Style appearance in EJ2 TypeScript Calendar control
26 Apr 20232 minutes to read
The following content provides the exact CSS structure that can be used to modify the control’s appearance based on the user preference.
Customizing the background color for the Calendar
Use the following CSS to customize the background color and border for the Calendar.
/* To specify background color and border */
.e-calendar {
background-color: peachpuff;
border: 3px solid red;
Customizing the Calendar date elements on hovering
Use the following CSS to customize the date elements on hovering in the Calendar.
/* To specify background color, color, and border */
.e-calendar .e-content td:hover span.e-day, .e-calendar .e-content td:focus span.e-day, .e-bigger.e-small .e-calendar .e-content td:hover span.e-day, .e-bigger.e-small .e-calendar .e-content td:focus span.e-day {
background-color: red;
border: 2px solid;
color: #212529;
Customizing the border of date cell grid
Use the following CSS to add the border to the date cell grid.
/* To specify border */
.e-calendar .e-content span.e-day, .e-bigger.e-small .e-calendar .e-content span.e-day {
border: 1px solid;
Customizing the Calendar title
Use the following CSS to customize the Calendar title.
/* To specify color and font size */
.e-calendar .e-header .e-title, .e-bigger.e-small .e-calendar .e-header .e-title {
color: black;
font-size: 20px;
Customizing the previous and next icon
Use the following CSS to customize the previous and next icon.
/* To specify color and border */
.e-calendar .e-header span, .e-bigger.e-small .e-calendar .e-header span {
border: 1px solid;
color: chocolate;
Customizing the footer button
Use the following CSS to customize the footer button.
/* To specify background color, color, and border-color */
.e-calendar .e-btn.e-today.e-flat.e-primary, .e-calendar .e-css.e-btn.e-today.e-flat.e-primary {
background-color: red;
border-color: black;
color: black;
Customizing the selected date cell grid
Use the following CSS to customize the selected date cell grid in Calendar.
/* To specify background color and color */
.e-calendar .e-content td.e-focused-date.e-today span.e-day {
background-color: maroon;
color: #fff;
Customizing the content header in Calendar
Use the following CSS to customize the content header in Calendar.
/* To specify background */
.e-calendar .e-content thead, .e-bigger.e-small .e-calendar .e-content thead {
background: aquamarine;