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Ej1 api migration in EJ2 JavaScript Dialog control
8 May 20236 minutes to read
This section API migration process of Dialog component from Essential JS1 to Essential JS2.
Accessibility and Localization
</table> ## HeaderBehavior | API in Essential JS 1 </td> | API in Essential JS 2 </td> </tr> |
Keyboard Navigation |
Property: allowKeyboardNavigation $('#dialog').ejDialog({ allowKeyboardNavigation: true }) |
No separate API: for enable/disable keyboard navigation. Its enabled by default. |
Localization |
Property: locale </br>
$('#dialog').ejDialog({ locale: 'es-ES' }) |
Property: locale </br>
var dialog = ej.popups.Dialog({ locale: 'es-ES' }) |
Right to left |
Property: enableRTL $('#dialog').ejDialog({ enableRTL: true }) |
Property: enableRTL var dialog = ej.popups.Dialog({ enableRtl: true }) |
Behavior </td> | API in Essential JS 1 </td> | API in Essential JS 2 </td> </tr> |
Header Content |
Property: title $('#dialog').ejDialog({ title: 'EJ1 Dialog header' }) Method: setTitle $('#dialog').ejDialog('setTitle', 'EJ1 Dialog Header') |
Property: header var dialog = ej.popups.Dialog({ header: 'EJ2 Dialog' }) |
close button |
Property: actionButtons $('#dialog').ejDialog({ actionButtons: ["close"] }) |
Property: showCloseIcon var dialog = ej.popups.Dialog({ showCloseIcon: true }) |
Event triggers when click on action buttons |
Event: actionButtonClick $('#dialog').ejDialog({ actionButtonClick: function () {} }) |
Not Applicable |
Minimize |
Property: actionButtons $('#dialog').ejDialog({ actionButtons: ["minimize"] }) |
Not Applicable |
Maximize |
Property: actionButtons $('#dialog').ejDialog({ actionButtons: ["maximize"] }) |
Not Applicable |
Collapse /Expand |
Property: actionButtons Method: collapse(), expand () $('#dialog').ejDialog({ actionButtons: ["collapsible"] }) $('#dialog').ejDialog('collapse') $('#dialog').ejDialog('expand') |
Not Applicable |
Event triggers when expanding the collapsed dialog |
Event: expand $('#dialog').ejDialog({ expand: function () {} }) |
Not Applicable |
Event triggers when collapsing the expanded dialog |
Event: collapse $('#dialog').ejDialog({ collapse: function () {} }) |
Not Applicable |
Pin |
Property: actionButtons $('#dialog').ejDialog({ actionButtons: ["pin"] }) |
Not Applicable |
Header visibility |
Property: showHeader $('#dialog').ejDialog({ showHeader: true }) |
Not Applicable |
Close on escape key press |
Property: closeOnEscape $('#dialog').ejDialog({ closeOnEscape: true }) |
Property: closeOnEscape var dialog = ej.popups.Dialog({ closeOnEscape: true }) |
Behavior </td> | API in Essential JS 1 </td> | API in Essential JS 2 </td> </tr> |
Footer Content |
Property: footerTemplateId $('#dialog').ejDialog({ footerTemplateId: 'sample' }) |
Property: footerTemplate var dialog = ej.popups.Dialog({ footerTemplate: '<button>Submit</button>' }) |
Footer action buttons | Not applicable |
Property: buttons var dialog = ej.popups.Dialog({ buttons: [{ click: dialogBtnClick, buttonModel: { content: 'OK', isPrimary: true } }] }) |
Footer visibility |
Property: showFooter $('#dialog').ejDialog({ showFooter: true }) |
Not Applicable |
Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
Dialog content |
Method: setContent $('#dialog').ejDialog('setContent', 'Dialog Content') |
Property: content var dialog = ej.popups.Dialog({ content: 'Dialog content' }) |
Loading content using AJAX request |
Property: contentType, contentUrl $('#dialog').ejDialog({ contentType: "ajax", contentUrl: ' ' }) |
Not Applicable |
Event triggers after the dialog content loaded in DOM |
Event: contentLoad $('#dialog').ejDialog({ contentLoad: function () {} }) |
Not Applicable |
Event trigger when fails to load ajax content |
Event: ajaxError $('#dialog').ejDialog({ ajaxError: function () {} }) |
Not Applicable |
Event trigger when load ajax content successfully |
Event: ajaxSuccess $('#dialog').ejDialog({ ajaxSuccess: function () {} }) |
Not Applicable |
Behavior </td> | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
Enabling Animation |
Property: enableAnimation $('#dialog').ejDialog({ enableAnimation: true }) |
Not Applicable |
Animation effects |
Property: animation.show.effect $('#dialog').ejDialog({ Animation: { show: { effect: 'slide' } } }) |
Property: animationSettings.effect var dialog = ej.popups.Dialog({ animationSettings: { effect: 'Zoom' } }) |
Animation duration |
Property: animation.show.duration $('#dialog').ejDialog({ Animation: { show: { effect: 'slide', duration: 500 } } }) |
Property:animationSettings.duration var dialog = ej.popups.Dialog({ animationSettings: { effect: 'Zoom', duration: 500 } }) |
Animation delay | Not applicable |
Property:animationSettings.delay var dialog = ej.popups.Dialog({ animationSettings: { effect: 'Zoom', duration: 500, delay: 300 } }) |
Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
Draggable dialog |
Property: allowDraggable $('#dialog').ejDialog({ allowDraggable: true }) |
Property: allowDragging var dialog = ej.popups.Dialog({ allowDragging: true }) |
Event triggers when the user drags the dialog |
Event: drag $('#dialog').ejDialog({ drag: function () {} }) |
Event: drag var dialog = ej.popups.Dialog({ drag: function() {} }) dialog.appendTo('#ej2Dialog') |
Event triggers when the start to drag the dialog |
Event: dragStart $('#dialog').ejDialog({ dragStart: function () {} }) |
Event: dragStart var dialog = ej.popups.Dialog({ dragStart: function() {} }) dialog.appendTo('#ej2Dialog') |
Event triggers when the stops to drag the dialog |
Event: dragStop $('#dialog').ejDialog({ dragStop: function () {} }) |
Event: dragStop var dialog = ej.popups.Dialog({ dragStop: function() {} }) dialog.appendTo('#ej2Dialog') |
Resizing dialog |
Property: enableResize $('#dialog').ejDialog({ enableResize: true }) |
Not applicable |
Event triggers when resizing the dialog |
Event: resize $('#dialog').ejDialog({ resize: function () {} }) |
Not Applicable |
Event triggers when starts to resizing the dialog |
Event: resizeStart $('#dialog').ejDialog({ resizeStart: function () {} }) |
Not Applicable |
Event triggers when the stops to resizing the dialog |
Event: resizeStop $('#dialog').ejDialog({ resizeStop: function () {} }) |
Not Applicable |
Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
Target element to append dialog in document |
Property: target $('#dialog').ejDialog({ target: '#dialogTarget' }) |
Property: target var dialog = ej.popups.Dialog({ target: '#dialogTarget' }) |
Element for draggable area |
Property: containment $('#dialog').ejDialog({ containment: '#dragArea' }) |
Not applicable |
Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
Customizing dialog position using X, Y coordinate values |
Property: position $('#dialog').ejDialog({ position: { X: 300, Y: 100 } }) |
Property: position var dialog = ej.popups.Dialog({ position: { X: 300, Y: 100} }) |
positioning dialog using position values | Not Applicable |
Property: position var dialog = ej.popups.Dialog({ position: { X: 'Center', Y: 'Center'} }) |
Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
Render dialog in visible/hidden state |
Property: showOnInit $('#dialog').ejDialog({ showOnInit: true }) |
Property: visible var dialog = ej.popups.Dialog({ visible: true }) |
Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
Render modal dialog |
Property: enableModal $('#dialog').ejDialog({ enableModal: true }) |
Property: isModal var dialog = ej.popups.Dialog({ isModal: true }) |
Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
Sets the tooltip for dialog buttons |
Property: tooltip $('#dialog').ejDialog({ tooltip: { close: 'Exit' } }) |
No Separate API for tooltip. It renders based on locale text. |
Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
Enable/Disable the control |
Property: enabled $('#dialog').ejDialog({ enabled: false }) |
Not Applicable |
Enable/ Disable page scrolling |
Property: backgroundScroll $('#dialog').ejDialog({ backgroundScroll: false }) |
No separate API for disabling page scroll. By default, scrolling prevented for modal dialog |
Behavior | API in Essential JS 1 | API in Essential JS 2 |
Save the model values in local storage or cookies |
Property: enablePersistence $('dialog').ejDialog({ enablePersistence: true }) |
Property: enablePersistence var dialog = ej.popups.Dialog({ enablePersistence: true }) |
Behavior </td> | API in Essential JS 1 </td> | API in Essential JS 2 </td> </tr> |
Adjusting Height |
Property: height $('#dialog').ejDialog({ height: 400 }) |
Property: height var dialog = ej.popups.Dialog({ height: '50%' }) |
Adjusting width |
Property: width
$('#dialog').ejDialog({ width: 400 }) |
Property: width var dialog = ej.popups.Dialog({ width: '50%' }) |
Adding custom class |
Property: cssClass $('#dialog').ejDialog({ cssClass: 'custom-class' }) |
Property: cssClass var dialog = ej.popups.Dialog({ cssClass: 'custom-class' }) |
Adding zIndex |
Property: zIndex $('#dialog').ejDialog({ zIndex: 2000 }) |
Property: zIndex var dialog = ej.popups.Dialog({ zIndex: 2000 }) |
Maximum height |
Property: maxHeight $('#dialog').ejDialog({ maxHeight: 600 }) |
Not Applicable |
Maximum width |
Property: maxWidth $('#dialog').ejDialog({ maxWidth: 600 }) |
Not Applicable |
Minimum height |
Property: minHeight $('#dialog').ejDialog({ minHeight: 300 }) |
Not Applicable |
Minimum width |
Property: minWidth $('#dialog').ejDialog({ minWidth: 300 }) |
Not Applicable |
Adding html attributes |
Property: htmlAttributes $('#dialog').ejDialog({ htmlAttributes: { class: 'my-class' } }) |
Not Applicable |
Custom icon in the header |
Property: faviconCSS $('#dialog').ejDialog({ faviconCSS: 'custom-icon' }) |
Not Applicable |
Rounded corner appearance |
Property: showRoundedCorner $('#dialog').ejDialog({ showRoundedCorner: true }) |
Not Applicable |
Make control flexible for mobile view |
Property: isResponsive $('#dialog').ejDialog({ isResponsive: true }) |
Not Applicable |
Close the Dialog |
Method: close() $('#dialog').ejDialog('close') |
Method: hide() var dialog = ej.popups.Dialog() dialog.appendTo(''#ej2Dialog'') dialog.hide() |
Event triggers before the dialog closes |
Event: beforeClose() $('#dialog').ejDialog({ beforeClose: function () {} }) |
Event: beforeClose() var dialog = ej.popups.Dialog({ beforeClose: beforeCloseDialog }) dialog.appendTo('#ej2Dialog') function beforeCloseDialog() {} |
Event triggers when the dialog closes |
Event: close() $('#dialog').ejDialog({ close: function () {} }) |
Event: close() var dialog = ej.popups.Dialog({ close: CloseDialog }) dialog.appendTo('#ej2Dialog') function CloseDialog() {} |
Destroy the control |
Method: destroy() $('#dialog').ejDialog('destroy') |
Method: destroy() var dialog = ej.popups.Dialog() dialog.appendTo(''#ej2Dialog'') dialog.destroy() |
Focus the dialog element |
Method: focus() $('#dialog').ejDialog('focus') |
Not Applicable |
Check whether the dialog is open |
Method: isOpen() $('#dialog').ejDialog('isOpen') |
Not Applicable |
Maximize the dialog |
Method: maximize() $('#dialog').ejDialog('maximize') |
Not Applicable |
Minimize the dialog |
Method: minimize() $('#dialog').ejDialog('minimize') |
Not Applicable |
Open the dialog |
Method: open() $('#dialog').ejDialog('open') |
Method: show() var dialog = ej.popups.Dialog() dialog.appendTo(''#ej2Dialog'') dialog.show() |
Event trigger before the dialog opens |
Event: beforeOpen() $('#dialog').ejDialog({ beforeOpen: function () {} }) |
Event: beforeOpen() var dialog = ej.popups.Dialog({ beforeOpen: beforeOpenDialog }) dialog.appendTo('#ej2Dialog') function beforeOpenDialog() {} |
Event triggers when the opens the dialog |
Event: open() $('#dialog').ejDialog({ open: function () {} }) |
Event: open() var dialog = ej.popups.Dialog({ open: function() {} }) dialog.appendTo('#ej2Dialog') |
Refresh the dialog |
Method: refresh() $('#dialog').ejDialog('refresh') |
Method: refreshPosition() var dialog = ej.popups.Dialog() dialog.appendTo(''#ej2Dialog'') dialog.refreshPosition() |
Pin/ unpin the dialog |
Method: pin $('#dialog').ejDialog('pin') $('#dialog').ejDialog('unpin') |
Not Applicable |
Event triggers after the dialog created successfully |
Event: create() $('#dialog').ejDialog({ create: function () {} }) |
Event: created() var dialog = ej.popups.Dialog created: function() {} }) dialog.appendTo('#ej2Dialog') |
Event triggers when the control destroyed successfully |
Event: destroy $('#dialog').ejDialog({ destroy: function () {} }) |
Not Applicable |
Event triggers on clicking on modal dialog overlay | Not Applicable |
Event: overlayClick() var dialog = ej.popups.Dialog({ overlayClick: function() {} }) |