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DiagramTools API in React Diagram API component

Activates the diagram tools None - Enables/Disable single select support for the diagram SingleSelect - Enables/Disable single select support for the diagram MultipleSelect - Enables/Disable MultipleSelect select support for the diagram ZoomPan - Enables/Disable ZoomPan support for the diagram DrawOnce - Enables/Disable continuousDraw support for the diagram ContinuousDraw - Enables/Disable continuousDraw support for the diagram Default - Enables/Disable all constraints

  • ContinuousDraw - Enables/Disable continuousDraw support for the diagram
  • Default - Enables/Disable all constraints
  • DrawOnce - Enables/Disable DrawOnce support for the diagram
  • MultipleSelect - Enables/Disable MultipleSelect select support for the diagram
  • None - Disable all constraints
  • SingleSelect - Enables/Disable single select support for the diagram
  • ZoomPan - Enables/Disable ZoomPan support for the diagram