Node events in EJ2 TypeScript Diagram control

1 Jan 202524 minutes to read

Diagram provides some events support for node that triggers when interacting with the node.

Click event

Triggers when the node is clicked. The following code example explains how to get the click event in the diagram.

import {
} from '@syncfusion/ej2-diagrams';
let nodes: NodeModel[] = [
    id: 'Start',
    width: 140,
    height: 50,
    offsetX: 300,
    offsetY: 50,
    annotations: [
        content: 'Click node',
    style: {
      fill: '#6BA5D7',
      strokeColor: 'white',
let connectors: ConnectorModel[] = [
    // Unique name for the connector
    id: 'connector1',
    sourceID: 'Start',
    targetPoint: { x: 300, y: 200 },
    type: 'Orthogonal',
    annotations: [
        content: 'Click Connector',
let diagram: Diagram = new Diagram({
  width: '100%',
  height: '600px',
  nodes: nodes,
  connectors: connectors,
  click: function (args: IClickEventArgs) {
    let element = 'Diagram';
    if (args.actualObject instanceof Node) {
      element = 'Node';
    } else if (args.actualObject instanceof Connector) {
      element = 'Connector';
    alert(element + ' Clicked');
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Selection change event

Triggers when the node is selected in diagram.
The following code example explains how to get the selectionChange event in the diagram.

import { Diagram, NodeModel, SymbolPalette, ISelectionChangeEventArgs} from '@syncfusion/ej2-diagrams';
let diagram: Diagram;

let nodes: NodeModel[] = [
    // Position of the node
    offsetX: 250,
    offsetY: 250,
    // Size of the node
    width: 100,
    height: 100,
    visible: true,
    style: { fill: '#6AA8D7', strokeWidth: 1 },
    // Text(label) added to the node

//Initializes diagram control
diagram = new Diagram({
  width: '70%',
  height: '645px',
  nodes: nodes,
  getNodeDefaults: function (obj: NodeModel) { = { fill: 'skyblue' };
    obj.width = 75;
    obj.height = 50;
    return obj;
  created: created,
  selectionChange: function (args:ISelectionChangeEventArgs) {
    if(args.state === 'Changed'){
      console.log('Selection Change');
function created(): void {
  diagram.fitToPage({ mode: 'Width' });
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You can prevent selection by setting the cancel property of SelectionChangeEventArgs to true, as shown in the code snippet below.

  selectionChange: function (args: ISelectionChangeEventArgs) {
    if (args.state == 'Changing') {
      //Prevents selection
      args.cancel = true;

Position change event

While dragging the node through interaction, the position change event can be used to do the customization.
The following code example explains how to get the positionChange event in the diagram.

import { Diagram, NodeModel, SymbolPalette,IDraggingEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-diagrams';
let diagram: Diagram;

let nodes: NodeModel[] = [
    // Position of the node
    offsetX: 250,
    offsetY: 250,
    // Size of the node
    width: 100,
    height: 100,
    visible: true,
    style: { fill: '#6AA8D7', strokeWidth: 1 },
    // Text(label) added to the node

//Initializes diagram control
diagram = new Diagram({
  width: '70%',
  height: '645px',
  nodes: nodes,
  getNodeDefaults: function (obj: NodeModel) { = { fill: 'skyblue' };
    obj.width = 75;
    obj.height = 50;
    return obj;
  created: created,
  positionChange: function (args:IDraggingEventArgs) {
    if(args.state === 'Completed'){
      console.log('Position Change');
function created(): void {
  diagram.fitToPage({ mode: 'Width' });
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You can prevent dragging by setting the cancel property of DraggingEventArgs to true, as shown in the code snippet below.

   positionChange: function (args: IDraggingEventArgs) {
    if (args.state == 'Progress') {
      //Prevents dragging
      args.cancel = true;

Size change event

While resizing the node during the interaction, the size change event can be used to do the customization.
The following code example explains how to get the sizeChange event in the diagram.

import { Diagram, NodeModel, SymbolPalette,ISizeChangeEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-diagrams';
let diagram: Diagram;

let nodes: NodeModel[] = [
    // Position of the node
    offsetX: 250,
    offsetY: 250,
    // Size of the node
    width: 100,
    height: 100,
    visible: true,
    style: { fill: '#6AA8D7', strokeWidth: 1 },
    // Text(label) added to the node

//Initializes diagram control
diagram = new Diagram({
  width: '70%',
  height: '645px',
  nodes: nodes,
  getNodeDefaults: function (obj: NodeModel) { = { fill: 'skyblue' };
    obj.width = 75;
    obj.height = 50;
    return obj;
  created: created,
  sizeChange: function (args:ISizeChangeEventArgs) {
    if(args.state === 'Completed'){
      console.log('Size Change');
      //custom code
function created(): void {
  diagram.fitToPage({ mode: 'Width' });
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You can prevent resizing by setting the cancel property of SizeChangeEventArgs to true, as shown in the code snippet below.

    sizeChange: function (args: ISizeChangeEventArgs) {
    if (args.state == 'Progress') {
      //Prevents resizing
      args.cancel = true;

Rotate change event

While rotating the node during the interaction, the rotate change event can be used to do the customization.
The following code example explains how to get the rotateChange event in the diagram.

import { Diagram, NodeModel, SymbolPalette,IRotationEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-diagrams';
let diagram: Diagram;

let nodes: NodeModel[] = [
    // Position of the node
    offsetX: 250,
    offsetY: 250,
    // Size of the node
    width: 100,
    height: 100,
    visible: true,
    style: { fill: '#6AA8D7', strokeWidth: 1 },
    // Text(label) added to the node

//Initializes diagram control
diagram = new Diagram({
  width: '70%',
  height: '645px',
  nodes: nodes,
  getNodeDefaults: function (obj: NodeModel) { = { fill: 'skyblue' };
    obj.width = 75;
    obj.height = 50;
    return obj;
  created: created,
  rotateChange: function (args:IRotationEventArgs) {
    if(args.state === 'Completed'){
      console.log('Rotate Change');
function created(): void {
  diagram.fitToPage({ mode: 'Width' });
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You can prevent rotation by setting the cancel property of RotationEventArgs to true, as shown in the code snippet below.

  rotateChange: function (args: IRotationEventArgs) {
    if (args.state == 'Progress') {
      //Prevents rotation
      args.cancel = true;

Property change event

Triggers when there is any property change occurred for the node. The following code example explains how to get the propertyChange event in the diagram.

import {
} from '@syncfusion/ej2-diagrams';
let nodes: NodeModel[] = [
    id: 'Start',
    width: 140,
    height: 50,
    offsetX: 300,
    offsetY: 50,
    annotations: [
        content: 'Node 1',
    style: {
      fill: '#6BA5D7',
      strokeColor: 'white',
let diagram: Diagram = new Diagram({
  width: '100%',
  height: '600px',
  nodes: nodes,
  propertyChange: function (args: IPropertyChangeEventArgs) {
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Collection change event

Triggers when the node is added or removed in diagram dynamically.
The following code example explains how to get the collectionChange event in the diagram.

import { Diagram, NodeModel, SymbolPalette,ICollectionChangeEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-diagrams';
let diagram: Diagram;

let nodes: NodeModel[] = [
    // Position of the node
    offsetX: 250,
    offsetY: 250,
    // Size of the node
    width: 100,
    height: 100,
    visible: true,
    style: { fill: '#6AA8D7', strokeWidth: 1 },
    // Text(label) added to the node

//Initializes diagram control
diagram = new Diagram({
  width: '70%',
  height: '645px',
  nodes: nodes,
  getNodeDefaults: function (obj: NodeModel) { = { fill: 'skyblue' };
    obj.width = 75;
    obj.height = 50;
    return obj;
  created: created,
  collectionChange: function (args:ICollectionChangeEventArgs) {
    if(args.state === 'Changed'){
      console.log('Collection Change');
function created(): void {
  diagram.fitToPage({ mode: 'Width' });

(document.getElementById('add') as HTMLInputElement).onclick = () => {
  let node = {
    offsetX: 300,
    offsetY: 300,
    width: 100,
    height: 100,
    visible: true,
    style: { fill: '#6AA8D7', strokeWidth: 1 },
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You can prevent changes to the diagram collection, such as adding or deleting nodes, by setting the cancel property of CollectionChangeEventArgs to true, as shown in the code snippet below.

    collectionChange: function (args: ICollectionChangeEventArgs) {
    if (args.state == 'Changing') {
      //Prevents collection change - Prevents Adding or deleting nodes
      args.cancel = true;

Mouse Events

Mouse enter event

The mouseEnter is triggered when the mouse enters the node surface.

Mouse over event

The mouseOver is triggered when the mouse hover over the node surface.

Mouse leave event

The mouseLeave is triggered when the mouse leaves the node surface.

The following code example shows how to handle these events in the diagram and change the color of a node based on these events:

import { Diagram, NodeModel, MouseEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-diagrams';
let nodes: NodeModel[] = [
    id: 'Start',
    width: 140,
    height: 50,
    offsetX: 300,
    offsetY: 50,
    annotations: [
        content: 'Hover node',
    style: {
      fill: '#6BA5D7',
      strokeColor: 'white',
let diagram: Diagram = new Diagram({
  width: '100%',
  height: '600px',
  nodes: nodes,
  mouseEnter: function (args: MouseEventArgs) {
    (args.actualObject as NodeModel).style.fill = 'red';
  mouseOver: function (args: MouseEventArgs) {
  mouseLeave: function (args: MouseEventArgs) {
    ((args as any).element as NodeModel).style.fill = '#6BA5D7';
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