Row and column in EJ2 TypeScript Pivotview control

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Width and Height

Allows end user to set the pivot table’s height and width by using height and width properties in pivot table respectively. The supported formats to set Height and Width properties are,

  • Pixel: For example - 100, 200, “100px”, “200px”.
  • Percentage: For example - “100%”, “200%”.
  • Auto: It is applicable for Height property alone in-order to render the pivot table beyond its parent container height without vertical scrollbar. The parent container here would show its vertical scrollbar as soon as the component reaches beyond its dimension.

The pivot table will not be displayed less than 400px, since it’s the minimum width of the component.

import { PivotView, IDataSet } from '@syncfusion/ej2-pivotview';
import { pivotData } from './datasource.ts';

let pivotTableObj: PivotView = new PivotView({
        dataSourceSettings: {
        dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
        expandAll: true,
        columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
        values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }],
        rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
        formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
        filters: []
    height: '340px',
    width: 550,
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Row Height

Allows end user to set the height of each pivot table rows commonly using the rowHeight property in gridSettings.

By default, the rowHeight property is set as 36 pixels for desktop layout and 48 pixels for mobile layout.
The height of the column headers alone may vary when grouping bar feature is enabled.

In the below code sample, the rowHeight property is set as 60 pixels.

import { PivotView, IDataSet } from '@syncfusion/ej2-pivotview';
import { pivotData } from './datasource.ts';

let pivotTableObj: PivotView = new PivotView({
        dataSourceSettings: {
        dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
        expandAll: false,
        columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
        values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }],
        rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
        formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
        filters: []
    height: 350,
    gridSettings: {
        rowHeight: 60
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Column Width

Allows end user to set the width of each pivot table columns commonly using the ColumnWidth property in gridSettings.

By default, the columnWidth property is set as 110 pixels to each columns except the first column. For first column, 250 pixels and 200 pixels are set respectively with and without grouping bar.

In the below example, the columnWidth property is set as 120 pixels.

import { PivotView, IDataSet } from '@syncfusion/ej2-pivotview';
import { pivotData } from './datasource.ts';

let pivotTableObj: PivotView = new PivotView({
        dataSourceSettings: {
        dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
        expandAll: false,
        drilledMembers: [{ name: 'Country', items: ['France'] }],
        columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
        values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }],
        rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
        formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
        filters: []
    gridSettings: {
        columnWidth: 120
    height: 350
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Adjust width based on columns

By default, if the component width set in code-behind is more than the width of the total columns, then the columns will be stretched to make it fit. To avoid the stretching, set the allowAutoResizing property in the gridSettings to false. By doing so, the component will be adjusted (shrinked) based on the width of total columns.

import { PivotView, IDataSet } from '@syncfusion/ej2-pivotview';
import { pivotData } from './datasource.ts';

let pivotTableObj: PivotView = new PivotView({
        dataSourceSettings: {
        dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
        expandAll: false,
        columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }],
        values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }],
        rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
        filterSettings: [{ name: 'Year', type: 'Exclude', items: ['FY 2015', 'FY 2017'] }],
        filters: []
    gridSettings: {
        columnWidth: 120,
        allowAutoResizing: false
    height: 350,
    width: 800
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Allows end user to reorder a particular column header from one index to another index within the pivot table through drag-and-drop option. It can be enabled by setting the allowReordering property in gridSettings to true.

import { PivotView, IDataSet } from '@syncfusion/ej2-pivotview';
import { pivotData } from './datasource.ts';

let pivotTableObj: PivotView = new PivotView({
    dataSourceSettings: {
        dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
        expandAll: false,
        drilledMembers: [{ name: 'Country', items: ['France'] }],
        columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
        values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }],
        rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
        formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
        filters: []
    gridSettings: {
        allowReordering: true
    height: 350
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Column Resizing

Allows end user to resize the columns by clicking and dragging the right edge of the column header. While dragging, the width of the respective column will be resized immediately. To enable column resizing option, set the allowResizing property in gridSettings to true.

By default, the column resizing option is enabled.
In RTL mode, user can click and drag the left edge of the header cell to resize the column.

import { PivotView, IDataSet } from '@syncfusion/ej2-pivotview';
import { pivotData } from './datasource.ts';

let pivotTableObj: PivotView = new PivotView({
    dataSourceSettings: {
        dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
        expandAll: false,
        drilledMembers: [{ name: 'Country', items: ['France'] }],
        columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
        values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }],
        rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
        formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
        filters: []
    gridSettings: {
        allowResizing: true
    height: 350
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Text Wrap

Allows end user to wrap the cell content to the next line when it exceeds the boundary of the cell width. To enable text wrap, set the allowTextWrap property in gridSettings to true.

import { PivotView, IDataSet } from '@syncfusion/ej2-pivotview';
import { pivotData } from './datasource.ts';

let pivotTableObj: PivotView = new PivotView({
    dataSourceSettings: {
        dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
        expandAll: false,
        drilledMembers: [{ name: 'Country', items: ['France'] }],
        columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
        values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }],
        rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
        formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
        filters: []
    gridSettings: {
        allowTextWrap: true
    height: 350
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Text Align

Allows end user to align the content of the pivot table’s row and column headers and value cells by using the textAlign and headerTextAlign properties in the columnRender event under gridSettings. The following alignments are:

  • Left - It allows the content to be positioned on the left.
  • Right - It allows the content to be positioned on the right.
  • Center - It allows the content to be positioned in the middle.
  • Justify - It allows the content to be as flexible as possible, when the cell does not occupy the entire available area.
import { PivotView, IDataSet, ColumnRenderEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-pivotview';
import { pivotData } from './datasource.ts';

let pivotTableObj: PivotView = new PivotView({
    dataSourceSettings: {
        dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
        expandAll: true,
        columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
        values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }],
        rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
        formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
        filters: []
    gridSettings: {
        columnRender: (args: ColumnRenderEventArgs) => {
                // Content for the row headers is right-aligned here.
                // Content for the column header "FY 2015" is center-aligned here.
                args.stackedColumns[1].textAlign = 'Center';
            if(args.stackedColumns[1] && (args.stackedColumns[1].columns[0] as any)){
                // Content for the column header "Q1" is right-aligned here.
                (args.stackedColumns[1].columns[0] as any).textAlign = 'Right';
            if(args.stackedColumns[1] && args.stackedColumns[1].columns[0] && (args.stackedColumns[1].columns[0] as any).columns[0]){
                // Content for the value header "Units Sold" is right-aligned here.
                (args.stackedColumns[1].columns[0] as any).columns[0].headerTextAlign = 'Right';
            if(args.stackedColumns[1] && args.stackedColumns[1].columns[0] && (args.stackedColumns[1].columns[0] as any).columns[0]){
                // Content for the values are left-aligned here.
                (args.stackedColumns[1].columns[0] as any).columns[0].textAlign = 'Left';
    height: 350
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Allows the user to fit the Pivot Table columns as wide as the content of the cell without wrapping. It auto fits all of the Pivot Table columns by invoking the autoFitColumns method from the grid instance.

import { PivotView, IDataSet } from '@syncfusion/ej2-pivotview';
import { pivotData } from './datasource.ts';

let pivotTableObj: PivotView = new PivotView({
    dataSourceSettings: {
        dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
        expandAll: true,
        columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
        values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }],
        rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
        formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
        filters: []
    dataBound(): void {
    height: 350,
    width: 800
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The minimum width of 250 pixels is set by default with the grouping bar UI for the first column and cannot be reduced further. So, when the grouping bar is enabled, one can auto fit the Pivot Table columns by calling the autoFitColumns method from the grid instance with the parameter contained pivot table columns field name excluding first column.

import { PivotView, IDataSet, GroupingBar } from '@syncfusion/ej2-pivotview';
import { pivotData } from './datasource.ts';

let pivotTableObj: PivotView = new PivotView({
    dataSourceSettings: {
        dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
        expandAll: true,
        columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
        values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }],
        rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
        formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
        filters: []
    dataBound: function(args) {
        if (pivotTableObj.showGroupingBar) {
            let columns: string[] = [];
            for (let i: number = 1; i < (pivotTableObj.grid as any).columnModel.length; i++) {
                columns.push((pivotTableObj.grid as any).columnModel[i].field);
    showGroupingBar: true,
    height: 350,
    width: 800
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Autofit specific columns

During initial rendering, the parameter autoFit in the columnRender event under gridSettings can be set to true to auto fit specific columns.

import { PivotView, IDataSet, ColumnRenderEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-pivotview';
import { pivotData } from './datasource.ts';

let pivotTableObj: PivotView = new PivotView({
    dataSourceSettings: {
        dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
        expandAll: true,
        columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
        values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }],
        rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
        formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
        filters: []
    gridSettings: {
        columnRender: function (args: ColumnRenderEventArgs) {
            for (let i: number = 0; i < args.columns.length; i++) {
                args.columns[i].autoFit = true;
    height: 350,
    width: 800
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Grid Lines

Allows end user to display cell border for each cells using gridLines property in gridSettings.

Available mode of grid lines are:

Modes Actions
Both Displays both the horizontal and vertical grid lines.
None No grid lines are displayed.
Horizontal Displays the horizontal grid lines only.
Vertical Displays the vertical grid lines only.
Default Displays grid lines based on the theme.

By default, pivot table renders grid lines in Both mode.

import { PivotView, IDataSet } from '@syncfusion/ej2-pivotview';
import { pivotData } from './datasource.ts';

let pivotTableObj: PivotView = new PivotView({
    dataSourceSettings: {
        dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
        expandAll: false,
        enableSorting: true,
        drilledMembers: [{ name: 'Country', items: ['France'] }],
        columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
        values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }],
        rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
        formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
        filters: []
    gridSettings: {
        gridLines: 'Vertical'
    height: 350
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Selection provides an option to highlight a row or a column or a cell. It can be done through simple mouse down or arrow keys. To enable selection in the pivot table, set the allowSelection property in gridSettings to true.

The pivot table supports two types of selection that can be set using type property in selectionSettings. The selection types are:

  • Single: It is set by default, and it only allows selection of a single row or a column or a cell.
  • Multiple: Allows you to select multiple rows or columns or cells.
    To perform multi-selection, press and hold “CTRL” key and click the desired rows or cells. To select range of rows or cells, press and hold the “SHIFT” key and click the rows or columns or cells.
import { PivotView, IDataSet } from '@syncfusion/ej2-pivotview';
import { pivotData } from './datasource.ts';

let pivotTableObj: PivotView = new PivotView({
    dataSourceSettings: {
        dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
        expandAll: false,
        drilledMembers: [{ name: 'Country', items: ['France'] }],
        columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
        values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }],
        rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
        formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
        filters: []
    gridSettings: {
        allowSelection: true,
        selectionSettings: { type: 'Multiple' }
    height: 350
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Selection Mode

The pivot table supports four types of selection mode that can be set using mode in selectionSettings. The selection modes are:

  • Row:It is set by default, and allows user to select only rows.
  • Column: Allows you to select only columns.
  • Cell: Allows you to select only cells.
  • Both: Allows you to select rows and columns at the same time.
import { PivotView, IDataSet } from '@syncfusion/ej2-pivotview';
import { pivotData } from './datasource.ts';

let pivotTableObj: PivotView = new PivotView({
    dataSourceSettings: {
        dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
        expandAll: false,
        drilledMembers: [{ name: 'Country', items: ['France'] }],
        columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
        values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }],
        rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
        formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
        filters: []
    gridSettings: {
        allowSelection: true,
        selectionSettings: { mode: 'Both' }
    height: 350
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Cell Selection Mode

The pivot table supports two types of cell selection mode that can be set using cellSelectionMode in selectionSettings. The cell selection modes are:

  • Flow: The Flow value is set by default. The range of cells are selected between the start index and end index that includes in between cells of rows.
  • Box: Range of cells are selected from the start and end column indexes that includes in between cells of rows within the range.
import { PivotView, IDataSet } from '@syncfusion/ej2-pivotview';
import { pivotData } from './datasource.ts';

let pivotTableObj: PivotView = new PivotView({
    dataSourceSettings: {
        dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
        expandAll: false,
        drilledMembers: [{ name: 'Country', items: ['France'] }],
        columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
        values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }],
        rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
        formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
        filters: []
    gridSettings: {
        allowSelection: true,
        selectionSettings: { cellSelectionMode: 'Box', type: 'Multiple', mode: 'Cell' }
    height: 350
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Cell selection requires selectionSettings.mode property to be Cell or Both, and selectionSettings.type property should be Multiple.

Changing background color of the selected cell

The background-color of the selected cell can be changed using built-in CSS names. To do so, please refer to the code sample below, which shows that the selected cells are changed to a green yellow color.

import { PivotView, IDataSet } from '@syncfusion/ej2-pivotview';
import { pivotData } from './datasource.ts';

let pivotTableObj: PivotView = new PivotView({
    dataSourceSettings: {
        dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
        drilledMembers: [{ name: 'Country', items: ['France'] }],
        columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
        values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }],
        rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
        formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
        filters: []
    gridSettings: {
        allowSelection: true,
        selectionSettings: { cellSelectionMode: 'Box', type: 'Multiple', mode: 'Cell' }
    height: 350
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The event cellSelected is triggered when cell selection gets completed. It provides selected cells information with its corresponding column and row headers. It has following parameters - selectedCellsInfo, currentCell and target. This event allows user to view selected cells information and user can pass those selected cells information to any external component for data binding.

import { PivotView, IDataSet, PivotCellSelectedEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-pivotview';
import { pivotData } from './datasource.ts';

let pivotTableObj: PivotView = new PivotView({
    dataSourceSettings: {
        dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
        expandAll: false,
        drilledMembers: [{ name: 'Country', items: ['France'] }],
        columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
        values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }],
        rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
        formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
        filters: []
    gridSettings: {
        allowSelection: true,
        selectionSettings: { cellSelectionMode: 'Box', type: 'Multiple', mode: 'Cell' }
    cellSelected: (args: PivotCellSelectedEventArgs) => {
        //args.SelectedCellsInfo -> get selected cells information
    height: 350
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The event cellSelecting triggers before cell gets selected gets completed. It provides selected cells information with its corresponding column and row headers. It has following parameters - currentCell, data and cancel.

import { PivotView, IDataSet, PivotCellSelectedEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-pivotview';
import { pivotData } from './datasource.ts';

let pivotTableObj: PivotView = new PivotView({
    dataSourceSettings: {
        dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
        expandAll: false,
        drilledMembers: [{ name: 'Country', items: ['France'] }],
        columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
        values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }],
        rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
        formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
        filters: []
    gridSettings: {
        allowSelection: true,
        selectionSettings: { cellSelectionMode: 'Box', type: 'Multiple', mode: 'Cell' }
    cellSelecting: (args: PivotCellSelectedEventArgs) => {
        //args.currentCell -> get current selected cell information
    height: 350
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Clip Mode

The clip mode provides options to display its overflow cell content in the pivot table. It can be configured using the clipMode property in gridSettings. The pivot table supports three types of clip modes which are:

  • Clip: Truncates the cell content when it overflows its area.
  • Ellipsis: Displays ellipsis when the cell content overflows its area.
  • EllipsisWithTooltip: Displays ellipsis when the cell content overflows its area, also it will display the tooltip while hover on ellipsis is applied.

By default, clipMode value is set to Ellipsis.

import { PivotView, IDataSet } from '@syncfusion/ej2-pivotview';
import { pivotData } from './datasource.ts';

let pivotTableObj: PivotView = new PivotView({
    dataSourceSettings: {
        dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
        expandAll: false,
        drilledMembers: [{ name: 'Country', items: ['France'] }],
        columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
        values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }],
        rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
        formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
        filters: []
    gridSettings: {
        clipMode: 'Clip'
    height: 350
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Cell Template

User can customize the pivot table cell element by using the cellTemplate property in pivot table The cellTemplate property accepts either an HTML string or the element’s ID, which can be used to append additional HTML elements to showcase each cell with custom format.

In this demo, the revenue cost for each year is represented with trend icons.

import { PivotView, IDataSet } from '@syncfusion/ej2-pivotview';
import { renewableEnergy } from './datasource.ts';

let pivotTableObj: PivotView = new PivotView({
    dataSourceSettings: {
        dataSource: renewableEnergy as IDataSet[],
        expandAll: true,
        enableSorting: true,
        drilledMembers: [{ name: 'Year', items: ['FY 2015', 'FY 2017', 'FY 2018'] }],
        formatSettings: [{ name: 'ProCost', format: 'C0' }],
        rows: [
            { name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }
        columns: [
            { name: 'EnerType', caption: 'Energy Type' },
            { name: 'EneSource', caption: 'Energy Source' }
        values: [
            { name: 'ProCost', caption: 'Revenue Growth' }
        filters: []
    gridSettings: {
        columnWidth: 140
    height: 350,
    cellTemplate: '<span class="tempwrap sb-icon-neutral pv-icons"></span>',
    dataBound(): void {
        let cTable: HTMLElement[] = []"e-table"));
        let colLen: number = pivotTableObj.pivotValues[3].length;
        let cLen: number = cTable[3].children[0].children.length;
        let rLen: number = cTable[3].children[1].children.length;
        let rowIndx: number;

        for (let k = 0; k < rLen; k++) {
            if (pivotTableObj.pivotValues[k] && pivotTableObj.pivotValues[k][0] !== undefined) {
                rowIndx = ((pivotTableObj.pivotValues[k][0]) as IAxisSet).rowIndex;
        var rowHeaders = [][2].children[1].querySelectorAll('td'));
        var rows = pivotTableObj.dataSourceSettings.rows;
        if (rowHeaders.length > 1) {
            for (var i = 0, Cnt = rows; i < Cnt.length; i++) {
                var fields = {};
                var fieldHeaders = [];
                for (var j = 0, Lnt = rowHeaders; j < Lnt.length; j++) {
                    var header = rowHeaders[j];
                    if (header.className.indexOf('e-gtot') === -1 && header.className.indexOf('e-rowsheader') > -1 && header.getAttribute('fieldname') === rows[i].name) {
                        var headerName = rowHeaders[j].getAttribute('fieldname') + '_' + rowHeaders[j].textContent;
                        fields[rowHeaders[j].textContent] = j;
                if (i === 0) {
                    for (let rnt: number = 0, Lnt = fieldHeaders; rnt < Lnt.length; rnt++) {
                        if (rnt !== 0) {
                            let row: number = fields[fieldHeaders[rnt]];
                            let prevRow: number = fields[fieldHeaders[rnt - 1]];
                            for (var j = 0, ci = 1; j < cLen && ci < colLen; j++ , ci++) {
                                let node: HTMLElement = cTable[3].children[1].children[row].childNodes[j] as HTMLElement;
                                let prevNode: HTMLElement = cTable[3].children[1].children[prevRow].childNodes[j] as HTMLElement;
                                let ri: string = undefined;
                                let prevRi: string = undefined;
                                if (node) {
                                    ri = node.getAttribute("index");
                                if (prevNode) {
                                    prevRi = prevNode.getAttribute("index");
                                if (ri && ri < [] {
                                    if ((pivotTableObj.pivotValues[prevRi][ci]).value > (pivotTableObj.pivotValues[ri][ci]).value && node.querySelector('.tempwrap')) {
                                        let trendElement: HTMLElement = node.querySelector('.tempwrap');
                                        trendElement.className = trendElement.className.replace('sb-icon-neutral', 'sb-icon-loss');
                                    } else if ((pivotTableObj.pivotValues[prevRi][ci]).value < (pivotTableObj.pivotValues[ri][ci]).value && node.querySelector('.tempwrap')) {
                                        let trendElement: HTMLElement = node.querySelector('.tempwrap');
                                        trendElement.className = trendElement.className.replace('sb-icon-neutral', 'sb-icon-profit');
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The event queryCellInfo triggers while rendering each row and value cells in the pivot table. It allows the user to customize the current cell like adding or removing styles, editing value, etc. It has the following parameters:

  • cell - It holds the current cell information.
  • data - It holds the entire row data across the current cell.
  • column - It holds the entire column data across the current cell.
  • pivotview - It holds pivot table instance.
import { PivotView, IDataSet, QueryCellInfoEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-pivotview';
import { pivotData } from './datasource.ts';

let pivotTableObj: PivotView = new PivotView({
    dataSourceSettings: {
        dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
        expandAll: false,
        drilledMembers: [{ name: 'Country', items: ['France'] }],
        columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
        values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }],
        rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
        formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
        filters: []
    gridSettings: {
        queryCellInfo: (args: QueryCellInfoEventArgs) => {
            //triggers every time for value cell while rendering
    height: 350
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The event headerCellInfo triggers while rendering each column header in the pivot table. It allows the user to customize the element of the current column header like adding or removing styles, editing value, etc. It has the following parameters:

  • node - It holds the current header cell information
import { PivotView, IDataSet } from '@syncfusion/ej2-pivotview';
import { pivotData } from './datasource.ts';
import { HeaderCellInfoEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-grids'

let pivotTableObj: PivotView = new PivotView({
    dataSourceSettings: {
        dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
        expandAll: false,
        drilledMembers: [{ name: 'Country', items: ['France'] }],
        columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
        values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }],
        rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
        formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
        filters: []
    gridSettings: {
        headerCellInfo: (args: HeaderCellInfoEventArgs) => {
            //triggers every time for header cell while rendering
    height: 350
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The event columnRender triggers while framing each columns for rendering in the pivot table. It allows the user to customize the text alignment, column visibility, autofit, re-ordering, minimum and maximum width for a specific column. It has the following parameters:

  • columns - It holds the leaf level columns (i.e., value headers) information.
  • dataSourceSettings - It holds the current data source settings such as input data source, rows, columns, values, filters, format settings and so on.
  • stackedColumns - It holds the drilled columns (i.e., including column and value headers) information.
import { PivotView, IDataSet, ColumnRenderEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-pivotview';
import { pivotData } from './datasource.ts';

let pivotTableObj: PivotView = new PivotView({
    dataSourceSettings: {
        dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
        expandAll: false,
        drilledMembers: [{ name: 'Country', items: ['France'] }],
        columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
        values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }],
        rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
        formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
        filters: []
    gridSettings: {
        columnRender: (args: ColumnRenderEventArgs) => {
            // Here you can customize the specific columns.
            for (var i = 0; i < args.columns.length; i++) {
                args.columns[i].autoFit = true;
    height: 350
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The event cellClick triggers while clicking a cell in the pivot table. For instance, using this event end-user can either add or remove styles, edit value and also perform any other DOM manipulations. It has the following parameters:

  • currentCell - It holds the current cell information.
  • data - It holds the clicked cell’s data like axis, formatted text, actual text, row header, column header and value informations.
import { PivotView, IDataSet, CellClickEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-pivotview';
import { pivotData } from './datasource.ts';

let pivotTableObj: PivotView = new PivotView({
    dataSourceSettings: {
        dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
        expandAll: false,
        drilledMembers: [{ name: 'Country', items: ['France'] }],
        columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
        values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }],
        rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
        formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
        filters: []
    cellClick: (args: CellClickEventArgs) => {
        //triggers every time on cell click in pivot
        args.currentCell.setAttribute("style", "background-color: red;")
    height: 350
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