React Themes in Syncfusion® Components

17 Mar 202524 minutes to read

The Syncfusion® React UI can allow you to apply styles for the components. The following list of themes are included in the Syncfusion® React components library.

Theme Style Sheet Name
Tailwind 3.4 tailwind3.css
Tailwind 3.4 Dark tailwind3-dark.css
Bootstrap 5.3 bootstrap5.3.css
Bootstrap 5.3 Dark bootstrap5.3-dark.css
Fluent 2 fluent2.css
Fluent 2 Dark fluent2-dark.css
Material 3 material3.css
Material 3 Dark material3-dark.css
Bootstrap 5 bootstrap5.css
Bootstrap 5 bootstrap5.css
Bootstrap 5 Dark bootstrap5-dark.css
Bootstrap 4 bootstrap4.css
Bootstrap 3 bootstrap.css
Bootstrap 3 Dark bootstrap-dark.css
Google’s Material material.css
Google’s Material-Dark material-dark.css
Tailwind CSS tailwind.css
Tailwind CSS Dark tailwind-dark.css
Fluent fluent.css
Fluent Dark fluent-dark.css
Microsoft Office Fabric fabric.css
Microsoft Office Fabric Dark fabric-dark.css
High Contrast highcontrast.css

The Syncfusion® React Bootstrap theme is designed based on the Bootstrap v3, whereas the Bootstrap 4 theme is designed based on Bootstrap v4. In addition to these built-in themes, the ThemeStudio provides support for the Fusion Theme that can only be downloaded from the ThemeStudio.

Optimized CSS files

Syncfusion® components provide two size modes for each theme: normal and bigger. By default, the normal size mode is applied, offering a standard appearance that is suitable for all devices. The bigger size mode provides an enlarged interface for enhanced interactions, visibility, and an overall improved user experience by increasing the size of the UI components.

The bigger size mode is ideal when an enlarged appearance is needed, while the normal size mode works best for maintaining the default appearance of components.

Below is a comparison of the Button component in normal and bigger size modes:


Each theme includes both normal and bigger size modes, which increases the overall file size. To optimize performance, Syncfusion® offers additional theme files (e.g., fluent2-lite.css), which only include the normal size mode styles. This results in a significant reduction in file size, improving load times and overall application performance, especially when the bigger size mode is unnecessary.

Refer to the comparison below for the default and optimized theme file sizes:

Theme Name Default Theme Size Optimized Theme Size
Fluent 2 3.97 MB 2.96 MB

Reference themes in the React application

Using the following approaches, the themes can be referenced in the React application,

  • npm packages - Used to customize the existing themes and bundle stylesheet in an application.

  • CDN - Used to refer complete css via static web assest.

  • CRG - Used to generate resources only for the selected (used) components.

  • Theme Studio - Used to customize and generate themes only for the selected (used) components.

Instead of using the CDN reference, use the npm packages reference in your projects to customize the theme or bundle it with the other style sheets.

Refer themes through npm packages

Themes are shipped as individual and combined CSS files. The combined CSS file can be referred from the npm package @syncfusion/ej2 and individual CSS files are available within the same component repository’s style folder. In ej2 npm packages, we have shipped both CSS and SCSS files for all components.

To use the combined CSS files, install the npm package using the following command

 npm install @syncfusion/ej2

Referring all components CSS

@import "./node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2/<theme_name>.css";

Referring all components SCSS

@import "./node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2/<theme_name>.scss";

Referring to individual component theme

You can get the individual theme from the individual package or from ej2 package.

Referring to individual component from the individual package

@import "<dependent-package>/styles/<theme_name>.scss";
@import "ej2-react-buttons/styles/button/<theme_name>.scss";


@import "ej2-base/styles/material.scss";
@import "ej2-react-buttons/styles/button/material.scss";

The ej2-base is a common dependent package for all Syncfusion® React component styles. So, it needs to be added first in the import statement.

Referring to individual component from the ej2 package

@import "ej2/<dependent-component>/<theme_name>.scss";
@import "ej2/button/<theme_name>.scss";


@import "ej2/base/material.scss";
@import "ej2/button/material.scss";

Referring all components optimized CSS file

To refer to all component’s optimized CSS files from the @syncfusion/ej2 package, follow the below syntax:

@import "@syncfusion/ej2/<theme_name>-lite.css";
/* or */
@import "@syncfusion/ej2/<theme_name>-lite.scss";


@import "@syncfusion/ej2/fluent2-lite.css";
/* or */
@import "@syncfusion/ej2/fluent2-lite.scss";

Referring individual component optimized CSS file

To refer to individual component’s optimized CSS files from an individual packages, follow the below syntax:

@import "<dependent-package>/styles/<theme_name>-lite.css";
/* or */
@import "<dependent-package>/styles/<theme_name>-lite.scss";


@import "@syncfusion/ej2-buttons/styles/fluent2-lite.css";
/* or */
@import "@syncfusion/ej2-buttons/styles/fluent2-lite.scss";

Advantages of individual components theme

  • Reducing the page load time of application
  • Reducing bundling size
  • Avoid unused CSS

Refer themes through CDN reference

Instead of using a local resource on your server, use a cloud CDN to reference the theme style sheets.

Syncfusion® React Themes are available in the CDN. Make sure that the version in the URLs matches the version of the Syncfusion® React package you are using.

    <link href="<version>/<theme_name>.css" rel="stylesheet"/>

To refer to optimized CSS files, use the following syntax:

    <link href="<version>/<theme_name>-lite.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
Theme Name CDN Reference
Tailwind 3.4
Tailwind 3.4 Dark
Bootstrap 5.3
Bootstrap 5.3 Dark
Fluent 2
Fluent 2 Dark
Material 3
Material 3 Dark
Fluent Dark
Bootstrap 5
Bootstrap 5 Dark
Bootstrap 4
Bootstrap 3
Bootstrap 3 Dark
Google’s Material
Google’s Material Dark
Tailwind CSS
Tailwind CSS Dark
Microsoft Office Fabric
Microsoft Office Fabric Dark
High Contrast

Common variables

The following list of common variables are used in the Syncfusion® JavaScript library themes for all UI controls. You can change these variables to customize the corresponding theme.

Syncfusion® Tailwind 3.4 theme

Name Value (Default Theme) Value (Dark Theme)
--color-sf-black rgb(0,0,0) rgb(0,0,0)
--color-sf-white rgb(255,255,255) rgb(255,255,255)
--color-sf-primary rgba(79, 70, 229) rgba(99, 102, 241)
--color-sf-primary-text-color #fff #fff
--color-sf-primary-light #3730a3 #3730a3
--color-sf-primary-lighter #e0e7ff #1e1b4b
--color-sf-primary-dark #4338ca #818cf8
--color-sf-primary-darker #3730a3 #4f46e5
--color-sf-success #15803d #22c55e
--color-sf-info #0e7490 #38bdf8
--color-sf-warning #c2410c #f97316
--color-sf-danger #dc2626 #f87171
--color-sf-success-light #dcfce7 #164c37
--color-sf-info-light #cffafe #0e485b
--color-sf-warning-light #ffedd5 #573422
--color-sf-danger-light #fee2e2 #54252f
--color-sf-success-dark #166534 #4ade80
--color-sf-info-dark #155e75 #38bdf8
--color-sf-warning-dark #9a3412 #fb923c
--color-sf-danger-dark #b91c1c #ef4444

Syncfusion® Bootstrap 5.3 theme

Name Value (Default Theme) Value (Dark Theme)
--color-sf-black rgb(0,0,0) rgb(0,0,0)
--color-sf-white rgb(255,255,255) rgb(255,255,255)
--color-sf-primary rgba(13,110,253,1) rgba(13,110,253,1)
--color-sf-primary-text-color #fff #fff
--color-sf-primary-light #86b7fe #86b7fe
--color-sf-primary-lighter #cfe2ff #031633
--color-sf-primary-dark #3367d1 #073ba6
--color-sf-primary-darker #052c65 #6ea8fe
--color-sf-success rgba(25,135,84,1) rgba(25,135,84,1)
--color-sf-info rgba(13,202,240,1) rgba(13,202,240,1)
--color-sf-warning rgba(255,193,7,1) rgba(255,193,7,1)
--color-sf-danger rgba(220,53,69,1) rgba(220,53,69,1)
--color-sf-success-light #d1e7dd #75b798
--color-sf-info-light #cff4fc #6edff6
--color-sf-warning-light #fff3cd #ffda6a
--color-sf-danger-light #f8d7da #ea868f
--color-sf-success-dark #0a3622 #75b798
--color-sf-info-dark #055160 #6edff6
--color-sf-warning-dark #664d03 #ffda6a
--color-sf-danger-dark #58151c #ea868f
--color-sf-success-light-alt #d1e7dd #051b11
--color-sf-info-light-alt #cff4fc #032830
--color-sf-warning-light-alt #fff3cd #332701
--color-sf-danger-light-alt #f8d7da #2c0b0e

Syncfusion® Fluent 2 theme

Name Value (Default Theme) Value (Dark Theme)
--color-sf-black #000 #000
--color-sf-white #fff #fff
--color-sf-primary #0f6cbd #115ea3
--color-sf-primary-text-color #fff #fff
--color-sf-primary-light #b4d6fa #0e4775
--color-sf-primary-lighter #ebf3fc #082338
--color-sf-primary-dark #0f548c #62abf5
--color-sf-primary-darker #0c3b5e #96c6fa
--color-sf-success #0e700e #107c10
--color-sf-info #008aa9 #0099bc
--color-sf-warning #bc4b09 #faa06b
--color-sf-danger #d13438 #dc626d
--color-sf-success-light #54b054 #094509
--color-sf-info-light #56bfd7 #005669
--color-sf-warning-light #fee5d7 #4a1e04
--color-sf-danger-light #eeacb2 #6e0811
--color-sf-success-dark #54b054 #c9eac9
--color-sf-info-dark #56bfd7 #cdedf4
--color-sf-warning-dark #8a3707 #fee5d7
--color-sf-danger-dark #6e0811 #fee5d7
--color-sf-success-light-alt #f1faf1 #052505
--color-sf-info-light-alt #f2fafc #002e38
--color-sf-warning-light-alt #fff9f5 #4a1e04
--color-sf-danger-light-alt #fdf3f4 #3b0509
--color-sf-badge-warning #fde300 #fde300
--color-sf-badge-warning-text #847619 #fde300
--color-sf-primary-label-color #0f6cbd #479ef5
--color-sf-primary-cell-selection #ebf3fc #ebf3fc

Syncfusion® Material 3 theme

Name Value (Default Theme) Value (Dark Theme)
--color-sf-black rgb(0,0,0) rgb(0,0,0)
--color-sf-white rgb(255,255,255) rgb(255,255,255)
--color-sf-primary rgb(103, 80, 164) rgb(208, 188, 255)
--color-sf-primary-container rgb(234, 221, 255) rgb(79, 55, 139)
--color-sf-on-primary rgb(255, 255, 255) rgb(55, 30, 115)
--color-sf-on-primary-container rgb(33, 0, 94) rgb(234, 221, 255)
--color-sf-surface rgb(255, 255, 255) rgb(28, 27, 31)
--color-sf-surface-variant rgb(231, 224, 236) rgb(73, 69, 79)
--color-sf-on-surface rgb(28, 27, 31) rgb(230, 225, 229)
--color-sf-on-surface-variant rgb(73, 69, 78) rgb(202, 196, 208)
--color-sf-secondary rgb(98, 91, 113) rgb(204, 194, 220)
--color-sf-secondary-container rgb(232, 222, 248) rgb(74, 68, 88)
--color-sf-on-secondary rgb(255, 255, 255) rgb(51, 45, 65)
--color-sf-on-secondary-container rgb(30, 25, 43) rgb(232, 222, 248)
--color-sf-tertiary rgb(125, 82, 96) rgb(239, 184, 200)
--color-sf-tertiary-container rgb(255, 216, 228) rgb(99, 59, 72)
--color-sf-on-tertiary rgb(255, 255, 255) rgb(73, 37, 50)
--color-sf-on-tertiary-containe rgb(55, 11, 30) rgb(255, 216, 228)
--color-sf-background rgb(255, 255, 255) rgb(28, 27, 31)
--color-sf-on-background rgb(28, 27, 31) rgb(230, 225, 229)
--color-sf-outline rgb(121, 116, 126) rgb(147, 143, 153)
--color-sf-outline-variant rgb(196, 199, 197) rgb(68, 71, 70)
--color-sf-shadow rgb(0, 0, 0) rgb(0, 0, 0)
--color-sf-surface-tint-color rgb(103, 80, 164) rgb(208, 188, 255)
--color-sf-inverse-surface rgb(49, 48, 51) rgb(230, 225, 229)
--color-sf-inverse-on-surface rgb(244, 239, 244) rgb(49, 48, 51)
--color-sf-inverse-primary rgb(208, 188, 255) rgb(103, 80, 164)
--color-sf-scrim rgb(0, 0, 0) rgb(0, 0, 0)
--color-sf-error rgb(179, 38, 30) rgb(242, 184, 181)
--color-sf-error-container rgb(249, 222, 220) rgb(140, 29, 24)
--color-sf-on-error rgb(255, 250, 250) rgb(96, 20, 16)
--color-sf-on-error-container rgb(65, 14, 11) rgb(249, 222, 220)
--color-sf-success rgb(32, 81, 7) rgb(83, 202, 23)
--color-sf-success-container rgb(209, 255, 186) rgb(22, 62, 2)
--color-sf-on-success rgb(244, 255, 239) rgb(13, 39, 0)
--color-sf-on-success-container rgb(13, 39, 0) rgb(183, 250, 150)
--color-sf-info rgb(1, 87, 155) rgb(71, 172, 251)
--color-sf-info-container rgb(233, 245, 255) rgb(0, 67, 120)
--color-sf-on-info rgb(250, 253, 255) rgb(0, 51, 91)
--color-sf-on-info-container rgb(0, 51, 91) rgb(173, 219, 255)
--color-sf-warning rgb(145, 76, 0) rgb(245, 180, 130)
--color-sf-warning-container rgb(254, 236, 222) rgb(123, 65, 0)
--color-sf-on-warning rgb(255, 255, 255) rgb(99, 52, 0)
--color-sf-on-warning-container rgb(47, 21, 0) rgb(255, 220, 193)

Syncfusion® Bootstrap 5 theme

Name Value (Default Theme) Value (Dark Theme)
$black #000 #000
$white #fff #fff
$gray-100 #f8f9fa #f8f9fa
$gray-200 #e9ecef #e9ecef
$gray-300 #dee2e6 #dee2e6
$gray-400 #ced4da #ced4da
$gray-500 #adb5bd #adb5bd
$gray-600 #6c757d #6c757d
$gray-700 #495057 #495057
$gray-800 #343a40 #343a40
$gray-900 #212529 #212529
$blue #0d6efd #0d6efd
$indigo #6610f2 #6610f2
$purple #6f42c1 #6f42c1
$pink #d63384 #d63384
$red #dc3545 #dc3545
$orange #fd7e14 #fd7e14
$yellow #ffc107 #ffc107
$green #198754 #198754
$teal #20c997 #20c997
$cyan #0dcaf0 #0dcaf0

Syncfusion® Fluent theme

Name Value (Default Theme) Value (Dark Theme)
$black #000 #000
$white #fff #fff
$gray220 #11100f #11100f
$gray210 #161514 #161514
$gray200 #1b1a19 #1b1a19
$gray190 #201f1e #201f1e
$gray180 #252423 #252423
$gray170 #292827 #292827
$gray160 #323130 #323130
$gray150 #3b3a39 #3b3a39
$gray140 #484644 #484644
$gray130 #605e5c #605e5c
$gray120 #797775 #797775
$gray110 #8a8886 #8a8886
$gray100 #979593 #979593
$gray90 #a19f9d #a19f9d
$gray80 #b3b0ad #b3b0ad
$gray70 #bebbb8 #bebbb8
$gray60 #c8c6c4 #c8c6c4
$gray50 #d2d0ce #d2d0ce
$gray40 #e1dfdd #e1dfdd
$gray30 #edebe9 #edebe9
$gray20 #f3f2f1 #f3f2f1
$gray10 #faf9f8 #faf9f8
$cyanblue10 #0078d4 #0078d4
$red10 #d13438 #d13438
$orange20 #ca5010 #ca5010
$green20 #0b6a0b #0b6a0b
$cyan20 #038387 #038387

Syncfusion® Bootstrap 4 theme

Name Value
$white #fff
$gray-100 #f8f9fa
$gray-200 #e9ecef
$gray-300 #dee2e6
$gray-400 #ced4da
$gray-500 #adb5bd
$gray-600 #6c757d
$gray-700 #495057
$gray-800 #343a40
$gray-900 #212529
$black #000
$blue #007bff
$indigo #6610f2
$purple #6f42c1
$pink #e83e8c
$red #dc3545
$orange #fd7e14
$yellow #ffc107
$green #28a745
$teal #20c997
$cyan #17a2b8

Syncfusion® Bootstrap theme

Name Value (Default Theme) Value (Dark Theme)
$brand-primary #317ab9 #0070f0
$brand-primary-darken-10 #3071a9 darken($brand-primary, 10%)
$brand-primary-darken-15 #2a6496 darken($brand-primary, 20%)
$brand-primary-darken-25 #1f496e darken($brand-primary, 30%)
$brand-primary-darken-35 #142f46 darken($brand-primary, 40%)
$brand-primary-font #fff #fff
$gray-base #000 #1a1a1a
$gray-darker #222 #131313
$gray-dark #333 #2a2a2a
$gray #555 #313131
$gray-light #777 #393939
$grey-44 #444 #414141
$grey-88 #888 #484848
$grey-99 #999 #505050
$grey-8c #8c8c8c #585858
$grey-ad #adadad #676767
$grey-dark-font #fff #f0f0f0
$grey-white #fff #6e6e6e
$grey-lighter #eee #767676
$grey-f9 #f9f9f9 #7e7e7e
$grey-f8 #f8f8f8 #858585
$grey-f5 #f5f5f5 #8d8d8d
$grey-e6 #e6e6e6 #959595
$grey-dd #ddd #9c9c9c
$grey-d4 #d4d4d4 #a4a4a4
$grey-cc #ccc #acacac
$grey-light-font #333 #fff
$brand-success #5cb85c #48b14c
$brand-success-dark #3c763d #358238
$brand-info #5bc0de #2aaac0
$brand-info-dark #31708f #208090
$brand-warning #f0ad4e #fac168
$brand-warning-dark #8a6d3b #f9ad37
$brand-danger #d9534f #d44f4f
$brand-danger-dark #a94442 #c12f2f
$brand-success-light #dff0d8 #dff0d8
$brand-info-light #d9edf7 #d9edf7
$brand-warning-light #fcf8e3 #fcf8e3
$brand-danger-light #f2dede #f2dede
$input-border-focus #66afe9 #104888
$brand-success-font #3c763d #2f7432
$brand-info-font #31708f #1a6c7a
$brand-warning-font #8a6d3b #9d6106
$brand-danger-font #a94442 #ac2a2a
$base-font #000 #000
$brand-primary-lighten-10 lighten($brand-primary, 10%)
$brand-primary-lighten-15 lighten($brand-primary, 15%)
$brand-primary-lighten-20 lighten($brand-primary, 20%)
$brand-primary-lighten-30 lighten($brand-primary, 30%)
$brand-primary-lighten-40 lighten($brand-primary, 40%)

Syncfusion® Material theme

Name Value (Default Theme) Value (Dark Theme)
$accent #e3165b #ff80ab
$accent-font #fff #000
$primary #3f51b5 #3f51b5
$primary-50 #e8eaf6 #e8eaf6
$primary-100 #c5cae9 #c5cae9
$primary-200 #9fa8da #9fa8da
$primary-300 #7986cb #7986cb
$primary-font #fff #fff
$primary-50-font #000 #000
$primary-100-font #000 #000
$primary-200-font #000 #000
$primary-300-font #fff #fff
$grey-white #fff #fff
$grey-black #000 #000
$grey-50 #fafafa #fafafa
$grey-100 #f5f5f5 #f5f5f5
$grey-200 #eee #eee
$grey-300 #e0e0e0 #e0e0e0
$grey-400 #bdbdbd #bdbdbd
$grey-500 #9e9e9e #9e9e9e
$grey-600 #757575 #757575
$grey-700 #616161 #616161
$grey-800 #424242 #424242
$grey-900 #212121 #212121
$grey-dark #303030 #303030
$grey-light-font #000 #000
$grey-dark-font #fff #fff
$base-font #000 #000
$error-font #f44336 #ff6652
$success-bg #4caf50
$error-bg #ff6652
$warning-bg #ff9800
$info-bg #03a9f4
$message-font #fff
$success-font #4caf50
$warning-font #ff9800
$info-font #03a9f4

Syncfusion® Microsoft Office Fabric theme

Name Value (Default Theme) Value (Dark Theme)
$theme-primary #0078d6 #0074cc
$theme-dark-alt darken($theme-primary, 3%) darken($theme-primary, 3%)
$theme-dark darken($theme-primary, 10%) darken($theme-primary, 6%)
$theme-darker darken($theme-primary, 18%) darken($theme-primary, 10%)
$theme-secondary lighten($theme-primary, 3%) lighten($theme-primary, 3%)
$theme-tertiary lighten($theme-primary, 21%) lighten($theme-primary, 21%)
$theme-light lighten($theme-primary, 44%) lighten($theme-primary, 44%)
$theme-lighter lighten($theme-primary, 49%) lighten($theme-primary, 49%)
$theme-lighter-alt lighten($theme-primary, 55%) lighten($theme-primary, 55%)
$neutral-white #fff #201f1f
$neutral-lighter-alt #f8f8f8 #282727
$neutral-lighter #f4f4f4 #333232
$neutral-light #eaeaea #414040
$neutral-quintenaryalt #dadada #4a4848
$neutral-quintenary #d0d0d0 #514f4f
$neutral-tertiary-alt #c8c8c8 #6f6c6c
$neutral-tertiary #a6a6a6 #9a9a9a
$neutral-secondary-alt #767676 #c8c8c8
$neutral-secondary #666 #dadada
$neutral-primary #333 #fff
$neutral-dark #212121 #f4f4f4
$neutral-black #000 #f8f8f8
$alert-bg #deecf9 #bf7500
$error-bg #fde7e9 #cd2a19
$success-bg #dff6dd #37844d
$theme-dark-font #fff #fff
$theme-primary-font #fff #fff
$theme-light-font #333 #000
$neutral-light-font #333 #dadada
$neutral-light-fontalt #000 #fff
$grey-dark-font #fff #000
$base-font #333 #dadada
$message-font #333 #fff
$alert-font #d83b01 #ff9d48
$error-font #a80000 #ff5f5f
$success-font #107c10 #8eff8d
$info-bg #1e79cb
$info-font #62cfff

Syncfusion® High Contrast theme

Name Value
$selection-bg #ffd939
$selection-font #000
$selection-border #ffd939
$hover-bg #685708
$hover-font #fff
$hover-border #fff
$border-default #969696
$border-alt #757575
$border-fg #fff
$border-fg-alt #ffd939
$bg-base-0 #000
$bg-base-5 #0d0d0d
$bg-base-10 #1a1a1a
$bg-base-15 #262626
$bg-base-20 #333
$bg-base-75 #bfbfbf
$bg-base-100 #fff
$header-font #ffd939
$header-font-alt #fff
$content-font #fff
$content-font-alt #969696
$link #8a8aff
$invert-font #000
$success-bg #166600
$error-bg #b30900
$message-font #fff
$alert-bg #944000
$info-bg #0056b3
$success-alt #2bc700
$error-alt #ff6161
$alert-alt #ff7d1a
$info-alt #66b0ff
$disable #757575

Syncfusion® Tailwind CSS theme

Name Value (Default Theme) Value (Dark Theme)
$black #000 #000
$white #fff #fff
$transparent transparent transparent
$cool-gray-50 #f9fafb #f9fafb
$cool-gray-100 #f3f4f6 #f3f4f6
$cool-gray-200 #e5e7eb #e5e7eb
$cool-gray-300 #d1d5db #d1d5db
$cool-gray-400 #9ca3af #9ca3af
$cool-gray-500 #6b7280 #6b7280
$cool-gray-600 #4b5563 #4b5563
$cool-gray-700 #374151 #374151
$cool-gray-800 #1f2937 #1f2937
$cool-gray-900 #111827 #111827
$red-100 #fee2e2 #fee2e2
$red-400 #f87171 #f87171
$red-500 #ef4444 #ef4444
$red-600 #dc2626 #dc2626
$red-800 #991b1b #991b1b
$green-100 #dcfce7 #dcfce7
$green-500 #22c55e #22c55e
$green-600 #16a34a #16a34a
$green-700 #15803d #15803d
$orange-100 #ffedd5 #ffedd5
$orange-500 #f97316 #f97316
$orange-600 #ea580c #ea580c
$orange-700 #c2410c #c2410c
$orange-800 #9a3412 #9a3412
$cyan-300 #67e8f9 #67e8f9
$cyan-400 #22d3ee #22d3ee
$cyan-500 #06b6d4 #06b6d4
$cyan-600 #0891b2 #0891b2
$cyan-800 #155e75 #155e75
$indigo-50 #eef2ff
$indigo-100 #e0e7ff
$indigo-200 #c7d2fe
$indigo-300 #a5b4fc
$indigo-400 #818cf8
$indigo-500 #6366f1
$indigo-600 #4f46e5
$indigo-700 #4338ca
$indigo-800 #3730a3
$indigo-900 #312e81
$green-400 #4ade80
$light-blue-50 #f0f9ff
$light-blue-100 #e0f2fe
$light-blue-400 #38bdf8
$light-blue-500 #0ea5e9
$light-blue-600 #0284c7
$light-blue-700 #0369a1
$light-blue-800 #075985

See also