Content control in React Document editor control

15 Jun 20243 minutes to read

Document Editor provides support for inserting, editing content controls.

Content controls can be categorized based on its occurrence in a document as follows,

InlineContentControl: Among inline content inside, as a child of a paragraph.
BlockContentControl: Among paragraphs and tables, as a child of a Body, HeaderFooter.

Types of Content Controls

  • Rich Text
  • Plain Text
  • Check Box
  • Date picker
  • Drop-Down List and Combo Box
  • Picture

Insert content control

Content control can be inserted using insertContentControl method in editor module.

  • TS
  • //Insert Rich Text Content Control
    //Insert Rich Text Content Control with default sfdt string
    let sfdt = {"sections":[{"blocks":[{"inlines":[{"text": "Hello"}]}]}]};
    this.container.documentEditor.editor.insertContentControl('RichText', sfdt);
    //Insert Plain Text Content Control
    //Insert Plain Text Content Control with default string
    this.container.documentEditor.editor.insertContentControl('Text', 'Hello World');
    //Insert CheckBox Content Control
    //Insert CheckBox Content Control with mention checked state
    this.container.documentEditor.editor.insertContentControl('CheckBox', true);
    //Insert ComboBox Content Control
    //Insert ComboBox Content Control with items
    this.container.documentEditor.editor.insertContentControl('ComboBox', 'One', ['One', 'Two', 'Three']);
    //Insert Date Content Control
    //Insert Date Content Control
    this.container.documentEditor.editor.insertContentControl('Date', '01/01/2024');
    //Insert DropDownList Content Control
    //Insert DropDownList Content Control with items
    this.container.documentEditor.editor.insertContentControl('DropDownList', 'One', ['One', 'Two', 'Three']);
    //Insert Picture Content Control
    //Insert Picture Content Control with default image
    this.container.documentEditor.editor.insertContentControl('Picture', '');

    Import content control properties

    Content control properties can be set using the ContentControlInfo and import it using importContentControlData

  • TS
  • let data: ContentControlInfo[] = [];
    let contentControlData: ContentControlInfo = { title: placeHolderPrefix + 'Name', tag: '', value: 'John', canDelete: false, canEdit: false, type: 'RichText' };

    Export content control properties

    Content control properties can be exported using the exportContentControlData

  • TS
  • let contentControlInfos: ContentControlInfo[] = this.container.documentEditor.exportContentControlData();

    Reset content control

    Content control properties can be reset using the resetcontentcontroldata

  • TS
  • let data: ContentControlInfo[] = [];
    let contentControlData: ContentControlInfo = { title: placeHolderPrefix + 'Name', tag: '', value: 'John', canDelete: false, canEdit: false, type: 'RichText' };

    Note: Content control with custom XML mapping of file type WordML is converted as normal Rich Text Content Control to provide lossless round-tripping upon saving.