
31 May 20231 minute to read

Install by using npm CLI

Syncfusion JavaScript (Essential JS 2) packages are published in npm. You can install the necessary packages from npm’s install command. For example, grid package can be installed using following command.

npm install @syncfusion/ej2-grids --save

Install by using package.json

1.Add the Syncfusion JavaScript (Essential JS 2) package references in the dependencies of ~/package.json file.

        "dependencies": {
            "@syncfusion/ej2-grids": "*",
            "@syncfusion/ej2-charts": "*"
> The `*` indicates the latest version of npm package. Refer the [documentation]( for more details about npm versioning.

2.Now, open the command prompt and run the npm install command line. This will install all npm dependencies in a single command line.

Refer the documentation for more details about npm package.json