Index in EJ2 TypeScript Diagram control

18 Apr 20231 minute to read

The Diagram control creates rich Visio like applications. Its Framework comprises of many Elements that helps you to create an application easily. The rich feature set of the Diagram control includes Snapping, Guidelines, Grid lines, Serialization and Zooming.
All diagram elements are rendered using Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG).

Key Features

  • Node, Connector, Group, Port, Label: Element used to compose diagram.
  • Symbol Palette: It holds a list of symbols that is dropped over diagram.
  • Clipboard Commands: Performs Cut, Copy and Paste operations.
  • Undo/Redo: Performs correction in recent change.
  • Serialization: Save current state of Diagram, and load them back when needed.
  • Snapping: Snap the diagram elements towards the nearest elements.
  • Gridlines: Visual horizontal/vertical lines that helps to align elements on diagram.