Working with data in EJ2 TypeScript Heatmap chart control

18 Apr 202324 minutes to read

Heat map visualizes the JSON data and two-dimensional array data. Using the data adaptor support, data can be bound to the heat map.

Data adaptor

Heat map supports the following types of data binding with the adaptor support.

  • Array
    • Table binding
    • Cell binding
  • JSON data
    • Table binding
    • Cell binding

Array - table binding

This data type is a collection of one dimensional array objects, at which each inner array contains data points for an X-axis data label.
This is the default data binding type for heat map. You can also directly bind the array object to the dataSource property.

import { HeatMap, Legend, Tooltip, ITooltipEventArgs} from '@syncfusion/ej2-heatmap';
HeatMap.Inject(Legend, Tooltip);

let heatmapData: Object = [
        [9.5, 2.2, 4.2, 8.2, -0.5, 3.2, 5.4, 7.4, 6.2, 1.4],
        [4.3, 8.9, 10.8, 6.5, 5.1, 6.2, 7.6, 7.5, 6.1, 7.6],
        [3.9, 2.7, 2.5, 3.7, 2.6, 5.1, 5.8, 2.9, 4.5, 5.1],
        [2.4, -3.7, 4.1, 6.0, 5.0, 2.4, 3.3, 4.6, 4.3, 2.7],
        [2.0, 7.0, -4.1, 8.9, 2.7, 5.9, 5.6, 1.9, -1.7, 2.9],
        [5.4, 1.1, 6.9, 4.5, 2.9, 3.4, 1.5, -2.8, -4.6, 1.2],
        [-1.3, 3.9, 3.5, 6.6, 5.2, 7.7, 1.4, -3.6, 6.6, 4.3],
        [-1.6, 2.3, 2.9, -2.5, 1.3, 4.9, 10.1, 3.2, 4.8, 2.0],
        [10.8, -1.6, 4.0, 6.0, 7.7, 2.6, 5.6, -2.5, 3.8, -1.9],
        [6.2, 9.8, -1.5, 2.0, -1.5, 4.3, 6.7, 3.8, -1.2, 2.4],
        [1.2, 10.9, 4.0, -1.4, 2.2, 1.6, -2.6, 2.3, 1.7, 2.4],
        [5.1, -2.4, 8.2, -1.1, 3.5, 6.0, -1.3, 7.2, 9.0, 4.2]

let heatmap: HeatMap = new HeatMap({
        titleSettings: {
            text: 'GDP Growth Rate for Major Economies (in Percentage)',
            textStyle: {
                size: '15px',
                fontWeight: '500',
                fontStyle: 'Normal',
                fontFamily: 'Segoe UI'
        xAxis: {
            labels: ['China', 'India', 'Australia', 'Mexico', 'Canada', 'Brazil',
                'USA', 'UK', 'Germany', 'Russia', 'France', 'Japan'],
            labelRotation: 45,
            labelIntersectAction: 'None',
        yAxis: {
            labels: ['2008', '2009', '2010', '2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017']
        }, paletteSettings: {
            palette: [
                { value: -1, color: '#F0D6AD' },
                { value: 0, color: '#9da49a' },
                { value: 3.5, color: '#d7c7a7' },
                { value: 6.0, color: '#6e888f' },
                { value: 7.5, color: '#466f86' },
                { value: 10, color: '#19547B' },
        legendSettings: {
            visible: false
        tooltipRender: (args: ITooltipEventArgs) =>  {
            args.content = [args.yLabel + ' | ' + args.xLabel + ' : ' + args.value + ' %'];
        dataSource: heatmapData
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Array - cell binding

This data type is a collection of array objects that contain information about the row index, column index, and data value for each cell. You can bind the data to heat map by using the data property in the dataSource and setting the adaptorType property to Cell.

import { HeatMap, Legend, Tooltip, Adaptor, ITooltipEventArgs} from '@syncfusion/ej2-heatmap';
HeatMap.Inject(Legend, Tooltip, Adaptor);

let heatmapData: Object =  [
        [0, 0, 10.75], [0, 1, 14.5], [0, 2, 25.5], [0, 3, 39.5], [0, 4, 59.75], [0, 5, 35.50], [0, 6, 75.5],
        [1, 0, 20.75], [1, 1, 35.5], [1, 2, 29.5], [1, 3, 75.5], [1, 4, 80], [1, 5, 65], [1, 6, 85],
        [2, 0, 6], [2, 1, 18.5], [2, 2, 30.05], [2, 3, 35.5], [2, 4, 40.75], [2, 5, 50.75], [2, 6, 65],
        [3, 0, 30.5], [3, 1, 20.5], [3, 2, 45.30], [3, 3, 50], [3, 4, 55], [3, 5, 85.80], [3, 6, 87.5],
        [4, 0, 10.5], [4, 1, 20.75], [4, 2, 35.5], [4, 3, 35.5], [4, 4, 45.5], [4, 5, 65.], [4, 6, 75.5],
        [5, 0, 45.5], [5, 1, 20.75], [5, 2, 45.5], [5, 3, 50.75], [5, 4, 79.30], [5, 5, 84.20], [5, 6, 87.36],
        [6, 0, 26.82], [6, 1, 70], [6, 2, 75], [6, 3, 79.5], [6, 4, 88.5], [6, 5, 89.5], [6, 6, 91.75],
        [7, 0, 15.75], [7, 1, 20.75], [7, 2, 25.5], [7, 3, 42.35], [7, 4, 45.15], [7, 5, 76.5], [7, 6, 80.5],
        [8, 0, 1.98], [8, 1, 15.23], [8, 2, 43], [8, 3, 49], [8, 4, 63.80], [8, 5, 67.97], [8, 6, 70.52],
        [9, 0, 14.31], [9, 1, 42.87], [9, 2, 77.28], [9, 3, 77.82], [9, 4, 81.44], [9, 5, 81.92], [9, 6, 83.75],
        [10, 0, 25.5], [10, 1, 35.5], [10, 2, 40.5], [10, 3, 45.05], [10, 4, 50.5], [10, 5, 75.5], [10, 6, 90.58]

let heatmap: HeatMap = new HeatMap({
        titleSettings: {
            text: 'Percentage of Individuals Using Internet by Country',
            textStyle: {
                size: '15px',
                fontWeight: '500',
                fontStyle: 'Normal',
                fontFamily: 'Segoe UI'
        xAxis: {
            labels: ['China', 'Australia', 'Mexico', 'Canada', 'Brazil', 'USA',
                'UK', 'Germany', 'Russia', 'France', 'Japan'],
        yAxis: {
            labels: ['2000', '2005', '2010', '2011', '2012', '2013', '2014'],
        dataSource: heatmapData,
        dataSourceSettings: {
            isJsonData: false,
            adaptorType: 'Cell'
        }, paletteSettings: {
            palette: [{ color: '#3498DB' },
            { color: '#2C3E50' }
        cellSettings: {
            border: {
                width: '0'
            textStyle: {
                color: 'white'
            format: '{value} %'
        legendSettings: {
            visible: false,
        tooltipRender: (args: ITooltipEventArgs) =>  {
            args.content = [args.yLabel + ' | ' + args.xLabel + ' : ' + args.value + ' %'];
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JSON data - table binding

In JSON table data binding, each JSON object contains an X-axis data point as row header and all the corresponding Y-axis data values.
You can bind the JSON table data to the heat map using the data property in dataSource. To achieve this, you should enable the isJsonData property and define the adaptorTypeproperty as Table. The xDataMapping property is used to map the row header in JSON data.

import { HeatMap, Legend, Tooltip, Adaptor} from '@syncfusion/ej2-heatmap';
HeatMap.Inject(Legend, Tooltip, Adaptor);

let heatmapData: object =  [
        { 'Region': 'USA', '2000': 93, '2004': 101, '2008': 112, '2012': 103, '2016': 121 },
        { 'Region': 'GBR', '2000': 28, '2004': 30, '2008': 49, '2012': 65, '2016': 67 },
        { 'Region': 'China', '2000': 58, '2004': 63, '2008': 100, '2012': 91, '2016': 70 },
        { 'Region': 'Russia', '2000': 89, '2004': 90, '2008': 60, '2012': 69, '2016': 55 },
        { 'Region': 'Germany', '2000': 56, '2004': 49, '2008': 41, '2012': 44, '2016': 42 },
        { 'Region': 'Japan', '2000': 18, '2004': 37, '2008': 25, '2012': 38, '2016': 41 },
        { 'Region': 'France', '2000': 38, '2004': 33, '2008': 43, '2012': 35, '2016': 42 },
        { 'Region': 'KOR', '2000': 28, '2004': 30, '2008': 32, '2012': 30, '2016': 21 },
        { 'Region': 'Italy', '2000': 34, '2004': 32, '2008': 27, '2012': 28, '2016': 28 }];

let heatmap: HeatMap = new HeatMap({
        titleSettings: {
            text: 'Olympic Medal Achievements of most Successful Countries',
            textStyle: {
                size: '15px',
                fontWeight: '500',
                fontStyle: 'Normal',
                fontFamily: 'Segoe UI'
        xAxis: {
            labels: ['China', 'France', 'GBR', 'Germany', 'Italy', 'Japan', 'KOR', 'Russia', 'USA'],
            labelRotation: 45,
            labelIntersectAction: 'None',
        yAxis: {
            title : {text: 'Olympic Year'},
            labels: ['2000', '2004', '2008', '2012', '2016'],
        dataSource: heatmapData,
        dataSourceSettings: {
            isJsonData: true,
            adaptorType: 'Table',
            xDataMapping: 'Region',
        }, paletteSettings: {
            palette: [{ color: '#F0C27B' },
            { color: '#4B1248' }
        cellSettings: {
            border: {
                width: 1,
                radius: 4,
                color: 'white'
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JSON data - Cell binding

In JSON cell data binding, each JSON object consists a value for each cell along with a mapping value for row and column. You can bind the JSON cell data having information for each cell to the heat map using the data property in dataSource. To achieve this, you should define the adaptorType property as Cell, and enable the isJsonData property. Now, map the fields of data by using the valueMapping, xDataMapping and yDataMapping properties.

import { HeatMap, Legend, Tooltip, Adaptor} from '@syncfusion/ej2-heatmap';
HeatMap.Inject(Legend, Tooltip, Adaptor);

let heatmapData: object =   [
        { 'rowid': 'France', 'columnid': '2010', 'value': '77.6' },
        { 'rowid': 'France', 'columnid': '2011', 'value': '79.4' },
        { 'rowid': 'France', 'columnid': '2012', 'value': '80.8' },
        { 'rowid': 'France', 'columnid': '2013', 'value': '86.6' },
        { 'rowid': 'France', 'columnid': '2014', 'value': '83.7' },
        { 'rowid': 'France', 'columnid': '2015', 'value': '84.5' },
        { 'rowid': 'France', 'columnid': '2016', 'value': '82.6' },
        { 'rowid': 'USA', 'columnid': '2010', 'value': '60.6' },
        { 'rowid': 'USA', 'columnid': '2011', 'value': '65.4' },
        { 'rowid': 'USA', 'columnid': '2012', 'value': '70.8' },
        { 'rowid': 'USA', 'columnid': '2013', 'value': '73.8' },
        { 'rowid': 'USA', 'columnid': '2014', 'value': '75.3' },
        { 'rowid': 'USA', 'columnid': '2015', 'value': '77.5' },
        { 'rowid': 'USA', 'columnid': '2016', 'value': '77.6' },
        { 'rowid': 'Spain', 'columnid': '2010', 'value': '64.9' },
        { 'rowid': 'Spain', 'columnid': '2011', 'value': '52.6' },
        { 'rowid': 'Spain', 'columnid': '2012', 'value': '60.8' },
        { 'rowid': 'Spain', 'columnid': '2013', 'value': '65.6' },
        { 'rowid': 'Spain', 'columnid': '2014', 'value': '52.6' },
        { 'rowid': 'Spain', 'columnid': '2015', 'value': '68.5' },
        { 'rowid': 'Spain', 'columnid': '2016', 'value': '75.6' },
        { 'rowid': 'China', 'columnid': '2010', 'value': '55.6' },
        { 'rowid': 'China', 'columnid': '2011', 'value': '52.3' },
        { 'rowid': 'China', 'columnid': '2012', 'value': '54.8' },
        { 'rowid': 'China', 'columnid': '2013', 'value': '51.1' },
        { 'rowid': 'China', 'columnid': '2014', 'value': '55.6' },
        { 'rowid': 'China', 'columnid': '2015', 'value': '56.9' },
        { 'rowid': 'China', 'columnid': '2016', 'value': '59.3' },
        { 'rowid': 'Italy', 'columnid': '2010', 'value': '43.6' },
        { 'rowid': 'Italy', 'columnid': '2011', 'value': '43.2' },
        { 'rowid': 'Italy', 'columnid': '2012', 'value': '55.8' },
        { 'rowid': 'Italy', 'columnid': '2013', 'value': '50.1' },
        { 'rowid': 'Italy', 'columnid': '2014', 'value': '48.5' },
        { 'rowid': 'Italy', 'columnid': '2015', 'value': '50.7' },
        { 'rowid': 'Italy', 'columnid': '2016', 'value': '52.4' },
        { 'rowid': 'UK', 'columnid': '2010', 'value': '28.2' },
        { 'rowid': 'UK', 'columnid': '2011', 'value': '31.6' },
        { 'rowid': 'UK', 'columnid': '2012', 'value': '29.8' },
        { 'rowid': 'UK', 'columnid': '2013', 'value': '33.1' },
        { 'rowid': 'UK', 'columnid': '2014', 'value': '32.6' },
        { 'rowid': 'UK', 'columnid': '2015', 'value': '34.4' },
        { 'rowid': 'UK', 'columnid': '2016', 'value': '35.8' },
        { 'rowid': 'Germany', 'columnid': '2010', 'value': '26.8' },
        { 'rowid': 'Germany', 'columnid': '2011', 'value': '29' },
        { 'rowid': 'Germany', 'columnid': '2012', 'value': '26.8' },
        { 'rowid': 'Germany', 'columnid': '2013', 'value': '27.6' },
        { 'rowid': 'Germany', 'columnid': '2014', 'value': '33' },
        { 'rowid': 'Germany', 'columnid': '2015', 'value': '35' },
        { 'rowid': 'Germany', 'columnid': '2016', 'value': '35.6' },
        { 'rowid': 'Mexico', 'columnid': '2010', 'value': '23.2' },
        { 'rowid': 'Mexico', 'columnid': '2011', 'value': '24.9' },
        { 'rowid': 'Mexico', 'columnid': '2012', 'value': '30.1' },
        { 'rowid': 'Mexico', 'columnid': '2013', 'value': '22.2' },
        { 'rowid': 'Mexico', 'columnid': '2014', 'value': '29.3' },
        { 'rowid': 'Mexico', 'columnid': '2015', 'value': '32.1' },
        { 'rowid': 'Mexico', 'columnid': '2016', 'value': '35' },
        { 'rowid': 'Thailand', 'columnid': '2010', 'value': '15.9' },
        { 'rowid': 'Thailand', 'columnid': '2011', 'value': '19.8' },
        { 'rowid': 'Thailand', 'columnid': '2012', 'value': '21.8' },
        { 'rowid': 'Thailand', 'columnid': '2013', 'value': '23.5' },
        { 'rowid': 'Thailand', 'columnid': '2014', 'value': '24.8' },
        { 'rowid': 'Thailand', 'columnid': '2015', 'value': '29.9' },
        { 'rowid': 'Thailand', 'columnid': '2016', 'value': '32.6' },
        { 'rowid': 'Austria', 'columnid': '2010', 'value': '22' },
        { 'rowid': 'Austria', 'columnid': '2011', 'value': '21.3' },
        { 'rowid': 'Austria', 'columnid': '2012', 'value': '24.2' },
        { 'rowid': 'Austria', 'columnid': '2013', 'value': '23.2' },
        { 'rowid': 'Austria', 'columnid': '2014', 'value': '25' },
        { 'rowid': 'Austria', 'columnid': '2015', 'value': '26.7' },
        { 'rowid': 'Austria', 'columnid': '2016', 'value': '28.1' },

let heatmap: HeatMap = new HeatMap({
        titleSettings: {
            text: 'Most Visited Destinations by International Tourist Arrivals',
            textStyle: {
                size: '15px',
                fontWeight: '500',
                fontStyle: 'Normal',
                fontFamily: 'Segoe UI'
        xAxis: {
            labels: ['Austria', 'China', 'France', 'Germany', 'Italy', 'Mexico', 'Spain', 'Thailand', 'UK', 'USA'],
        yAxis: {
            labels: ['2010', '2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016'],
        dataSource: heatmapData,
        dataSourceSettings: {
            isJsonData: true,
            adaptorType: 'Cell',
            xDataMapping: 'rowid',
            yDataMapping: 'columnid',
            valueMapping: 'value'
        }, cellSettings: {
            border: {
                radius: 4,
                width: 1,
                color: 'white'
            showLabel: true,
            format: '{value} M',
        }, paletteSettings: {
            palette: [{ color: '#DCD57E' },
            { color: '#A6DC7E' },
            { color: '#7EDCA2' },
            { color: '#6EB5D0' }
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Empty points

The data points that use the null or undefined or empty string as value are considered as empty points. Empty data points are ignored and not displayed in the heat map, and these points are rendered with default palette. You can customize the empty data point color value using the emptyPointColor property.

import { HeatMap, Legend, Tooltip, Adaptor } from '@syncfusion/ej2-heatmap';
HeatMap.Inject(Legend, Tooltip, Adaptor);

let heatmapData: any [] = [
        [73, 39, 26, 39, 94, 0],
        [93, 58, 53, 38, 26, 68],
        [99, 28, null, 4, 66, 90],
        [14, 26, 97, 69, 69, 3],
        [7, 46, 47, 47, 88, 6],
        [41, 55, 73, 23, "", 79],
        [56, 69, 21, 86, 3, 33],
        [45, 7, undefined, 81, 95, 79],
        [60, 77, 74, 68, 88, 51],
        [25, 25, 10, 12, 78, 14],
        [25, 56, 55, 58, 12, 82],
        [74, 33, 88, 23, 86, 59]

let heatmap: HeatMap = new HeatMap({
        xAxis: {
            minimum: new Date(2007,0,1),
        },yAxis: {
        legendSettings: {
            visible: false,
        dataSource: heatmapData
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Binding nested JSON data

In complex data binding, you can bind the nested JSON data to the data points in the heat map. The nested data can be mapped using the xDataMapping, yDataMapping, valueMapping and bubbleDataMapping properties as string value concatenated by a dot.

import { HeatMap, Legend, Tooltip, Adaptor} from '@syncfusion/ej2-heatmap';
HeatMap.Inject(Legend, Tooltip, Adaptor);

let heatmapData: object = [
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'France','Ylabel': '2010' },'data':{'value': '77.6' }},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'France','Ylabel': '2011'},'data':{'value': '79.4'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'France','Ylabel': '2012'},'data':{'value': '80.8'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'France','Ylabel': '2013'},'data':{'value': '86.6'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'France','Ylabel': '2014'},'data':{'value': '83.7'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'France','Ylabel': '2015'},'data':{'value': '84.5'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'France','Ylabel': '2016'},'data':{'value': '82.6'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'USA','Ylabel': '2010'},'data':{'value': '60.6'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'USA','Ylabel': '2011'},'data':{'value': '65.4'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'USA','Ylabel': '2012'},'data':{'value': '70.8'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'USA','Ylabel': '2013'},'data':{'value': '73.8'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'USA','Ylabel': '2014'},'data':{'value': '75.3'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'USA','Ylabel': '2015'},'data':{'value': '77.5'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'USA','Ylabel': '2016'},'data':{'value': '77.6'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Spain','Ylabel': '2010'},'data':{'value': '64.9'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Spain','Ylabel': '2011'},'data':{'value': '52.6'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Spain','Ylabel': '2012'},'data':{'value': '60.8'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Spain','Ylabel': '2013'},'data':{'value': '65.6'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Spain','Ylabel': '2014'},'data':{'value': '52.6'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Spain','Ylabel': '2015'},'data':{'value': '68.5'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Spain','Ylabel': '2016'},'data':{'value': '75.6'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'China','Ylabel': '2010'},'data':{'value': '55.6'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'China','Ylabel': '2011'},'data':{'value': '52.3'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'China','Ylabel': '2012'},'data':{'value': '54.8'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'China','Ylabel': '2013'},'data':{'value': '51.1'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'China','Ylabel': '2014'},'data':{'value': '55.6'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'China','Ylabel': '2015'},'data':{'value': '56.9'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'China','Ylabel': '2016'},'data':{'value': '59.3'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Italy','Ylabel': '2010'},'data':{'value': '43.6'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Italy','Ylabel': '2011'},'data':{'value': '43.2'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Italy','Ylabel': '2012'},'data':{'value': '55.8'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Italy','Ylabel': '2013'},'data':{'value': '50.1'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Italy','Ylabel': '2014'},'data':{'value': '48.5'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Italy','Ylabel': '2015'},'data':{'value': '50.7'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Italy','Ylabel': '2016'},'data':{'value': '52.4'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'UK','Ylabel': '2010'},'data':{'value': '28.2'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'UK','Ylabel': '2011'},'data':{'value': '31.6'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'UK','Ylabel': '2012'},'data':{'value': '29.8'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'UK','Ylabel': '2013'},'data':{'value': '33.1'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'UK','Ylabel': '2014'},'data':{'value': '32.6'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'UK','Ylabel': '2015'},'data':{'value': '34.4'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'UK','Ylabel': '2016'},'data':{'value': '35.8'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Germany','Ylabel': '2010'},'data':{'value': '26.8'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Germany','Ylabel': '2011'},'data':{'value': '29' }},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Germany','Ylabel': '2012'},'data':{'value': '26.8'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Germany','Ylabel': '2013'},'data':{'value': '27.6'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Germany','Ylabel': '2014'},'data':{'value': '33' }},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Germany','Ylabel': '2015'},'data':{'value': '35' }},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Germany','Ylabel': '2016'},'data':{'value': '35.6'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Mexico','Ylabel': '2010'},'data':{'value': '23.2'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Mexico','Ylabel': '2011'},'data':{'value': '24.9'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Mexico','Ylabel': '2012'},'data':{'value': '30.1'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Mexico','Ylabel': '2013'},'data':{'value': '22.2'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Mexico','Ylabel': '2014'},'data':{'value': '29.3'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Mexico','Ylabel': '2015'},'data':{'value': '32.1'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Mexico','Ylabel': '2016'}, 'data':{'value': '35' }},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Thailand','Ylabel': '2010'},'data':{'value': '15.9'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Thailand','Ylabel': '2011'},'data':{'value': '19.8'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Thailand','Ylabel': '2012'},'data':{'value': '21.8'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Thailand','Ylabel': '2013'},'data':{'value': '23.5'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Thailand','Ylabel': '2014'},'data':{'value': '24.8'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Thailand','Ylabel': '2015'},'data':{'value': '29.9'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Thailand','Ylabel': '2016'},'data':{'value': '32.6'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Austria','Ylabel': '2010'},'data':{'value': '22' }},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Austria','Ylabel': '2011'},'data':{'value': '21.3'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Austria','Ylabel': '2012'},'data':{'value': '24.2'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Austria','Ylabel': '2013'},'data':{'value': '23.2'}},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Austria','Ylabel': '2014'},'data':{'value': '25' }},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Austria','Ylabel': '2015'},'data':{'value': '26.7' }},
{ 'Labels':{'Xlabel': 'Austria','Ylabel': '2016'},'data':{'value': '28.1' }}

let heatmap: HeatMap = new HeatMap({
        titleSettings: {
            text: 'Most Visited Destinations by International Tourist Arrivals',
            textStyle: {
                size: '15px',
                fontWeight: '500',
                fontStyle: 'Normal',
                fontFamily: 'Segoe UI'
        xAxis: {
            labels: ['Austria', 'China', 'France', 'Germany', 'Italy', 'Mexico', 'Spain', 'Thailand', 'UK', 'USA'],
        yAxis: {
            labels: ['2010', '2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016'],
        dataSource: heatmapData,
        dataSourceSettings: {
            isJsonData: true,
            adaptorType: 'Cell',
            xDataMapping: 'Labels.Xlabel',
            yDataMapping: 'Labels.Ylabel',
            valueMapping: 'data.value'
        }, cellSettings: {
            border: {
                radius: 4,
                width: 1,
                color: 'white'
            showLabel: true,
            format: '{value} M',
        }, paletteSettings: {
            palette: [{ color: '#DCD57E' },
            { color: '#A6DC7E' },
            { color: '#7EDCA2' },
            { color: '#6EB5D0' }
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See Also