Funnel in EJ2 TypeScript Accumulation chart control
13 Dec 202421 minutes to read
To render a funnel series, use the series type
as Funnel
and inject, the FunnelSeries
module using the AccumulationChart.Inject(FunnelSeries)
import { AccumulationChart, FunnelSeries} from '@syncfusion/ej2-charts';
let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({
series: [{
type: 'Funnel',
dataSource: [{ x: 'Renewed', y: 18.20, text: 'Renewed 18.20%' }, { x: 'Subscribe', y: 27.3, text: 'Subscribe 27.3%' }, { x: 'Support', y: 55.9, text: 'Support 55.9%' }, { x: 'Downloaded', y: 76.8, text: 'Downloaded 76.8%' },
{ x: 'Visited', y: 100, text: 'Visited 100%' }],
xName: 'x', yName: 'y',
}, '#element');
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The size of the funnel chart can be customized by using the width
and height
import { AccumulationChart, FunnelSeries} from '@syncfusion/ej2-charts';
import { funnelData } from './datasource.ts';
let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({
series: [{
type: 'Funnel',
dataSource: funnelData,
xName: 'x', yName: 'y',
//Width of the funnel will be 100% of the chart area
width: '60%',
//Height of the funnel will be 100% of the chart area
height: '80%',
}, '#element');
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Neck size
The funnel’s neck size can be customized by using the neckWidth
and neckHeight
import { AccumulationChart, FunnelSeries} from '@syncfusion/ej2-charts';
import { funnelData } from './datasource.ts';
let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({
series: [{
type: 'Funnel',
dataSource: funnelData,
xName: 'x', yName: 'y',
//Width of the neck will be set as 25% of the chart area
neckWidth: '25%', neckHeight:'5%',
}, '#element');
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Gap between the segments
Funnel chart provides options to customize the space between the segments by using the gapRatio
property of the series. It ranges from 0 to 1.
import { AccumulationChart, FunnelSeries} from '@syncfusion/ej2-charts';
import { funnelData } from './datasource.ts';
let pyramidchart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({
series: [{
type: 'Funnel',
dataSource: funnelData,
xName: 'x', yName: 'y',
// Defines the gap to be left between the segments
gapRatio: 0.08,
}, '#element');
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Points can be exploded on mouse click by setting the explode
property to true. You can also explode the point on load using explodeIndex
. Explode distance can be set by using explodeOffset
import { AccumulationChart, FunnelSeries, IAccPointRenderEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-charts';
import { funnelData } from './datasource.ts';
let funnelChart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({
series: [{
type: 'Funnel',
dataSource: funnelData,
xName: 'x', yName: 'y',
explode: true,
//Specifies the distance of the point from the center during explode, which takes values in both pixels and percentage
explodeOffset: '10',
//If set true, all the points in the series will get exploded on load
explodeAll: false,
//Specifies index of the point, to be exploded on load
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Smart data label
It provides the data label smart arrangement of the funnel and pyramid series. The overlap data label will be placed on left side of the funnel/pyramid series.
import {
AccumulationChart, AccumulationLegend, FunnelSeries, AccumulationTooltip, IAccLoadedEventArgs,
AccumulationDataLabel, IAccResizeEventArgs, AccumulationTheme
} from '@syncfusion/ej2-charts';
AccumulationChart.Inject(AccumulationLegend, FunnelSeries, AccumulationTooltip, AccumulationDataLabel);
let data: object[] = [
{ 'x': 'China', y: 1409517397, text: 'China' },
{ 'x': 'India', y: 1339180127, text: 'India' },
{ 'x': 'United States', y: 324459463, text: 'United States' },
{ 'x': 'Indonesia', y: 263991379, text: 'Indonesia' },
{ 'x': 'Brazil', y: 209288278, text: 'Brazil' },
{ 'x': 'Pakistan', y: 197015955, text: 'Pakistan' },
{ 'x': 'Nigeria', y: 190886311, text: 'Nigeria' },
{ 'x': 'Bangladesh', y: 164669751, text: 'Bangladesh' },
{ 'x': 'Russia', y: 143989754, text: 'Russia' },
{ 'x': 'Mexico', y: 129163276, text: 'Mexico' },
{ 'x': 'Japan', y: 127484450, text: ' Japan' },
{ 'x': 'Ethiopia', y: 104957438, text: 'Ethiopia' },
{ 'x': 'Philippines', y: 104918090, text: 'Philippines' },
{ 'x': 'Egypt', y: 97553151, text: 'Egypt' },
{ 'x': 'Vietnam', y: 95540800, text: 'Vietnam' },
{ 'x': 'Germany', y: 82114224, text: 'Germany' }];
let chart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({
//Initializing Chart Series
series: [{
type: 'Funnel', dataSource: data, xName: 'x', yName: 'y',
neckWidth: '15%',
neckHeight: '18%',
name: '2017 Population',
dataLabel: {
visible: true, position: 'Outside',
connectorStyle: { length: '6%' }, name: 'text',
explode: false,
legendSettings: { visible: false },
//Initializing tooltip
tooltip: { enable: true, format: '${point.x} : <b>${point.y}</b>' },
load: (args: IAccLoadedEventArgs) => {
let selectedTheme: string = location.hash.split('/')[1];
selectedTheme = selectedTheme ? selectedTheme : 'Material';
args.accumulation.theme = <AccumulationTheme>(selectedTheme.charAt(0).toUpperCase() +
selectedTheme.slice(1)).replace(/-dark/i, 'Dark');
if (args.accumulation.availableSize) {
if (args.accumulation.availableSize.width < args.accumulation.availableSize.height) {
args.accumulation.series[0].width = '80%';
args.accumulation.series[0].height = '70%';
resized: (args: IAccResizeEventArgs) => {
let bounds: ClientRect = document.getElementById('container').getBoundingClientRect();
if (bounds.width < bounds.height) {
args.accumulation.series[0].width = '80%';
args.accumulation.series[0].height = '70%';
} else {
args.accumulation.series[0].width = '60%';
args.accumulation.series[0].height = '80%';
//Initializing Chart title
title: 'Top population countries in the world 2017',
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Individual points can be customized using the pointRender
import { AccumulationChart, FunnelSeries, IAccPointRenderEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-charts';
import { funnelData } from './datasource.ts';
let funnelChart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({
series: [{
type: 'Funnel',
dataSource: funnelData,
xName: 'x', yName: 'y', gapRatio: 0.08
pointRender: (args: IAccPointRenderEventArgs) => {
if ((args.point.x as string).indexOf('Downloaded') > -1) {
args.fill = '#f4bc42';
else {
args.fill = '#597cf9';
}, '#element');
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