Items in EJ2 TypeScript Ribbon control

10 May 202424 minutes to read

Ribbon renders various built-in items based on the item type property. By default, the type property is set as Button which renders the Button.

Built-in items

You can render the built-in Ribbon items by using the items property, to specify the type property.

The following table explains the built-in items and their actions.

Built-in Ribbon Items Actions
Button Renders button as ribbon item.
CheckBox Renders checkbox as ribbon item.
DropDown Renders dropdownbutton as ribbon item.
SplitButton Renders splitbutton as ribbon item.
ComboBox Renders combobox as ribbon item.
ColorPicker Renders color picker as ribbon item.
GroupButton Renders groupbutton as ribbon item.

Button items

You can render the built-in button Ribbon item by setting the type property as Button you can render a Button item. You can also customize the button item using the RibbonButtonSettingsModel, which provides options such as iconCss, content, isToggle and more.

Toggle button

The isToggle property can be used to define whether the button act as a toggle button or not. By default, the value is false.

import { Ribbon, RibbonTabModel, RibbonItemType } from "@syncfusion/ej2-ribbon";

let tabs: RibbonTabModel[] = [{
    header: "Home",
    groups: [{
        header: "Clipboard",
        collections: [
            items: [{
                type: RibbonItemType.Button,
                buttonSettings: {
                    content: "Cut",
                    iconCss: "e-icons e-cut",
                    isToggle: true

let ribbon: Ribbon = new Ribbon({
  tabs: tabs

Checkbox items

You can render the built-in checkBox Ribbon item by setting the type property to CheckBox. You can also customize the checkBox item using the RibbonCheckBoxSettingsModel, which provides options such as labelPosition, label, checked and more.

Checkbox state

You can use the checked property to handle the checked or unchecked state. By default, the value is false.

import { Ribbon, RibbonTabModel, RibbonItemType } from "@syncfusion/ej2-ribbon";

let tabs: RibbonTabModel[] = [{
    header: "Home",
    groups: [{
        header: "View",
        collections: [
            items: [{
                type: RibbonItemType.CheckBox,
                checkBoxSettings: {
                    label: "Ruler",
                    checked: true

let ribbon: Ribbon = new Ribbon({ tabs: tabs });

Defining label

You can use the label property to add a caption for the CheckBox. The label position can be set Before or After, by using the labelPosition property. By default, the labelPosition is After.

import { Ribbon, RibbonTabModel, RibbonItemType } from "@syncfusion/ej2-ribbon";

let tabs: RibbonTabModel[] = [{
    header: "Home",
    groups: [{
        header: "View",
        collections: [
            items: [{
                type: RibbonItemType.CheckBox,
                checkBoxSettings: {
                    label: "Ruler",
                    labelPosition: "Before"

let ribbon: Ribbon = new Ribbon({ tabs: tabs });

You can render the built-in dropDown Ribbon item by setting the type property to DropDown. You can also customize the dropDown item through RibbonDropDownSettingsModel, which provides options such as iconCss, content, target and more.


The target property specifies the element selector to be displayed in the DropDownButton popup.

import { Ribbon, RibbonTabModel, RibbonItemType } from "@syncfusion/ej2-ribbon";
import { ListView } from "@syncfusion/ej2-lists";

let tabs: RibbonTabModel[] = [
    header: "Home",
    groups: [
        header: "Illustrations",
        collections: [
            items: [
                type: RibbonItemType.DropDown,
                dropDownSettings: {
                  content: "Picture",
                  iconCss: "e-icons e-image",
                  target: "#pictureList"

let list: ListView = new ListView({
  showHeader: true,
  headerTitle: 'Insert Picture From',
  dataSource: ['This device', 'Stock Images', 'Online Images']
let ribbon: Ribbon = new Ribbon({
    tabs: tabs
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    #loader {
        color: #008cff;
        height: 40px;
        left: 45%;
        position: absolute;
        top: 45%;
        width: 30%;

Customize dropdown button item

You can customize the dropdown button item by specifying a custom cssClass using the beforeItemRender event.

The following sample showcases how to customize a specific dropdown item.

import { Ribbon, RibbonTabModel, RibbonItemType } from "@syncfusion/ej2-ribbon";
import { MenuEventArgs } from "@syncfusion/ej2-splitbuttons";

let tabs: RibbonTabModel[] = [
    header: "Insert",
    groups: [
        header: "Tables",
        collections: [
            items: [
                type: RibbonItemType.DropDown,
                id: 'dropdownItem',
                dropDownSettings: {
                  iconCss: 'e-icons e-table',
                  content: 'Table',
                  items: [
                    { text: 'Insert Table' },
                    { text: 'Draw Table' },
                    { text: 'Convert Table' },
                    { text: 'Excel SpreadSheet' },
                  beforeItemRender:(args: MenuEventArgs) => {
                    if (args.item.text === 'Insert Table') {

let ribbon: Ribbon = new Ribbon({
    tabs: tabs
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    #container {
        visibility: hidden;

    #loader {
        color: #008cff;
        height: 40px;
        left: 45%;
        position: absolute;
        top: 45%;
        width: 30%;
.e-custom-class {
    color: green;

Create dropdown popup on demand

You can handle the creation of popups, by using the createPopupOnClick property. If set to true, the popup will only be created upon opening. By default the value is false.

import { Ribbon, RibbonTabModel, RibbonItemType } from "@syncfusion/ej2-ribbon";

let tabs: RibbonTabModel[] = [
    header: "Insert",
    groups: [
        header: "Tables",
        collections: [
            items: [
                type: RibbonItemType.DropDown,
                id: 'dropdownItem',
                dropDownSettings: {
                  iconCss: 'e-icons e-table',
                  content: 'Table',
                  items: [
                    { text: 'Insert Table' },
                    { text: 'Draw Table' },
                    { text: 'Convert Table' },
                    { text: 'Excel SpreadSheet' },
                  createPopupOnClick: true

let ribbon: Ribbon = new Ribbon({
    tabs: tabs
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        top: 45%;
        width: 30%;

Split button items

You can render the built-in splitButton Ribbon item by setting the type property to SplitButton. You can also customize the splitButton item through RibbonSplitButtonSettingsModel, which provides options such as iconCss, items, target and more.


The target property specifies the element selector to be displayed in the SplitButton popup.

import { Ribbon, RibbonTabModel, RibbonItemType } from "@syncfusion/ej2-ribbon";
import { ListView } from "@syncfusion/ej2-lists";

let tabs: RibbonTabModel[] = [
    header: "Home",
    groups: [
        header: "Illustrations",
        collections: [
            items: [
                type: RibbonItemType.SplitButton,
                splitButtonSettings: {
                  content: "Picture",
                  iconCss: "e-icons e-image",
                  target: "#pictureList"

let list: ListView = new ListView({
  showHeader: true,
  headerTitle: 'Insert Picture From',
  dataSource: ['This device', 'Stock Images', 'Online Images']
let ribbon: Ribbon = new Ribbon({
    tabs: tabs
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    #loader {
        color: #008cff;
        height: 40px;
        left: 45%;
        position: absolute;
        top: 45%;
        width: 30%;

Combobox items

You can render the built-in comboBox Ribbon item by setting the type property to ComboBox. You can also customize the comboBox item through RibbonComboBoxSettingsModel, which provides options such as allowFiltering, autoFill, index, sortOrder and more.


You can use the allowFiltering property to filter the data items. The filtering operation is initiated automatically, as soon as you start typing characters. If no match is found the value of the noRecordsTemplate property will be displayed. By default, the value is false.

import { Ribbon, RibbonTabModel, RibbonItemType } from "@syncfusion/ej2-ribbon";

let fontStyle: string[] = ["Algerian", "Arial", "Calibri", "Cambria", "Cambria Math", "Courier New", "Candara", "Georgia"];
let tabs: RibbonTabModel[] = [{
    header: "Home",
    groups: [{
        header: "Font",
        collections: [
            items: [{
                type: RibbonItemType.ComboBox,
                comboBoxSettings: {
                    dataSource: fontStyle,
                    index: 3,
                    allowFiltering: true

let ribbon: Ribbon = new Ribbon({ tabs: tabs });


You can use the index property to get or set the selected item in the combobox.

import { Ribbon, RibbonTabModel, RibbonItemType } from "@syncfusion/ej2-ribbon";

let fontStyle: string[] = ["Algerian", "Arial", "Calibri", "Cambria", "Cambria Math", "Courier New", "Candara", "Georgia"];
let tabs: RibbonTabModel[] = [{
    header: "Home",
    groups: [{
        header: "Font",
        collections: [
            items: [{
                type: RibbonItemType.ComboBox,
                comboBoxSettings: {
                    dataSource: fontStyle,
                    index: 3

let ribbon: Ribbon = new Ribbon({ tabs: tabs });


You can use the sortOrder property to specify the order in which the DataSource should be sorted.

`None` The data source is not sorted.
`Ascending` The data source is sorted in ascending order.
`Descending` The data source is sorted in descending order.
import { Ribbon, RibbonTabModel, RibbonItemType } from "@syncfusion/ej2-ribbon";

let fontStyle: string[] = ["Algerian", "Arial", "Calibri", "Cambria", "Cambria Math", "Courier New", "Candara", "Georgia"];
let tabs: RibbonTabModel[] = [{
    header: "Home",
    groups: [{
        header: "Font",
        collections: [
            items: [{
                type: RibbonItemType.ComboBox,
                comboBoxSettings: {
                    dataSource: fontStyle,
                    sortOrder: "Descending"

let ribbon: Ribbon = new Ribbon({ tabs: tabs });
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        height: 40px;
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        top: 45%;
        width: 30%;

Colorpicker items

You can render the built-in colorPicker Ribbon item by setting the type property to ColorPicker. You can also customize the colorPicker item through RibbonColorPickerSettingsModel, which provides options such as value, columns, showButtons and more.


You can use the value property to specify the color value. The value should be specified as Hex code.

import { Ribbon, RibbonTabModel, RibbonItemType, RibbonColorPicker } from "@syncfusion/ej2-ribbon";


let tabs: RibbonTabModel[] = [{
    header: "Home",
    groups: [{
        header: "Font",
        collections: [
            items: [{
                type: RibbonItemType.ColorPicker,
                colorPickerSettings: {
                    value: "#123456"

let ribbon: Ribbon = new Ribbon({ tabs: tabs });
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Groupbutton items

You can render the built-in groupbutton Ribbon item by setting the type property to GroupButton. You can also customize the groupbutton item using the RibbonGroupButtonSettingsModel, which provides options such as selection and items.


You can render the groupbutton items by using items property. You can also customize the groupbutton items through RibbonGroupButtonItemModel, which provides options such as content, iconCss, selected and more.

Item content

You can use the content property to define the text content for the groupbutton.

import { Ribbon, RibbonTabModel, RibbonItemType, RibbonItemSize } from "@syncfusion/ej2-ribbon";

let tabs: RibbonTabModel[] = [{
    header: "Home",
    groups: [{
        header: "Paragraph",
        collections: [
            items: [{
                type: RibbonItemType.GroupButton,
                allowedSizes: RibbonItemSize.Small,
                groupButtonSettings: {
                    items: [{
                        iconCss: 'e-icons e-align-left',
                        content: 'Align Left'
                        iconCss: 'e-icons e-align-center',
                        content: 'Align Center'
                        iconCss: 'e-icons e-align-right',
                        content: 'Align Right'
                        iconCss: 'e-icons e-justify',
                        content: 'Justify'

let ribbon: Ribbon = new Ribbon({ tabs: tabs });

Icon only

You can use the iconCss property to customize the groupbutton icon. If the iconCss property is not defined, the groupbutton will not be rendered.

import { Ribbon, RibbonTabModel, RibbonItemType, RibbonItemSize } from "@syncfusion/ej2-ribbon";

let tabs: RibbonTabModel[] = [{
    header: "Home",
    groups: [{
        header: "Paragraph",
        collections: [
            items: [{
                type: RibbonItemType.GroupButton,
                allowedSizes: RibbonItemSize.Small,
                groupButtonSettings: {
                    items: [{
                        iconCss: 'e-icons e-align-left'
                        iconCss: 'e-icons e-align-center'
                        iconCss: 'e-icons e-align-right'
                        iconCss: 'e-icons e-justify'

let ribbon: Ribbon = new Ribbon({ tabs: tabs });
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You can use the selected property to select the groupbutton item initally. When set to true, the button will be selected. By default the selected property is false.

import { Ribbon, RibbonTabModel, RibbonItemType, RibbonItemSize } from "@syncfusion/ej2-ribbon";

let tabs: RibbonTabModel[] = [{
    header: "Home",
    groups: [{
        header: "Paragraph",
        collections: [
            items: [{
                type: RibbonItemType.GroupButton,
                allowedSizes: RibbonItemSize.Small,
                groupButtonSettings: {
                    items: [{
                        iconCss: 'e-icons e-align-left',
                        content: 'Align Left'
                        iconCss: 'e-icons e-align-center',
                        content: 'Align Center',
                        selected: true
                        iconCss: 'e-icons e-align-right',
                        content: 'Align Right'
                        iconCss: 'e-icons e-justify',
                        content: 'Justify'

let ribbon: Ribbon = new Ribbon({ tabs: tabs });
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        top: 45%;
        width: 30%;

Single selection

You can set the selection property value as RibbonGroupButtonSelection.Single to make one selection at a time. It automatically deselects the previous choice when a different item is clicked.

import { Ribbon, RibbonTabModel, RibbonItemType, RibbonGroupButtonSelection, RibbonItemSize } from "@syncfusion/ej2-ribbon";

let tabs: RibbonTabModel[] = [{
    header: "Home",
    groups: [{
        header: "Paragraph",
        collections: [
            items: [{
                type: RibbonItemType.GroupButton,
                allowedSizes: RibbonItemSize.Small,
                groupButtonSettings: {
                    selection: RibbonGroupButtonSelection.Single,
                    items: [{
                        iconCss: 'e-icons e-align-left',
                        content: 'Align Left'
                        iconCss: 'e-icons e-align-center',
                        content: 'Align Center',
                        selected: true
                        iconCss: 'e-icons e-align-right',
                        content: 'Align Right'
                        iconCss: 'e-icons e-justify',
                        content: 'Justify'

let ribbon: Ribbon = new Ribbon({ tabs: tabs });
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        top: 45%;
        width: 30%;

Multiple selection

You can set the selection property value as RibbonGroupButtonSelection.Multiple to select more than one button at a time. Users can select a button one by one to select multiple buttons.

import { Ribbon, RibbonTabModel, RibbonItemType, RibbonGroupButtonSelection, RibbonItemSize } from "@syncfusion/ej2-ribbon";

let tabs: RibbonTabModel[] = [{
    header: "Home",
    groups: [{
        header: "Paragraph",
        collections: [
            items: [{
                type: RibbonItemType.GroupButton,
                allowedSizes: RibbonItemSize.Small,
                groupButtonSettings: {
                    selection: RibbonGroupButtonSelection.Multiple,
                    items: [{
                        iconCss: 'e-icons e-bold',
                        content: 'Bold'
                        iconCss: 'e-icons e-italic',
                        content: 'Italic',
                        selected: true
                        iconCss: 'e-icons e-underline',
                        content: 'Underline'
                        iconCss: 'e-icons e-strikethrough',
                        selected: true,
                        content: 'Strikethrough'

let ribbon: Ribbon = new Ribbon({ tabs: tabs });
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    <div id='container'>
        <div id="ribbon"></div>
    #container {
        visibility: hidden;

    #loader {
        color: #008cff;
        height: 40px;
        left: 45%;
        position: absolute;
        top: 45%;
        width: 30%;

Groupbutton in simplified mode layout

In simplified mode, the groupbutton will be rendered as a dropdownbutton. The dropdownbutton icon will be updated based on the button item selected. The initial button icon will be the set, if none of the buttons are selected.

import { Ribbon, RibbonTabModel, RibbonItemType, RibbonGroupButtonSelection, RibbonItemSize } from "@syncfusion/ej2-ribbon";

let tabs: RibbonTabModel[] = [{
    header: "Home",
    groups: [{
        header: "Paragraph",
        collections: [
            items: [{
                type: RibbonItemType.GroupButton,
                allowedSizes: RibbonItemSize.Small,
                groupButtonSettings: {
                    selection: RibbonGroupButtonSelection.Single,
                    items: [{
                        iconCss: 'e-icons e-align-left',
                        content: 'Align Left'
                        iconCss: 'e-icons e-align-center',
                        content: 'Align Center',
                        selected: true
                        iconCss: 'e-icons e-align-right',
                        content: 'Align Right'
                        iconCss: 'e-icons e-justify',
                        content: 'Justify'

let ribbon: Ribbon = new Ribbon({ tabs: tabs, activeLayout: 'Simplified' });
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

            <script src=""></script>
    <title>Essential JS 2 - Ribbon</title>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />
    <meta name="description" content="Essential JS 2" />
    <meta name="author" content="Syncfusion" />
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />

    <!--system js reference and configuration-->
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="systemjs.config.js"></script>
<script src="" type ="text/javascript"></script>
    <div id='loader'>LOADING....</div>
    <div id='container'>
        <div id="ribbon"></div>
    #container {
        visibility: hidden;

    #loader {
        color: #008cff;
        height: 40px;
        left: 45%;
        position: absolute;
        top: 45%;
        width: 30%;

Custom items

You can customize the ribbon items with non-built-in items or HTML content by setting the type property to Template. This provides an option to customize the ribbon items with greater flexibility.

import { Ribbon, RibbonTabModel, RibbonItemType } from "@syncfusion/ej2-ribbon";

let tabs: RibbonTabModel[] = [{
    header: "Home",
    groups: [
            header: 'Templates',
            isCollapsible: false,
            collections: [
                items: [
                    type: RibbonItemType.Template,
                    itemTemplate: '#customItem'
        }, {
        header: "Multimedia",
        collections: [
            items: [{
                type: RibbonItemType.Template,
                itemTemplate: "#itemTemplate"

let ribbon: Ribbon = new Ribbon({ tabs: tabs });
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

            <script src=""></script>
    <title>Essential JS 2 - Ribbon</title>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />
    <meta name="description" content="Essential JS 2" />
    <meta name="author" content="Syncfusion" />
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />

    <!--style reference from app-->
    <link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <!--system js reference and configuration-->
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="systemjs.config.js"></script>
<script src="" type ="text/javascript"></script>
    <div id='loader'>LOADING....</div>
    <div id='container'>
        <div id="ribbon"></div>
    <script type="text/x-jsrender" id="itemTemplate">
        <span class="ribbonTemplate ${activeSize}">
            <span class="e-icons e-video"></span>
            <span class="text">Video</span>

    <script type="text/x-jsrender" id="customItem">
        <div class="custom-template ${activeSize}">
            <label for="fname">First name:</label>
            <input type="text" id="fname" name="fname">
            <label for="lname">Last name:</label>
            <input type="text" id="lname" name="lname">
    #container {
        visibility: hidden;

    #loader {
        color: #008cff;
        height: 40px;
        left: 45%;
        position: absolute;
        top: 45%;
        width: 30%;
.ribbonTemplate {
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;
  cursor: pointer;

.ribbonTemplate.Large {
  flex-direction: column;

.ribbonTemplate.Large .e-icons {
  font-size: 35px;

.ribbonTemplate.Medium .e-icons,
.ribbonTemplate.Small .e-icons{
  font-size: 20px;
  margin: 15px 5px;

.ribbonTemplate.Small .text {

.custom-template input {
  margin-left: 10px;
  width: 100px;

.custom-template.Medium {
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
.custom-template.Medium input {
  height: 14px;
  margin-right: 10px;

Items display Mode

You can use the displayOptions property to display the items in the Ribbon layout.

`Auto` The items are displayed in all layouts based on the ribbon's overflow state.
`Classic` The items are displayed only in the classic layout group.
`Simplified` The items are displayed only in the simplified layout group.
`Overflow` The items are displayed only in the overflow popup.

Display items in Classic only

To diplay the items only in the classic layout group, set the mode as DisplayMode.Classic in the displayOptions property.

import { Ribbon, RibbonTabModel, RibbonItemType, DisplayMode } from "@syncfusion/ej2-ribbon";

let tabs: RibbonTabModel[] = [{
    header: "Home",
    groups: [{
        header: "Font",
        collections: [
            items: [{
                type: RibbonItemType.Button,
                displayOptions: DisplayMode.Classic,
                buttonSettings: {
                    content: "Cut",
                    iconCss: "e-icons e-cut"

let ribbon: Ribbon = new Ribbon({ tabs: tabs });

Display items in Simplified only

To diplay the items only in the simplified layout group, set the mode as DisplayMode.Simplified in the displayOptions property.

import { Ribbon, RibbonTabModel, RibbonItemType, DisplayMode } from "@syncfusion/ej2-ribbon";

let tabs: RibbonTabModel[] = [{
    header: "Home",
    groups: [{
        header: "Font",
        collections: [
            items: [{
                type: RibbonItemType.Button,
                displayOptions: DisplayMode.Simplified,
                buttonSettings: {
                    content: "Cut",
                    iconCss: "e-icons e-cut"

let ribbon: Ribbon = new Ribbon({ tabs: tabs });

Display items in Overflow popup only

To diplay the items only in the overflow, set the mode as DisplayMode.Overflow in the displayOptions property.

import { Ribbon, RibbonTabModel, RibbonItemType, DisplayMode } from "@syncfusion/ej2-ribbon";

let tabs: RibbonTabModel[] = [{
    header: "Home",
    groups: [{
        header: "Font",
        collections: [
            items: [{
                type: RibbonItemType.Button,
                displayOptions: DisplayMode.Overflow,
                buttonSettings: {
                    content: "Cut",
                    iconCss: "e-icons e-cut"

let ribbon: Ribbon = new Ribbon({ tabs: tabs });

Enable or disable items

You can use the disabled property to disable a Ribbon item. It prevents the user interaction when set to true. By default, the value is false.

import { Ribbon, RibbonTabModel, RibbonItemType } from "@syncfusion/ej2-ribbon";

let tabs: RibbonTabModel[] = [{
    header: "Home",
    groups: [{
        header: "Clipboard",
        collections: [
            items: [{
                type: RibbonItemType.Button,
                disabled: true,
                buttonSettings: {
                    content: "Cut",
                    iconCss: "e-icons e-cut"
                type: RibbonItemType.CheckBox,
                disabled: true,
                checkBoxSettings: {
                    label: "Ruler",
                    checked: true
                type: RibbonItemType.DropDown,
                disabled: true,
                dropDownSettings: {
                  content: "Table",
                  iconCss: "e-icons e-table",
                type: RibbonItemType.SplitButton,
                disabled: true,
                splitButtonSettings: {
                  content: "Table",
                  iconCss: "e-icons e-table"

let ribbon: Ribbon = new Ribbon({
  tabs: tabs