Accessibility in EJ2 TypeScript Maps control

25 Dec 20246 minutes to read

The Maps control follows commonly used accessibility guidelines and standards, such as ADA, Section 508, WCAG 2.2 standards, and WCAG roles.

The accessibility compliance for the Maps control is outlined below.

Yes - All features of the control meet the requirement.
Intermediate - Some features of the control do not meet the requirement.
No - The control does not meet the requirement.

WAI-ARIA attributes

To meet accessibility standards, the Maps control follows to the WAI-ARIA patterns. In the Maps control, the following ARIA attributes are used:

Attributes Purpose
role=region It specifies the Maps areas that do not support interactive functions like selection and highlight.
role=button It specifies the Maps areas where interactive functions such as selection and highlight are available.
aria-label Provides an accessible name for Maps elements such as geometric map shapes, title, subtitle, legend title, legend item labels, data labels, and so on. To learn more, see the next topic.

Screen reading in Maps

Accessibility in the Maps control ensures that all users, regardless of ability or disability, can use screen reading. The following Map elements will be read aloud using screen reading software, such as Narrator for Windows.

Elements Description
Shapes in the layer Reads the names of the geographical shapes (such as countries, states, and regions) that appear on the Maps.
Title Reads the title content in the Maps.
Subtitle Reads the title below the main title content in the Maps.
Legend title Reads the contents of the legend’s title as specified in Maps.
Legend item label Reads the label of a legend item in Maps.
Data label Reads the label specified for the shapes in the Maps layer.
Annotation Reads the content specified in the annotation.
Marker template Reads the content provided in the marker template.
Tooltip template Reads the content provided in the tooltip template.
Data label template Reads the content provided in the data label template.

Keyboard Navigation

All the Maps actions can be controlled via keyboard keys. The applicable key combinations and their relative functionalities are listed below for the appropriate UI features available in the control.

Interaction Keys Description
Tab Moves to the next focusable element on the map, such as the legend or shape.
Shift + Tab Moves to the previous focusable element on the map, such as the legend or shape.
+ When zooming is enabled, zoom in operation can be performed.
- When zooming is enabled, zoom out operation can be performed.
Left arrow When zoomed in, the map can be scrolled to the left.
Right arrow When zoomed in, the map can be scrolled to the right.
Up arrow When zoomed in, the map can be scrolled upward.
Down arrow When zoomed in, the map can be scrolled downward.
R When zooming is enabled, reset operation can be performed.
Enter The page can be navigated to the next and previous states in legend. Similarly, the selection can be made while navigating over the shape.

Ensuring accessibility

The Maps control’s accessibility levels are ensured using an accessibility-checker and axe-core software tools during automated testing.

The accessibility compliance of the Maps control is shown in the following sample. Open the sample in a new window to evaluate the accessibility of the Maps control with accessibility tools.

See also