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The Image Editor is a graphical user interface for editing images.

<div style="height: 500px">
  <div id='imageeditor'></div>
import { ImageEditor } from '@syncfusion/ej2-image-editor';

let imageObj: ImageEditor = new ImageEditor({




Specifies a boolean value whether enable undo/redo operations in the image editor.

Defaults to true



Defines one or more CSS classes that can be used to customize the appearance of an Image Editor component.

Defaults to



Defines whether an Image Editor component is enabled or disabled.

Defaults to false



Specifies the finetune settings option which can be used to perform color adjustments in the image editor control.

<div style="height: 500px">
  <div id='imageeditor'></div>
import { ImageEditor } from '@syncfusion/ej2-image-editor';

let imageObj: ImageEditor = new ImageEditor({
  finetuneSettings: {
    brightness: { min: -100, max: 100, defaultValue: 0 },
    contrast: { min: -100, max: 100, defaultValue: 0 }



Predefine the font families that populate in font family dropdown list from the toolbar.



Specifies the height of the Image Editor.

Defaults to ‘100%’



Overrides the global culture and localization value for this component. Default global culture is ‘en-US’.

Defaults to


string | Function

Specifies a template for the quick access toolbar. Use this property to customize the quick access toolbar.

Defaults to null



Specifies the selection settings to customize selection. A ‘SelectionSettingsModel’ value that specifies the the customization related options which are enabled in image editor control. The default value is null.



Specifies whether to show/hide the quick access toolbar.

Defaults to true


string | Theme

Specifies the theme of the Image Editor. The appearance of the shape selection in Image Editor is determined by this property.

Defaults to Theme.Bootstrap5



Specifies the toolbar items to perform UI interactions. It accepts both string[] and ItemModel[] to configure its toolbar items. The default value is null. If the property is not defined in the control, the default toolbar will be rendered with preconfigured toolbar commands. If the property is defined as empty collection, the toolbar will not be rendered. The preconfigured toolbar commands are

  • Crop: helps to crop an image as ellipse, square, various ratio aspects, custom selection with resize, drag and drop.
  • Straightening: helps to rotate an image by a specified angle.
  • Annotate: help to insert a shape on image that supports rectangle, ellipse, line, arrow, path, text, image and freehand drawing with resize, drag and drop, and customize its appearance.
  • Transform: helps to rotate and flip an image.
  • Finetunes: helps to perform adjustments on an image.
  • Filters: helps to perform predefined color filters.
  • Frame: helps to add decorative borders or frames around images.
  • Resize: helps to modify the dimensions of an image.
  • ZoomIn: performs zoom-in an image.
  • ZoomOut: performs zoom-out an image.
  • Save: save the modified image.
  • Open: open an image to perform editing.
  • Undo: helps to revert the last action.
  • Redo: helps to redo the last action.
  • Reset: reset the modification and restore the original image.
<div style="height: 500px">
  <div id='imageeditor'></div>
import { ImageEditor } from '@syncfusion/ej2-image-editor';

let imageObj: ImageEditor = new ImageEditor({
  toolbar: ['Crop', 'ZoomIn', 'ZoomOut', 'Transform', {text: 'Custom'}]

Defaults to null


string | Function

Specifies a custom template for the toolbar of an image editor control. A string that specifies a custom template for the toolbar of the image editor. If this property is defined, the ‘toolbar’ property will not have any effect.

<div style="height: 500px">
  <div id='imageeditor'></div>
<script id="toolbarTemplate" type="text/x-template">
  <div class = 'e-toolbar'>
    <button id= 'dltbtn'>Custom</button>
import { ImageEditor } from '@syncfusion/ej2-image-editor';

let imageObj: ImageEditor = new ImageEditor({
  toolbarTemplate: '#toolbarTemplate'

Defaults to null



Specifies the width of an Image Editor.

Defaults to ‘100%’



Specifies the zoom settings to perform zooming action. A ‘ZoomSettingsModel’ value that specifies the the zoom related options which are enabled in image editor control. The default value is null.

<div style="height: 500px">
  <div id='imageeditor'></div>
import { ImageEditor, ZoomTrigger } from '@syncfusion/ej2-image-editor';

let imageObj: ImageEditor = new ImageEditor({
  zoomSettings: {
    minZoomFactor: 1,
    maxZoomFactor: 100,
    zoomFactor: 1,
    zoomTrigger: ZoomTrigger.MouseWheel | ZoomTrigger.Pinch | ZoomTrigger.Toolbar | ZoomTrigger.Commands,
    zoomPoint: new Point {x: 500, y: 500}



Adds the handler to the given event listener.

Parameter Type Description
eventName string A String that specifies the name of the event
handler Function Specifies the call to run when the event occurs.

Returns void


Appends the control within the given HTML element

Parameter Type Description
selector (optional) string | HTMLElement Target element where control needs to be appended

Returns void


Applies the operations performed in the Image Editor, such as annotation drawings.

Returns void


Filtering an image with the given type of filters.

Parameter Type Description
filterOption ImageFilterOption Specifies the filter options to the image.

Returns void


Adding unload event to persist data when enable persistence true

Returns void


Moves a shape to ahead of one shape based on the given shape id. Use ‘getShapeSettings’ method to get the shape id which is then passed to perform moving.

Parameter Type Description
shapeId string Specifies the shape id to move the shape on an image.

Returns void


Moves a shape to the front of all other shapes based on the given shape id. Use ‘getShapeSettings’ method to get the shape id which is then passed to perform moving.

Parameter Type Description
shapeId string Specifies the shape id to move the shape on an image.

Returns void


Specifies if it’s possible to redo the last recent action made in an Image Editor.

Returns boolean


Specifies if it’s possible to undo the last recent action made in an Image Editor.

Returns boolean


Clears the loaded image in the Image Editor.

Returns void


Clears the current selection performed in the image editor.

Parameter Type Description
resetCrop (optional) boolean Specifies to reset last cropped image.

Returns void


Duplicates a shape based on the given shape ID in the ImageEditor. Use ‘getShapeSettings’ method to get the shape and then pass a shapeId from the returned shape to clone a shape.

Parameter Type Description
shapeId string Specifies the shape id to clone a shape on an image.

Returns boolean


Crops an image based on the selection done in the image editor.

<div style="height: 500px">
  <div id='imageeditor'></div>
import { ImageEditor } from '@syncfusion/ej2-image-editor';

let imageObj: ImageEditor = new ImageEditor({
  created: () => {'');'16:9', 10, 10);

Returns boolean


When invoked, applies the pending property changes immediately to the component.

Returns void


Deletes a shape based on the given shape id. Use ‘getShapeSettings’ method to get the shape id which is then passed to perform selection.

<div style="height: 500px">
  <div id='imageeditor'></div>
import { ImageEditor } from '@syncfusion/ej2-image-editor';

let imageObj: ImageEditor = new ImageEditor({
  created: () => {'');
    let dimension: any = imageEditorObj.getImageDimension();
    imageObj.drawEllipse(dimension.x, dimension.y, 40, 60);
    imageObj.drawEllipse(dimension.x, dimension.y+80, 40, 130);
Parameter Type Description
id string Specifies the shape id to delete the shape on an image.

Returns void


Removing unload event to persist data when enable persistence true

Returns void


Discards the operations performed in the Image Editor, such as annotation drawings.

Returns void


Draw arrow on an image.

Parameter Type Description
startX (optional) number – Specifies start point x-coordinate of arrow.
startY (optional) number – Specifies start point y-coordinate of arrow.
endX (optional) number Specifies end point x-coordinates of arrow.
endY (optional) number Specifies end point y-coordinates of the arrow.
strokeWidth (optional) number Specifies the stroke width of arrow.
strokeColor (optional) string Specifies the stroke color of arrow.
arrowStart (optional) ArrowheadType – Specifies the type of arrowhead for start position. The default value is ‘None’.
arrowEnd (optional) ArrowheadType – Specifies the type of arrowhead for end position. The default value is ‘SolidArrow’.
isSelected (optional) boolean Specifies to show the arrow in the selected state.

Returns boolean


Draw ellipse on an image.

<div style="height: 500px">
  <div id='imageeditor'></div>
import { ImageEditor } from '@syncfusion/ej2-image-editor';

let imageObj: ImageEditor = new ImageEditor({
  created: () => {'');
    let dimension: any = imageEditorObj.getImageDimension();
    imageObj.drawEllipse(dimension.x, dimension.y, 40, 60);
Parameter Type Description
x (optional) number Specifies x-coordinate of ellipse.
y (optional) number Specifies y-coordinate of ellipse.
radiusX (optional) number Specifies the radius x point for the ellipse.
radiusY (optional) number Specifies the radius y point for the ellipse.
strokeWidth (optional) number Specifies the stroke width of ellipse.
strokeColor (optional) string Specifies the stroke color of ellipse.
fillColor (optional) string Specifies the fill color of the ellipse.
degree (optional) number Specifies the degree to rotate the ellipse.
isSelected (optional) boolean Specifies to show the ellipse in the selected state.

Returns boolean


Draw a frame on an image.

Parameter Type Description
frameType FrameType Specifies the frame option to be drawn on an image.
color (optional) string Specifies the color of a frame on an image. The default value is ‘#fff’.
gradientColor (optional) string Specifies the gradient color of a frame on an image. The default value is ‘’.
size (optional) number Specifies the size of the frame as a percentage. It can be provided as an integer percentage (e.g., 10). Defaults to 20 if not specified.
inset (optional) number Specifies the inset value for line, hook, and inset type frames, as a percentage. It can be provided as an integer percentage (e.g., 10). Defaults to 0 if not specified.
offset (optional) number Specifies the offset value for line and inset type frames, as a percentage. It can be provided as an integer percentage (e.g., 10). Defaults to 0 if not specified.
borderRadius (optional) number Specifies the border radius for line-type frames, as a percentage. It can be provided as an integer percentage (e.g., 10). Defaults to 0 if not specified.
frameLineStyle (optional) FrameLineStyle Specifies the type of line to be drawn for line-type frames. Default to Solid if not specified.
lineCount (optional) number Specifies the number of lines for line-type frames. Defaults to 0 if not specified.

Returns boolean


Draw an image as annotation on an image.

Parameter Type Description
data string | ImageData Specifies url of the image or image data.
x (optional) number Specifies x-coordinate of a starting point for an image.
y (optional) number Specifies y-coordinate of a starting point for an image.
width (optional) number Specifies the width of the image.
height (optional) number Specifies the height of the image.
isAspectRatio (optional) boolean Specifies whether to maintain aspect ratio or not.
degree (optional) number Specifies the degree to rotate the image.
opacity (optional) number Specifies the value for the image.
isSelected (optional) boolean Specifies to show the image in the selected state.

Returns boolean


Draw line on an image.

Parameter Type Description
startX (optional) number – Specifies start point x-coordinate of line.
startY (optional) number – Specifies start point y-coordinate of line.
endX (optional) number Specifies end point x-coordinates of line.
endY (optional) number Specifies end point y-coordinates of the line.
strokeWidth (optional) number Specifies the stroke width of line.
strokeColor (optional) string Specifies the stroke color of line.
isSelected (optional) boolean Specifies to show the line in the selected state.

Returns boolean


Draw path on an image.

Parameter Type Description
pointColl Point[] – Specifies collection of start and end x, y-coordinates of path.
strokeWidth (optional) number Specifies the stroke width of path.
strokeColor (optional) string Specifies the stroke color of path.
isSelected (optional) boolean Specifies to show the path in the selected state.

Returns boolean


Draw a rectangle on an image.

Parameter Type Description
x (optional) number Specifies x-coordinate of rectangle.
y (optional) number Specifies y-coordinate of rectangle.
width (optional) number Specifies the width of the rectangle.
height (optional) number Specifies the height of the rectangle.
strokeWidth (optional) number Specifies the stroke width of rectangle.
strokeColor (optional) string Specifies the stroke color of rectangle.
fillColor (optional) string Specifies the fill color of the rectangle.
degree (optional) number Specifies the degree to rotate the rectangle.
isSelected (optional) boolean Specifies to show the rectangle in the selected state.

Returns boolean


Draw a text on an image.

<div style="height: 500px">
  <div id='imageeditor'></div>
import { ImageEditor } from '@syncfusion/ej2-image-editor';

let imageObj: ImageEditor = new ImageEditor({
  created: () => {'');
    let dimension: any = imageEditorObj.getImageDimension();
    imageObj.drawText(dimension.x, dimension.y, 'Syncfusion', 'Arial', 12, true, true, '#000');
Parameter Type Description
x (optional) number Specifies x-coordinate of text.
y (optional) number Specifies y-coordinate of text.
text (optional) string Specifies the text to add on an image.
fontFamily (optional) string Specifies the font family of the text.
fontSize (optional) number Specifies the font size of the text.
bold (optional) boolean Specifies whether the text is bold or not.
italic (optional) boolean Specifies whether the text is italic or not.
color (optional) string Specifies font color of the text.
isSelected (optional) boolean Specifies to show the text in the selected state.
degree (optional) number Specifies the degree to rotate the text.

Returns boolean


Enable or disable a shape drawing option in an Image Editor.

Parameter Type Description
shapeType ShapeType Specifies the type of shape to be enabled or disabled for drawing.
isEnabled boolean Optional. Specifies a value to indicate whether to enable or disable shape drawing. The default value is true.

Returns void


Enable text area editing in the ImageEditor.

Returns void


Export an image using the specified file name and the extension.

Parameter Type Description
type (optional) string Specifies a format of image to be saved.
fileName (optional) string – Specifies a file name to be saved
imageQuality (optional) number – Specifies the quality of an image to be saved. The default value is “1” which represents the original size of the image if not specified.

Returns void


Finetuning an image with the given type of finetune and its value in the image editor.

Parameter Type Description
finetuneOption ImageFinetuneOption Specifies the finetune options to be performed in the image.
value number Specifies the value for finetuning the image.

Returns void


Flips an image by horizontally or vertically in the image editor.

<div style="height: 500px">
  <div id='imageeditor'></div>
import { ImageEditor } from '@syncfusion/ej2-image-editor';

let imageObj: ImageEditor = new ImageEditor({
  created: () => {'');
    imageObj.zoom(40, {x: 400, y: 400});
Parameter Type Description
direction Direction Specifies the direction to flip the image.
A horizontal direction for horizontal flipping and vertical direction for vertical flipping.

Returns void


Enable or disable a freehand drawing in an Image Editor.

Parameter Type Description
value boolean Specifies a value whether to enable or disable freehand drawing.

Returns void


Returns an image as ImageData to load it in to a canvas.

Returns ImageData


Get the dimension of an image in the image editor such as x, y, width, and height. The method helps to get dimension after cropped an image.

Returns Dimension


Update filter to the canvas in the ImageEditor.

Parameter Type Description
filterOption ImageFilterOption Specifies the filter options to the image.

Returns string


Returns the persistence data for component

Returns any


Returns the route element of the component

Returns HTMLElement


Get particular shapes details based on id of the shape which is drawn on an image editor.

<div style="height: 500px">
  <div id='imageeditor'></div>
import { ImageEditor, ShapeSettings } from '@syncfusion/ej2-image-editor';

let imageObj: ImageEditor = new ImageEditor({
  created: () => {'');
    let dimension: any = imageEditorObj.getImageDimension();
    imageObj.drawEllipse(dimension.x, dimension.y, 40, 60);
    imageObj.drawEllipse(dimension.x, dimension.y+80, 40, 130);
    let shape: ShapeSettings = imageObj.getShapeSetting('shape_1');
Parameter Type Description
id string Specifies the shape id on an image.

Returns ShapeSettings


Get all the shapes details which is drawn on an image editor.

Returns ShapeSettings[]


Handling unload event to persist data when enable persistence true

Returns void


Opens an image as URL or ImageData for editing in an image editor.

Parameter Type Description
data string | ImageData Specifies url of the image or image data.

Returns void


Enable or disable a panning on the Image Editor.

Parameter Type Description
value boolean Specifies a value whether enable or disable panning.
x (optional) number Optional, Specifies a value to pan the image horizontally.
y (optional) number Optional, Specifies a value to pan the image vertically.

Returns void


Redo the last user action that was undone by the user or undo method.

Returns void


Applies all the pending property changes and render the component again.

Returns void


Removes the handler from the given event listener.

Parameter Type Description
eventName string A String that specifies the name of the event to remove
handler Function Specifies the function to remove

Returns void


Reset all the changes done in an image editor and revert to original image.

Returns void


Resize an image by changing its width and height.

Parameter Type Description
width number Specifies the width of an image.
height number Specifies the height of an image.
isAspectRatio (optional) boolean Specifies whether the scaling option is enabled or not.

Returns boolean


Rotate an image to clockwise and anti-clockwise.

<div style="height: 500px">
  <div id='imageeditor'></div>
import { ImageEditor } from '@syncfusion/ej2-image-editor';

let imageObj: ImageEditor = new ImageEditor({
  created: () => {'');
Parameter Type Description
degree number Specifies a degree to rotate an image.
A positive integer value for clockwise and negative integer value for anti-clockwise rotation.

Returns boolean


Perform selection in an image editor. The selection helps to crop an image.

<div style="height: 500px">
  <div id='imageeditor'></div>
import { ImageEditor } from '@syncfusion/ej2-image-editor';

let imageObj: ImageEditor = new ImageEditor({
  created: () => {'');'16:9', 10, 10);
Parameter Type Description
type string Specifies the shape - circle / square / custom selection / pre-defined ratios.
startX (optional) number – Specifies the start x-coordinate point of the selection.
startY (optional) number – Specifies the start y-coordinate point of the selection.
width (optional) number Specifies the width of the selection area.
height (optional) number Specifies the height of the selection area.

Returns void


Select a shape based on the given shape id. Use ‘getShapeSettings’ method to get the shape id which is then passed to perform selection.

<div style="height: 500px">
  <div id='imageeditor'></div>
import { ImageEditor } from '@syncfusion/ej2-image-editor';

let imageObj: ImageEditor = new ImageEditor({
  created: () => {'');
    let dimension: any = imageEditorObj.getImageDimension();
    imageObj.drawEllipse(dimension.x, dimension.y, 40, 60);
    imageObj.drawEllipse(dimension.x, dimension.y+40, 40, 130);
Parameter Type Description
id string Specifies the shape id to select a shape on an image.

Returns boolean


Moves a shape to behind one shape based on the given shape id. Use ‘getShapeSettings’ method to get the shape id which is then passed to perform moving.

Parameter Type Description
shapeId string Specifies the shape id to move the shape on an image.

Returns void


Moves a shape to behind all other shapes based on the given shape id. Use ‘getShapeSettings’ method to get the shape id which is then passed to perform moving.

Parameter Type Description
shapeId string Specifies the shape id to move the shape on an image.

Returns void


Straightens an image by rotating it clockwise or counterclockwise.

Parameter Type Description
degree number The degree value specifying the amount of rotation for straightening the image.
Positive values indicate clockwise rotation, while negative values indicate counterclockwise rotation.

Returns boolean


Reverse the last action which performed by the user in the Image Editor.

Returns void


To refresh the Canvas Wrapper.

Returns void


This method is used to update the existing shapes by changing its height, width, color, and font styles in the component. Use ‘getShapeSettings’ method to get the shape which is then passed to change the options of a shape.

Parameter Type Description
setting ShapeSettings Specifies the shape settings to be updated for the shape on an image.
isSelected (optional) boolean Specifies to show the shape in the selected state.

Returns boolean


Zoom in or out on a point in the image editor.

Parameter Type Description
zoomFactor number The percentage-based zoom factor to use (e.g. 20 for 2x zoom).
zoomPoint (optional) Point The point in the image editor to zoom in/out on.

Returns void


Dynamically injects the required modules to the component.

Parameter Type Description
moduleList Function[] ?

Returns void




Event callback that is raised before an image is saved.



Event callback that is raised while clicking on an image in the Image Editor.



Event callback that is raised after rendering the Image Editor component.



Event callback that is raised while cropping an image.



Event callback that is raised once the component is destroyed with its elements and bound events.



Event callback that is raised once an image is opened in an Image Editor.



Event callback that is raised when applying fine tune to an image.



Event callback that is raised while flipping an image.



Event callback that is raised while applying frames on an image.



Event callback that is raised when applying filter to an image.



Event callback that is raised while panning an image.



Event callback that is raised once the quick access toolbar item is clicked.



Event callback that is raised when opening the quick access toolbar.



Event callback that is raised while resizing an image.



Event callback that is raised while rotating an image.



Event callback that is raised once an image is saved.



Event callback that is raised while changing selection in an Image Editor.



Event callback that is raised after shape changing action is performed in an image editor.



Event callback that is raised while changing shapes in an Image Editor.



Event callback that is raised once the toolbar is created.



Event callback that is raised once the toolbar item is clicked.



Event callback that is raised while updating/refreshing the toolbar

<div style="height: 500px">
  <div id='imageeditor'></div>
import { ImageEditor, ToolbarEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-image-editor';

let imageObj: ImageEditor = new ImageEditor({
  showQuickAccessToolbar: true,
  toolbarUpdating: (args: ToolbarEventArgs) => {
    if (args.toolbarType === 'shapes') {
      args.toolbarItems = ['fillColor', 'strokeColor', 'strokeWidth', { text: 'Click', template: '<button class="e-btn" id="shape">Click</button>', tooltipText: 'Click', prefixIcon: 'e-expand', id: 'Click' }];



Event callback that is raised while zooming an image.