() {
const pasteOptions: ItemModel[] = [{ text: "Keep Source Format" }, { text: "Merge format" }, { text: "Keep text only" }];
const tableOptions: ItemModel[] = [{ text: "Insert Table" }, { text: "This device" }, { text: "Convert Table" }, { text: "Excel SpreadSheet" }];
const fontSize: string[] = ["8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "14", "16", "18", "20", "22", "24", "26", "28", "36", "48", "72", "96"];
const fontStyle: string[] = ["Algerian", "Arial", "Calibri", "Cambria", "Cambria Math", "Courier New", "Candara", "Georgia", "Impact", "Segoe Print", "Segoe Script", "Segoe UI", "Symbol", "Times New Roman", "Verdana", "Windings"];
function template(props: any) {
const cssClass = "ribbonTemplate " + props.activeSize;
return (<span className={cssClass}><span className="e-icons e-video"></span><span className="text">Video</span></span>)
const fileOptions: MenuItemModel[] = [
{ text: "New", iconCss: "e-icons e-file-new", id: "new" },
{ text: "Open", iconCss: "e-icons e-folder-open", id: "Open" },
{ text: "Rename", iconCss: "e-icons e-rename", id: "rename" },
{ text: "Save as", iconCss: "e-icons e-save", id: "save" }]
return (
<RibbonComponent id="ribbon" fileMenu={{ visible: true, menuItems: fileOptions }}>
<RibbonTabDirective header="Home">
<RibbonGroupDirective header="Clipboard" groupIconCss="e-icons e-paste" showLauncherIcon={true}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="SplitButton" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Large}
splitButtonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-paste", items: pasteOptions, content: "Paste" }}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="Button" buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-cut", content: "Cut" }}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="Button" buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-copy", content: "Copy" }}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="Button" buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-format-painter", content: "Format Painter" }}>
<RibbonGroupDirective header="Font" groupIconCss="e-icons e-bold" isCollapsible={false} enableGroupOverflow={true} orientation="Row" cssClass="font-group">
<RibbonItemDirective type="ComboBox" comboBoxSettings={{ dataSource: fontStyle, index: 3, width: "150px", allowFiltering: true }}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="ComboBox" comboBoxSettings={{ dataSource: fontSize, index: 3, width: "65px", allowFiltering: true }}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="ColorPicker" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Small} displayOptions={DisplayMode.Simplified} colorPickerSettings={{ value: "#123456" }}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="Button" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Small} buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-bold", content: "Bold" }}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="Button" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Small} buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-italic", content: "Italic" }}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="Button" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Small} buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-underline", content: "Underline" }}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="Button" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Small} buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-strikethrough", content: "Strikethrough" }}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="Button" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Small} buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-change-case", content: "Change Case" }}>
<RibbonGroupDirective header="Editor" isCollapsible={false}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="Button" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Large} buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-edit", content: "Editor" }}>
<RibbonTabDirective header="Insert">
<RibbonGroupDirective header="Tables" isCollapsible={false}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="DropDown" allowedSizes={RibbonItemSize.Large} dropDownSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-table", items: tableOptions, content: "Table" }}>
<RibbonGroupDirective header="Illustration" id="illustration" groupIconCss="e-icons e-image" enableGroupOverflow={true} showLauncherIcon={true} orientation="Row">
<RibbonItemDirective type="Button" buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-chart", content: "Charts" }}>
<RibbonGroupDirective header="Media" isCollapsible={false}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="Template" itemTemplate={template}>
<RibbonTabDirective header="View">
<RibbonGroupDirective header="Views" groupIconCss="e-icons e-print" orientation="Row">
<RibbonItemDirective type="Button" buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-print", content: "Print Layout" }}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="Button" buttonSettings={{ iconCss: "e-icons e-web-layout", content: "Web Layout" }}>
<RibbonGroupDirective header="Show" isCollapsible={true}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="CheckBox" checkBoxSettings={{ label: "Ruler", checked: false }}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="CheckBox" checkBoxSettings={{ label: "Gridlines", checked: false }}>
<RibbonItemDirective type="CheckBox" checkBoxSettings={{ label: "Navigation Pane", checked: true }}>
<Inject services={[RibbonFileMenu, RibbonColorPicker]} />
export default App;
ReactDom.render(<App />, document.getElementById("element"));
/* Represents the styles for loader */
#loader {
color: #008cff;
height: 40px;
left: 45%;
position: absolute;
top: 45%;
width: 30%;
.ribbonTemplate {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
cursor: pointer;
.ribbonTemplate.Large {
flex-direction: column;
.ribbonTemplate.Large .e-icons {
font-size: 35px;
.ribbonTemplate.Medium .e-icons,
.ribbonTemplate.Small .e-icons{
font-size: 20px;
margin: 15px 5px;
.ribbonTemplate.Small .text {
/* Represents the styles for Ribbon group */
.font-group .e-ribbon-group-content {
justify-content: center;