Grouping in EJ2 TypeScript Accumulation chart control

8 May 202310 minutes to read

You can club/group few points of the series based on
groupTo property. For example, if the club
value is 11, then the points with value less than 11 is grouped together and will be showed as a single
point with label others. The property also takes value in percentage (percentage of total data points value).

import { AccumulationChart, AccumulationDataLabel, IAccTextRenderEventArgs, IAccPointRenderEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-charts';
let piechart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({
    series: [
            dataSource: [
                { x: 'Jan', y: 3, text: 'Jan: 3' }, { x: 'Feb', y: 3.5, text: 'Feb: 3.5' },
                { x: 'Mar', y: 7, text: 'Mar: 7' }, { x: 'Apr', y: 13.5, text: 'Apr: 13.5' },
                { x: 'May', y: 19, text: 'May: 19' }, { x: 'Jun', y: 23.5, text: 'Jun: 23.5' },
                { x: 'Jul', y: 26, text: 'Jul: 26' }, { x: 'Aug', y: 25, text: 'Aug: 25' },
                { x: 'Sep', y: 21, text: 'Sep: 21' }, { x: 'Oct', y: 15, text: 'Oct: 15' },
                { x: 'Nov', y: 9, text: 'Nov: 9' }, { x: 'Dec', y: 3.5, text: 'Dec: 3.5' }],
            dataLabel: { visible: true, name: 'text', position: 'Outside' },
            groupTo: '11',
            xName: 'x',
            yName: 'y'

}, '#element');
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Group Mode

Slice can also be grouped based on number of points by specifying the groupMode to Point. For example, if the group to value is 11, accumulation chart will show 1st 11 points and will group remaining entries in the collection as a single point.

import { AccumulationChart, AccumulationDataLabel, IAccTextRenderEventArgs, IAccPointRenderEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-charts';
import { data } from './datasource.ts';
let accChart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({
    series: [
            dataSource: data,
            dataLabel: { visible: true, position: 'Outside' },
            groupTo: '4',
            groupMode: 'Point',
            xName: 'x',
            yName: 'y'

    textRender: (args: IAccTextRenderEventArgs) => {
        if (args.text.indexOf('Others') > -1) {
            args.text = 'Grouped Slices';
            args.color = 'red';
            args.border.width = 1;
    pointRender: (args: IAccPointRenderEventArgs) => {
        if ((args.point.x as string).indexOf('Others') > -1) {
            args.fill = '#D3D3D3';
}, '#element');
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You can customize the grouped point and its data label using pointRender and textRender event.

import { AccumulationChart, AccumulationDataLabel, IAccTextRenderEventArgs, IAccPointRenderEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-charts';
import { data } from './datasource.ts';
let accChart: AccumulationChart = new AccumulationChart({
    series: [
            dataSource: data,
            dataLabel: { visible: true, position: 'Outside' },
            groupTo: '11',
            xName: 'x',
            yName: 'y'

    textRender: (args: IAccTextRenderEventArgs) => {
        if (args.text.indexOf('Others') > -1) {
            args.text = 'Grouped Slices';
            args.color = 'red';
            args.border.width = 1;
    pointRender: (args: IAccPointRenderEventArgs) => {
        if ((args.point.x as string).indexOf('Others') > -1) {
            args.fill = '#D3D3D3';
}, '#element');
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