import { ImageEditor } from '@syncfusion/ej2-image-editor';
let imageObj: ImageEditor = new ImageEditor({
| [SelectionSettings](./selectionSettings/)| This interface is used to specify settings for selection operations on images, including visibility, stroke color and fill color.|
| [UploadSettings](./uploadSettings/)| Defines the settings for restricting uploaded images.|
| [ZoomSettings](./zoomSettings/)| An interface used to define the settings such as minimum, maximum, and default zoom factors, and the type of zooming which are available in the image editor control.|
| [ArrowheadType](./arrowheadType/)| Specifies the type of arrowhead should be drawn.|
| [Direction](./direction/)| An enumeration representing the direction of an image editor operation.|
| [FileType](./fileType/)| An enum representing the file types supported by the image editor.|
| [FrameLineStyle](./frameLineStyle/)| An enumeration of available line options.|
| [FrameType](./frameType/)| An enumeration of available frame options.|
| [ImageEditorCommand](./imageEditorCommand/)| An enum representing the available toolbar commands in the image editor.|
| [ImageFilterOption](./imageFilterOption/)| An enumeration of available image filter options.|
| [ImageFinetuneOption](./imageFinetuneOption/)| An enumeration of available image finetune options.|
| [RedactType](./redactType/)| An enumeration representing the type of redaction to be added in the image editor.|
| [ShapeType](./shapeType/)| An enumeration representing the type of shape to be added in the image editor.|
| [Theme](./theme/)| * An enum representing the available themes in the image editor.|
| [ZoomTrigger](./zoomTrigger/)| An enumeration representing the different ways to trigger zooming in the image editor.|
| [BeforeSaveEventArgs](./beforeSaveEventArgs/)| The Interface which contains the properties for before saving the canvas as image.|
| [CropEventArgs](./cropEventArgs/)| The Interface which contains the properties for crop transition occurs in the Image Editor.|
| [CropSelectionSettings](./cropSelectionSettings/)| Interface for CropSelectionSettings in the Image Editor.|
| [Dimension](./dimension/)| Interface for Dimension calculation in the imageEditor.|
| [EditCompleteEventArgs](./editCompleteEventArgs/)| Defines the properties related to actions performed within the Image Editor.<br>This interface encapsulates the details of various actions that can be performed on an image, such as cropping, drawing annotations, applying filters, and fine-tuning. It provides a structured way to access and manage the state and data associated with these actions.<br><br>|
| [FinetuneEventArgs](./finetuneEventArgs/)| The interface which contains the properties for fine tunes option for the image.|
| [FlipEventArgs](./flipEventArgs/)| The Interface which contains the properties for flip transition in the Image Editor.|
| [FrameChangeEventArgs](./frameChangeEventArgs/)| The Interface which contains the properties for frame action in the Image Editor.|
| [FrameSettings](./frameSettings/)| Interface for a class FrameSettings|
| [ImageEditorClickEventArgs](./imageEditorClickEventArgs/)| Interface that provides information to the click event in the Image Editor.|
| [ImageFilterEventArgs](./imageFilterEventArgs/)| The interface which contains the properties for filter option for the image.|
| [ImageFinetuneValue](./imageFinetuneValue/)| This interface is used to specify settings for image finetuning operations, including minimum and maximum values, as well as default values.|
| [ImageSettings](./imageSettings/)| The Interface which contains the properties for loading an image into Image Editor.|
| [OpenEventArgs](./openEventArgs/)| The Interface which contains the properties for opening the image.|
| [PanEventArgs](./panEventArgs/)| The Interface which contains the properties for pan transition occur in the Image Editor.|
| [Point](./point/)| The Interface which contains the properties for Point Object in the image editor.|
| [QuickAccessToolbarEventArgs](./quickAccessToolbarEventArgs/)| Interface for quick access toolbar for the image.|
| [RedactSettings](./redactSettings/)| Interface for RedactSettings in the Image Editor.|
| [ResizeEventArgs](./resizeEventArgs/)| The Interface which contains the properties for resize action in the Image Editor.|
| [RotateEventArgs](./rotateEventArgs/)| The Interface which contains the properties for rotate transition in the Image Editor.|
| [SaveEventArgs](./saveEventArgs/)| The Interface which contains the properties for saving the canvas as image.|
| [SelectionChangeEventArgs](./selectionChangeEventArgs/)| The Interface which contains the properties for selection change in Image Editor.|
| [ShapeChangeEventArgs](./shapeChangeEventArgs/)| The Interface which contains the properties for shape change in Image Editor.|
| [ShapeSettings](./shapeSettings/)| Interface for ShapeSettings in the Image Editor.|
| [ToolbarEventArgs](./toolbarEventArgs/)| The Interface which contains the properties for Toolbar events.|
| [TransformationCollection](./transformationCollection/)| The Interface which contains the tranformation collection of annotation in Image Editor.|
| [ZoomEventArgs](./zoomEventArgs/)| The Interface which contains the properties for zoom transition occur in the Image Editor.|