Syncfusion® Angular UI Components demos
Essential® JS 2 for Angular is a modern Angular UI Components library that has been
built from the ground up to be lightweight, responsive, modular and touch friendly.
It is written in TypeScript and has no external dependencies. It also includes
support for React, Vue, ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Core frameworks.
Explore and learn using feature-wise demos in Components section and example applications in Showcase applications section.
Explore and learn using feature-wise demos in Components section and example applications in Showcase applications section.
Most Popular Components
Top Angular Components
Smart Components
Interactive Chat
File Viewers & Editors
Data Visualization
- Charts
- 3D Chart
- 3D Circular Chart
- Stock Chart
- Arc Gauge
- Circular Gauge
- Diagram
- HeatMap Chart
- Linear Gauge
- Maps
- Range Selector
- Smith Chart
- Barcode Generator
- Sparkline Charts
- TreeMap
- Bullet Chart
- Kanban
- TextBox
- TextArea
- Input Mask
- Numeric TextBox
- Radio Button
- Checkbox
- Color Picker
- File Upload
- Slider
- Toggle Switch Button
- Signature
- Rating
- OTP Input
- AutoComplete
- ComboBox
- Dropdown List
- Dropdown Tree
- MultiSelect Dropdown
- Mention
- List Box
- MultiColumn ComboBox
- Accordion
- AppBar
- Breadcrumb
- Carousel
- Context Menu
- Menu Bar
- Sidebar
- Tabs
- Toolbar
- Ribbon
- TreeView
- File Manager
- Stepper
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Showcase Applications