Represents react Diagram Component
Allows the user to save custom information/data about diagram
Defaults to undefined
| Function
Customizes the annotation template
Defaults to undefined
Defines the background color of the diagram
Defaults to ‘transparent’
Defines the direction of the bridge that is inserted when the segments are intersected
Defaults to top
Defines a set of custom commands and binds them with a set of desired key gestures
Defaults to {}
Helps to assign the default properties of connector
Defines a collection of objects, used to create link between two points, nodes or ports to represent the relationships between them
<div id='diagram'></div>
let connectors: ConnectorModel[] = [{
id: 'connector1',
type: 'Straight',
sourcePoint: { x: 100, y: 300 },
targetPoint: { x: 200, y: 400 },
let diagram: Diagram = new Diagram({
connectors: connectors,
Defaults to []
Constraints are used to enable/disable certain behaviors of the diagram.
Defaults to ‘Default’
Defines type of menu that appears when you perform right-click operation An object to customize the context menu of diagram
<div id='diagram'></div>
let diagram: Diagram = new Diagram({
contextMenuSettings: { show: true },
A collection of JSON objects where each object represents a custom cursor action. Layer is a named category of diagram shapes.
Defaults to []
Configures the data source that is to be bound with diagram
Defaults to {}
Represents the diagram settings
<div id='diagram'></div>
let diagram: Diagram = new Diagram({
diagramSettings: { inversedAlignment: true }
Defaults to {}
Defines the object to be drawn using drawing tool
<div id='diagram'></div>
let diagram: Diagram = new Diagram({
drawingObject : {id: 'connector3', type: 'Straight'},
Defaults to undefined
Split the connector, when the node is dropped onto it and establish connection with that dropped node.
Defaults to false
Enable or disable persisting component’s state between page reloads.
Defaults to false
Enable or disable rendering component in right to left direction.
Defaults to false
| Function
This property allows us to define HTML elements for fixed user handle
Defaults to undefined
| string
Helps to return the default properties of connector
<div id='diagram'></div>
let connectors: ConnectorModel[] = [{
id: 'connector1',
sourcePoint: { x: 100, y: 300 },
targetPoint: { x: 200, y: 400 },
let diagram: Diagram = new Diagram({
connectors: connectors,
getConnectorDefaults: (connector: ConnectorModel, diagram: Diagram) => {
let connObj: ConnectorModel = {};
connObj.targetDecorator ={ shape :'None' };
connObj.type = 'Orthogonal';
return connObj;
Defaults to undefined
| string
<div id='diagram'></div>
function getCursor(action: string, active: boolean): string {
let cursor: string;
if (active && action === 'Drag') {
cursor = '-webkit-grabbing';
} else if (action === 'Drag') {
cursor = '-webkit-grab'
return cursor;
let nodes: NodeModel[] = [{
id: 'node1', width: 100, height: 100, offsetX: 100, offsetY: 100,
id: 'node2', width: 100, height: 100, offsetX: 300, offsetY: 100,
shape: { type: 'Basic', shape: 'Ellipse' },
let handle: UserHandleModel[] = [
{ name: 'handle', margin: { top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0 }, offset: 0,
pathData: 'M 376.892,225.284L 371.279,211.95L 376.892,198.617L 350.225,211.95L 376.892,225.284 Z',
side: 'Top', horizontalAlignment: 'Center', verticalAlignment: 'Center',
pathColor: 'yellow' }];
let diagram: Diagram = new Diagram({
nodes: nodes,
selectedItems: { constraints: SelectorConstraints.All, userHandles: handle },
getCustomCursor: getCursor
| string
Allows to get the custom properties that have to be serialized
<div id='diagram'></div>
let nodes: NodeModel[] = [{
id: 'node1', width: 100, height: 100, offsetX: 100, offsetY: 100,
annotations: [{ content: 'Default Shape' }]
id: 'node2', width: 100, height: 100, offsetX: 300, offsetY: 100,
shape: { type: 'Basic', shape: 'Ellipse' },
annotations: [{ content: 'Path Element' }]
let connectors: ConnectorModel[] = [{
id: 'connector1', type: 'Straight',
sourcePoint: { x: 100, y: 300 }, targetPoint: { x: 200, y: 400 },
let diagram: Diagram = new Diagram({
connectors: connectors, nodes: nodes,
getCustomProperty: (key: string) => {
if (key === 'nodes') {
return ['description'];
return null;
Defaults to undefined
| string
<div id='diagram'></div>
function getTool(action: string): ToolBase {
let tool: ToolBase;
if (action === 'userHandle1') {
tool = new CloneTool(diagram.commandHandler, true);
return tool;
class CloneTool extends ToolBase {
public mouseDown(args: MouseEventArgs): void {
let nodes: NodeModel[] = [{
id: 'node1', width: 100, height: 100, offsetX: 100, offsetY: 100,
id: 'node2', width: 100, height: 100, offsetX: 300, offsetY: 100,
shape: { type: 'Basic', shape: 'Ellipse' },
let connectors: ConnectorModel[] = [{
id: 'connector1', type: 'Straight',
sourcePoint: { x: 100, y: 300 }, targetPoint: { x: 200, y: 400 },
let handles: UserHandleModel[] = [
{ name: 'handle', margin: { top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0 }, offset: 0,
pathData: 'M 376.892,225.284L 371.279,211.95L 376.892,198.617L 350.225,211.95L 376.892,225.284 Z',
side: 'Top', horizontalAlignment: 'Center', verticalAlignment: 'Center',
pathColor: 'yellow' }];
let diagram: Diagram = new Diagram({
connectors: connectors, nodes: nodes,
selectedItems: { constraints: SelectorConstraints.All, userHandles: handles },
getCustomTool: getTool
| string
<div id='diagram'></div>
let connector1: ConnectorModel = {
id: 'connector1', type: 'Straight',
sourcePoint: { x: 100, y: 100 },targetPoint: { x: 200, y: 200 },
annotations: [{ 'content': 'label', 'offset': 0, 'alignment': 'Center' }]
let connector2: ConnectorModel = {
id: 'connector2', type: 'Straight',
sourcePoint: { x: 400, y: 400 }, targetPoint: { x: 600, y: 600 },
let diagram: Diagram;
diagram = new Diagram({
width: 1000, height: 1000,
connectors: [connector1, connector2],
snapSettings: { constraints: SnapConstraints.ShowLines },
getDescription: getAccessibility
function getAccessibility(obj: ConnectorModel, diagram: Diagram): string {
let value: string;
if (obj instanceof Connector) {
value = 'clicked on Connector';
} else if (obj instanceof TextElement) {
value = 'clicked on annotation';
else if (obj instanceof Decorator) {
value = 'clicked on Decorator';
else { value = undefined; }
return value;
| string
Helps to return the default properties of node
<div id='diagram'></div>
let nodes: NodeModel[] = [{
id: 'node1', height: 100, offsetX: 100, offsetY: 100,
annotations: [{ content: 'Default Shape' }]
id: 'node2', width: 100, height: 100, offsetX: 300, offsetY: 100,
shape: {
type: 'Basic', shape: 'Ellipse'
annotations: [{ content: 'Ellipse' }]
let diagram: Diagram = new Diagram({
nodes: nodes,
getNodeDefaults: (node: NodeModel) => {
let obj: NodeModel = {};
if (obj.width === undefined) {
obj.width = 145;
} = { fill: '#357BD2', strokeColor: 'white' };
obj.annotations = [{ style: { color: 'white', fill: 'transparent' } }];
return obj;
Defaults to undefined
| number
Defines the height of the diagram model.
Defaults to ‘100%’
Customizes the undo redo functionality
Defaults to undefined
A collection of JSON objects where each object represents a layer. Layer is a named category of diagram shapes.
Defaults to []
Layout is used to auto-arrange the nodes in the Diagram area
Defaults to {}
is used to connect the node’s without overlapping in automatic layout
Overrides the global culture and localization value for this component. Default global culture is ‘en-US’.
Defaults to ”
is used to arrange the nodes in a mind map like structure
Defines the diagram rendering mode.
Defaults to ‘SVG’
Helps to assign the default properties of nodes
| Function
Customizes the node template
Defaults to undefined
Defines the collection of nodes
<div id='diagram'></div>
let nodes: NodeModel[] = [{
id: 'node1', width: 100, height: 100, offsetX: 100, offsetY: 100,
annotations: [{ content: 'Default Shape' }]
id: 'node2', width: 100, height: 100, offsetX: 300, offsetY: 100,
shape: {
type: 'Basic', shape: 'Ellipse'
annotations: [{ content: 'Path Element' }]
let diagram: Diagram = new Diagram({
nodes: nodes,
Defaults to undefined
Page settings enable to customize the appearance, width, and height of the Diagram page.
<div id='diagram'></div>
let diagram: Diagram = new Diagram({
pageSettings: { width: 800, height: 600, orientation: 'Landscape',
background: { color: 'blue' }, boundaryConstraints: 'Infinity'},
Defaults to {}
is used to arrange the nodes in a radial tree like structure
Defines the properties of both horizontal and vertical guides/rulers to measure the diagram area.
<div id='diagram'></div>
let arrange: Function = (args: IArrangeTickOptions) => {
if (args.tickInterval % 10 == 0) {
args.tickLength = 25;
let diagram: Diagram = new Diagram({
rulerSettings: { showRulers: true,
horizontalRuler: { segmentWidth: 50, orientation: 'Horizontal', interval: 10, arrangeTick: arrange },
verticalRuler: {segmentWidth: 200,interval: 20, thickness: 20,
tickAlignment: 'LeftOrTop', segmentWidth: 50, markerColor: 'red' }
Defaults to {}
Defines the current zoom value, zoom factor, scroll status and view port size of the diagram
Defaults to {}
Defines the segmentThumbShape
Defaults to ‘Circle’
Specifies the size of the segment thumb. When not set, it defaults to matching the underlying path data.
Defaults to 10
Defines the collection of selected items, size and position of the selector
Defaults to {}
Defines the serialization settings of diagram.
<div id='diagram'></div>
let diagram: Diagram = new Diagram({
serializationSettings: { preventDefaults: true },
Defaults to {}
| string
setNodeTemplate helps to customize the content of a node
<div id='diagram'></div>
let getTextElement: Function = (text: string) => {
let textElement: TextElement = new TextElement();
textElement.width = 50;
textElement.height = 20;
textElement.content = text;
return textElement;
let nodes: NodeModel[] = [{
id: 'node1', height: 100, offsetX: 100, offsetY: 100,
annotations: [{ content: 'Default Shape' }]
id: 'node2', width: 100, height: 100, offsetX: 300, offsetY: 100
let diagram: Diagram = new Diagram({
nodes: nodes,
setNodeTemplate : setNodeTemplate,
function setNodeTemplate() { setNodeTemplate: (obj: NodeModel, diagram: Diagram): StackPanel => { if ( === ‘node2’) { let table: StackPanel = new StackPanel(); table.orientation = ‘Horizontal’; let column1: StackPanel = new StackPanel(); column1.children = []; column1.children.push(getTextElement(‘Column1’)); addRows(column1); let column2: StackPanel = new StackPanel(); column2.children = []; column2.children.push(getTextElement(‘Column2’)); addRows(column2); table.children = [column1, column2]; return table; } return null; } … }
Defaults to undefined
Defines the gridlines and defines how and when the objects have to be snapped
<div id='diagram'></div>
let horizontalGridlines: GridlinesModel = {lineColor: 'black', lineDashArray: '1,1' };
let verticalGridlines: GridlinesModel = {lineColor: 'black', lineDashArray: '1,1'};
let diagram: Diagram = new Diagram({
snapSettings: { horizontalGridlines, verticalGridlines, constraints: SnapConstraints.ShowLines,
snapObjectDistance: 5, snapAngle: 5 },
Defaults to {}
Defines the precedence of the interactive tools. They are,
Defaults to ‘Default’
Defines the tooltip that should be shown when the mouse hovers over a node or connector An object that defines the description, appearance and alignments of tooltip
Defaults to {}
| string
Helps to set the undo and redo node selection
<div id='diagram'></div>
let connectors: ConnectorModel[] = [{
id: 'connector1',
sourcePoint: { x: 100, y: 300 },
targetPoint: { x: 200, y: 400 },
let diagram: Diagram = new Diagram({
connectors: connectors,
updateSelection: (object: ConnectorModel | NodeModel, diagram: Diagram) => {
let objectCollection = [];
Defaults to undefined
| Function
This property represents the template content of a user handle. The user can define any HTML element as a template.
Defaults to undefined
| number
Defines the width of the diagram model.
<div id='diagram'/>
let diagram: Diagram = new Diagram({
width:'1000px', height:'500px' });
Defaults to ‘100%’
Adds the provided object, which can be a node, group, or connector, onto the diagram canvas.
Parameter | Type | Description |
obj | NodeModel | ConnectorModel |
Specifies the object to be added to the diagram. |
group (optional) | boolean |
If a group object is passed, set it to true. |
Adds the specified diagram object to the specified group node.
Parameter | Type | Description |
group | NodeModel |
The group node to which the diagram object will be added. |
child | string | NodeModel | ConnectorModel |
The diagram object to be added to the group. |
Returns void
addChildToUmlNode - Add methods, members and attributes into a UML class runtime. \
Parameter | Type | Description |
node | NodeModel |
Specifies the existing UmlClass node in the diagram to which you intend to add child elements. |
child | UmlClassMethodModel | UmlClassAttributeModel | UmlEnumerationMemberModel |
Specify the child elements, such as attributes, members, or methods, to be added to the UML class. |
umlChildType | UmlClassChildType |
Specify the enum that you intend to add to the UML class. |
Returns void
Adds the given connector to diagram control
Parameter | Type | Description |
obj | ConnectorModel |
Defines the connector that has to be added to diagram |
Returns Connector
Adds labels to a connector at runtime in the Blazor platform.\
Parameter | Type | Description |
obj | ConnectorModel |
The connector to which labels will be added. |
labels | PathAnnotationModel[] |
An array of labels to add to the connector. |
Returns void
Adds constraints at run time. \
Parameter | Type | Description |
constraintsType | number |
The source value for constraints. |
constraintsValue | number |
The target value for constraints. |
Returns number
Adds the given custom change in the diagram control to the track
Parameter | Type | Description |
entry | HistoryEntry |
Defines the entry/information about a change in diagram |
Returns void
AddElements method allows us to add diagram elements such as nodes and connectors as a collection into the diagram canvas.
Parameter | Type | Description |
obj | NodeModel[] | ConnectorModel[] |
-Specifies the colelction object to be added to the diagram. |
Returns void
Adds a history entry for a change in the diagram control to the track.
Parameter | Type | Description |
entry | HistoryEntry |
The history entry that describes a change in the diagram. |
sourceId (optional) | string[] |
An optional array of source IDs associated with the change. |
Returns void
Adds labels to a node or connector at runtime. \
Parameter | Type | Description |
obj | NodeModel | ConnectorModel |
The node or connector to which labels will be added. |
labels | ShapeAnnotationModel[] | PathAnnotation[] | PathAnnotationModel[] |
An array of label objects to be added. |
Returns void
Dynamically add lanes to a swimlane at runtime. You can specify the swimlane (node), the lanes to be added (lane), and an optional index to determine where the lanes should be inserted. \
Parameter | Type | Description |
node | NodeModel |
The swimlane to which lanes will be added. |
lane | LaneModel[] |
-An array of LaneModel objects representing the lanes to be added. |
index (optional) | number |
The index at which the lanes should be inserted. |
Returns void
add the layer into diagram\
Parameter | Type | Description |
layer | LayerModel |
representing the layer to be added to the diagram. |
layerObject (optional) | Object[] |
An optional array of objects associated with the layer. |
Returns void
Adds the specified node to the diagram control.
Parameter | Type | Description |
obj | NodeModel |
representing the node to be added to the diagram. |
group (optional) | boolean |
A boolean value indicating whether the node should be added to a group. |
Returns Node
Add labels in node at the run time in the blazor platform \
Parameter | Type | Description |
obj | NodeModel |
provide the obj value. |
labels | ShapeAnnotationModel[] |
provide the labels value. |
Returns void
Adds the specified node to a lane within a swimlane.
Parameter | Type | Description |
node | NodeModel |
representing the node to be added to the lane. |
swimLane | string |
A string representing the ID of the swimlane containing the lane. |
lane | string |
A string representing the ID of the lane where the node will be added. |
Returns void
Adds phases to a swimlane at runtime. \
Parameter | Type | Description |
node | NodeModel |
object representing the swimlane to which phases will be added. |
phases | PhaseModel[] |
objects representing the phases to be added. |
Returns void
Adds ports to a node or connector at runtime. \
Parameter | Type | Description |
obj | NodeModel | ConnectorModel |
object representing the node or connector to which ports will be added. |
ports | PointPortModel[] | PathPortModel[] |
objects representing the ports to be added. |
Returns void
Adds a process into the sub-process. \
Parameter | Type | Description |
process | NodeModel |
A NodeModel representing the process to be added. |
parentId | string |
A string representing the parent ID where the process will be added. |
Returns void
Adds the given annotation to the specified node.
Parameter | Type | Description |
annotation | BpmnAnnotationModel |
Object representing the annotation to be added. |
node | NodeModel |
object representing the node to which the annotation will be added. |
Returns void
Aligns a group of objects with reference to the first object in the group.
Parameter | Type | Description |
option | AlignmentOptions |
Defining the factor by which the objects have to be aligned. |
objects (optional) | [] | A collection of node or connector objects to be aligned. |
type (optional) | AlignmentMode |
Defines the type to be aligned |
Returns void
Brings the specified bounds into view within the diagram’s viewport. \
Parameter | Type | Description |
bound | Rect |
Representing the bounds to be brought into view. |
Returns void
Moves the specified layer forward in the drawing order. \
Parameter | Type | Description |
layerName | string |
A string representing the name of the layer to be moved forward. |
Returns void
Brings the specified bounds to the center of the viewport. \
Parameter | Type | Description |
bound | Rect |
representing the bounds to be centered in the viewport. |
Returns void
Brings the selected nodes or connectors to the front of the drawing order. \
Returns void
Clears all nodes and objects in the diagram, effectively resetting the diagram to an empty state.
Returns void
Clears the history of the diagram, removing all the recorded actions from the undo and redo history.
Returns void
Removes all elements from the selection list, clearing the current selection.\
Returns void
Clones a layer along with its objects.\
Parameter | Type | Description |
layerName | string |
A string representing the name of the layer to be cloned. |
Returns void
Copies the selected nodes and connectors from the diagram to the diagram clipboard for copying. \
Returns Object
Removes the selected nodes and connectors from the diagram and moves them to the diagram clipboard for cutting. \
Returns void
Destroys the diagram, freeing up its resources.
Returns void
Arranges a group of objects with equal intervals within the group.
Parameter | Type | Description |
option | DistributeOptions |
Objects that have to be equally spaced within the group. |
objects (optional) | [] | Object defining the factor to distribute the shapes. |
Returns void
Automatically updates the diagram objects based on the type of the layout.
Returns ILayout | boolean
Drags the given object (nodes, connectors, or selector) by the specified horizontal and vertical distances.
Parameter | Type | Description |
obj | NodeModel | ConnectorModel | SelectorModel |
representing the nodes, connectors, or selector to be dragged. |
tx | number |
A number representing the horizontal distance by which the given objects should be moved. |
ty | number |
A number representing the vertical distance by which the given objects should be moved. |
Returns void
Moves the source point of the given connector by the specified horizontal and vertical distances.
Parameter | Type | Description |
obj | ConnectorModel |
representing the connector whose source point needs to be moved. |
tx | number |
A number representing the horizontal distance by which the source point should be moved. |
ty | number |
A number representing the vertical distance by which the source point should be moved. |
Returns void
Moves the target point of the given connector by the specified horizontal and vertical distances.
Parameter | Type | Description |
obj | ConnectorModel |
representing the connector whose target point needs to be moved. |
tx | number |
A number representing the horizontal distance by which the target point should be moved. |
ty | number |
A number representing the vertical distance by which the target point should be moved. |
Returns void
Used to add or remove intermediate segments to the straight connector.
Parameter | Type | Description |
editOptions | IEditSegmentOptions |
An object containing various options for adding/removing segments. |
Returns void
Closes the grouping of actions that will be undone/restored as a whole.
Returns void
Exports the diagram as an image or SVG element based on the specified options.
Parameter | Type | Description |
options | IExportOptions |
An object defining how the diagram image should be exported. |
Returns string | SVGElement
Exports a diagram as a image.
Parameter | Type | Description |
image | string |
A string representing the image content to be exported. |
options | IExportOptions |
-An object defining the properties of the image export. |
Returns void
Finds the child element of the given object at the given position based on specified criteria.
Parameter | Type | Description |
obj | IElement |
representing the object, the child element of which has to be found. |
position | PointModel |
defines the position. The child element under this position will be found. |
diagram | Diagram |
defines the diagram value. |
padding (optional) | number |
A number representing the padding for the search area around the position. |
Returns DiagramElement
Finds the object that is under the given mouse position based on specified criteria.
Parameter | Type | Description |
objects | [] | A collection of NodeModel or ConnectorModel objects, from which the target object has to be found. |
action | Actions |
Defines the action used to find the relevant object. |
inAction | boolean |
A boolean indicating the active state of the action. |
Returns IElement
Finds all the objects that are under the given mouse position based on specified criteria.
Parameter | Type | Description |
position | PointModel |
The PointModel that defines the position. The objects under this position will be found. |
source (optional) | IElement |
Representing the source object. The objects under this source will be found. |
Returns IElement[]
Finds the object that is under the given active object (source) based on specified criteria.
Parameter | Type | Description |
objects | [] | A collection of node or connector objects, from which the target object has to be found. |
action | Actions |
defines the action used to find the relevant object. |
inAction | boolean |
A boolean indicating the active state of the action. |
position | PointModel |
The PointModel that defines the position |
source (optional) | IElement |
Representing the source element. |
Returns IElement
Fits the diagram to the page with respect to mode and region. \
Parameter | Type | Description |
options (optional) | IFitOptions |
specify the options for fitting the diagram to the page. |
Returns void
Retrieves the active layer. \
Returns LayerModel
Retrieves the connector object for the given node ID. \
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | string |
The ID of the node for which the connector object is to be retrieved. |
Returns ConnectorModel
Defines the cursor that corresponds to the given action.
Parameter | Type | Description |
action | string |
The action for which the cursor is defined. |
active | boolean |
Indicates whether the action is active. |
Returns string
Returns the diagram action as a string representation.
Parameter | Type | Description |
diagramAction | DiagramAction |
The diagram action to be converted to a string. |
Returns string
Retrieves the bounding rectangle that encloses the entire diagram.
Returns Rect
To get the html diagram content
Parameter | Type | Description |
styleSheets (optional) | StyleSheetList |
defines the collection of style files to be considered while exporting. |
Returns string
Returns the edges connected to the given node.
Parameter | Type | Description |
args | Object |
An object containing information about the node for which edges are to be retrieved. |
Returns string[]
Retrieves the history stack values for either undo or redo actions.
Parameter | Type | Description |
isUndoStack | boolean |
If true , retrieves the undo stack values; if false , retrieves the redo stack values. |
Returns HistoryEntry[]
Retrieves the module name associated with the diagram.
Returns string
Retrieves the node object for the given node ID. \
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | string |
The ID of the node for which the node object is to be retrieved. |
Returns NodeModel
gets the node or connector having the given name \
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
define the name of the layer |
Returns Object
Returns the parent id for the node
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | string |
returns the parent id |
Returns string
Get the properties to be maintained in the persisted state.
Returns string
Returns the tool that handles the given action.
Parameter | Type | Description |
action | string |
A string that defines the action that is going to be performed. |
Returns ToolBase
Groups the selected nodes and connectors in the diagram. \
Returns void
Hides the tooltip for the corresponding diagram object.
Parameter | Type | Description |
obj | NodeModel | ConnectorModel |
The node or connector object for which the tooltip should be hidden. |
Returns void
Inserts a newly added element into the database. \
Parameter | Type | Description |
node (optional) | Node | Connector |
The node or connector to be inserted into the database. |
Returns object
Converts the given string into a Diagram Control.
Parameter | Type | Description |
data | string |
The string representing the diagram model JSON to be loaded. |
isEJ1Data (optional) | boolean |
A boolean indicating whether the JSON data is EJ1 data. |
Returns Object
Loads a diagram from a string containing Mermaid syntax.
This method parses the provided Mermaid text data and updates the current diagram accordingly.
Currently, only Mindmap and Flowchart diagrams can be loaded.
To render the diagram properly, you should set the Layout.type
to either MindMap
or FlowChart
, and ensure that the respective modules are injected.
Parameter | Type | Description |
data | string |
The Mermaid text data representing the diagram to be loaded. |
Returns void
Sends the selected nodes or connectors forward in the visual order. \
Returns void
Moves objects from one layer to another layer within the diagram. \
Parameter | Type | Description |
objects | string[] |
An array of object IDs represented as strings to be moved. |
targetLayer (optional) | string |
The ID of the target layer to which the objects should be moved. |
Returns void
Moves the node or connector forward within the given layer. \
Parameter | Type | Description |
node | NodeModel | ConnectorModel |
The node or connector to be moved forward within the layer. |
currentLayer | LayerModel |
representing the layer in which the node or connector should be moved. |
Returns void
Moves the selected objects towards the given direction by a specified distance.
Parameter | Type | Description |
direction | NudgeDirection |
Defines the direction in which the objects should be moved. |
x (optional) | number |
The horizontal distance by which the selected objects should be moved. |
y (optional) | number |
The vertical distance by which the selected objects should be moved. |
type (optional) | string |
A string that defines the type of nudge action. |
Returns void
Updates the diagram control when the objects are changed by comparing new and old property values.
Parameter | Type | Description |
newProp | DiagramModel |
A object that lists the new values of the changed properties. |
oldProp | DiagramModel |
A object that lists the old values of the changed properties. |
Returns void
Pans the diagram control to the given horizontal and vertical offsets.
Parameter | Type | Description |
horizontalOffset | number |
The horizontal distance to which the diagram should be scrolled. |
verticalOffset | number |
The vertical distance to which the diagram should be scrolled. |
focusedPoint (optional) | PointModel |
representing the focused point during panning. |
isInteractiveZoomPan (optional) | boolean |
A boolean indicating whether the panning is interactive zoom pan. |
Returns void
Adds the given objects or the objects in the diagram clipboard to the diagram control. \
Parameter | Type | Description |
obj (optional) | [] | An array of nodes or connectors objects to be added to diagram. |
Returns void
Prints the diagram.
Returns void
Prints the native or HTML nodes of the diagram as an image.
Parameter | Type | Description |
image | string |
A string that defines the image content to be printed. |
options | IExportOptions |
An IExportOptions object that defines the properties of the image and printing options. |
Returns void
Reverse an undo action, essentially restoring the state of the component to a previous state after an undo operation has been performed.
Returns void
Removes the specified object from the diagram.
Parameter | Type | Description |
obj (optional) | NodeModel | ConnectorModel |
The node or connector object to be removed from the diagram. |
Returns void
Removes the specified diagram object from the specified group node.
Parameter | Type | Description |
group | NodeModel |
The group node to which the diagram object will be removed. |
child | string | NodeModel | ConnectorModel |
The diagram object to be removed from the group. |
Returns void
Remove constraints at run time. \
Parameter | Type | Description |
constraintsType | number |
The type of constraints to be removed. |
constraintsValue | number |
The value of constraints to be removed. |
Returns number
Removes the user-deleted element from the existing database.\
Parameter | Type | Description |
node (optional) | Node | Connector |
The node or connector to be removed from the database. |
Returns object
Removes labels from a node or connector at runtime. \
Parameter | Type | Description |
obj | Node | ConnectorModel |
Representing the node or connector to remove labels from. |
labels | ShapeAnnotationModel[] | PathAnnotationModel[] |
objects representing the labels to be removed. |
Returns void
Removes a dynamic lane from a swimlane at runtime. \
Parameter | Type | Description |
node | NodeModel |
representing the swimlane to remove the lane from. |
lane | LaneModel |
representing the dynamic lane to be removed. |
Returns void
remove the layer from diagram \
Parameter | Type | Description |
layerId | string |
provide the bound value. |
Returns void
Removes a phase from a swimlane at runtime.\
Parameter | Type | Description |
node | NodeModel |
representing the swimlane to remove the phase from. |
phase | PhaseModel |
representing the phase to be removed. |
Returns void
Removes Ports at run time. \
Parameter | Type | Description |
obj | Node | Connector |
The node or connector to remove ports from. |
ports | PointPortModel[] | PathPortModel[] |
An array of ports to be removed. |
Returns void
Removes a process from the BPMN sub-process. \
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | string |
The ID of the process to be removed. |
Returns void
Resets the zoom and scroller offsets to their default values.
Returns void
Resets the segments of the connectors to their default state. This removes any custom segments and restores the connectors to their original configuration.
Returns void
Rotates the specified nodes, connectors, or selector by the given angle.
Parameter | Type | Description |
obj | NodeModel | ConnectorModel | SelectorModel |
The objects to be rotated |
angle | number |
The angle by which the objects should be rotated (in degrees). |
pivot (optional) | PointModel |
The reference point with respect to which the objects will be rotated. |
rotateUsingHandle (optional) | boolean |
Whether to rotate using the handle. |
Returns boolean
Scales the specified objects to match the size of the first object in the group.
Parameter | Type | Description |
option | SizingOptions |
Specifies whether the objects should be horizontally scaled, vertically scaled, or both. |
objects (optional) | [] | The collection of objects to be scaled. |
Returns void
Serializes the diagram control as a string.
Returns string
Exports the current diagram to a string in Mermaid format. This method converts the current state of the diagram into Mermaid syntax, allowing it to be saved or shared.
Returns string
Use this method to scale one or more objects in the diagram by specifying the horizontal and vertical scaling ratios. You can also provide a pivot point as a reference for scaling.
Parameter | Type | Description |
obj | NodeModel | ConnectorModel | SelectorModel |
The objects to be resized. |
sx | number |
The horizontal scaling ratio. |
sy | number |
The vertical scaling ratio. |
pivot | PointModel |
The reference point with respect to which the objects will be resized. |
Returns boolean
Select a specified collection of nodes and connectors in the diagram. You can specify whether to clear the existing selection and provide an old value if needed. \
Parameter | Type | Description |
objects | [] | An array containing the collection of nodes and connectors to be selected. |
multipleSelection (optional) | boolean |
Determines whether the existing selection should be cleared (default is false). |
oldValue (optional) | [] | Defines the old value |
Returns void
Select all objects, including nodes and connectors, in the diagram. \
Returns void
Sends the selected nodes or connectors one step backward in the z-order.\
Returns void
Use this method to change the order of layers in the diagram. This moves the specified layer behind the layer that comes after it in the layer order. \
Parameter | Type | Description |
layerName | string |
The name of the layer to be moved. |
Returns void
Use this method to move the currently selected nodes or connectors to the back of the drawing order. This effectively places them behind other elements in the diagram. \
Returns void
Specify which layer in the diagram should be considered the active layer. The active layer is the one where new elements will be added and where user interactions are primarily focused. \
Parameter | Type | Description |
layerName | string |
The name of the layer to set as the active layer. |
Returns void
Define a limit on the number of history entries that the diagram’s history manager can store. This can help manage memory usage and control the undo/redo history size. Or Sets the limit for the history entries in the diagram.
Parameter | Type | Description |
stackLimit | number |
The limit for the history manager’s stack. |
Returns void
Displays a tooltip for the specified diagram object.
Parameter | Type | Description |
obj | NodeModel | ConnectorModel |
The object for which the tooltip will be shown. |
Returns void
Use this method to start a group action, allowing multiple actions to be treated as a single unit during undo/redo operations. This is useful when you want to group related actions together.
Returns void
Initiate the editing mode for a specific annotation within a node or connector.
Parameter | Type | Description |
node (optional) | NodeModel | ConnectorModel |
The node or connector containing the annotation to be edited. |
id (optional) | string |
The ID of the annotation to be edited within the node or connector. |
Returns void
UnGroup the selected nodes and connectors in diagram \
Returns void
Remove a specific object from the current selection in the diagram. \
Parameter | Type | Description |
obj | NodeModel | ConnectorModel |
The object to remove from the selection. |
Returns void
Restores the last action that was performed.
Returns void
Updates user-defined element properties in the existing database. \
Parameter | Type | Description |
node (optional) | Node | Connector |
The source value representing the element to update. |
Returns object
Updates the dimensions of the diagram viewport. \
Returns void
Scales the diagram control based on the provided zoom factor. You can optionally specify a focused point around which the diagram will be zoomed.
Parameter | Type | Description |
factor | number |
Defines the factor by which the diagram is zoomed. |
focusedPoint (optional) | PointModel |
Defines the point with respect to which the diagram will be zoomed. |
Returns void
Scales the diagram control based on the provided options, which include the desired zoom factor, focus point, and zoom type.
Parameter | Type | Description |
options | ZoomOptions |
An object specifying the zoom factor, focus point, and zoom type. |
Returns void
Triggers after animation is completed for the diagram elements.
Triggers when a node, connector or diagram is clicked
Triggers when a node/connector is added/removed to/from the diagram.
Triggers when a command executed.
Triggers when the connection is changed
Triggers before rendering the context menu item
Triggers when a context menu item is clicked
Triggers before opening the context menu
Triggered when the diagram is rendered completely.
Triggers after diagram is populated from the external data source
Triggers when a node, connector or diagram model is clicked twice
Triggers when a symbol is dragged into diagram from symbol palette
Triggers when a symbol is dragged outside of the diagram.
Triggers when a symbol is dragged over diagram
Triggers when a symbol is dragged and dropped from symbol palette to drawing area
Triggered when an element is drawn using drawing Tool
Triggers when the state of the expand and collapse icon change for a node.
Triggers when a node/connector fixedUserHandle is clicked in the diagram.
Triggers when a change is reverted or restored(undo/redo)
Triggers when a custom entry change is reverted or restored(undo/redo)
Triggers when a user is pressing a key.
Triggers when a user releases a key.
Triggers when the layout rendering process in the diagram has either started or completed.
This event triggers before the diagram load.
This event triggers after the diagram elements finished loading using loadDiagram method
Triggered when mouse enters a node/connector.
Triggered when mouse leaves node/connector.
Triggered when mouse hovers a node/connector.
Event triggers whenever the user rotate the mouse wheel either upwards or downwards
Triggers when a mouseDown on the fixed user handle.
Triggers when a mouseEnter on the fixed user handle.
Triggers when a mouseLeave on the fixed user handle.
Triggers when a mouseUp on the fixed user handle.
Triggers when the image node is loaded.
Triggers when a mouseDown on the user handle.
Triggers when a mouseEnter on the user handle.
Triggers when a mouseLeave on the user handle.
Triggers when a mouseUp on the user handle.
Triggers while dragging the elements in diagram
Triggers once the node or connector property changed.
Triggers when the diagram elements are rotated
Triggers when the diagram is zoomed or panned
This event is triggered when we drag the segment thumb of Orthogonal/ Straight /Bezier connector
Triggers when a segment is added/removed to/from the connector.
Triggers when the selection is changed in diagram
Triggers when a node is resized
Triggers when the connector’s source point is changed
Triggers when the connector’s target point is changed
Triggers when editor got focus at the time of node’s label or text node editing.