Integrate treeview inside the accordion in EJ2 TypeScript Accordion control

16 Dec 20248 minutes to read

Accordion supports to render other Essential JS 2 Components by using content property. You can give content as an element string like below, for initializing the component.

content: '<div id="element"> </div>'

The other component can be rendered with the use of provided events, such as clicked and expanding.

The following procedure is to render a TreeView within the Accordion,

  • Import the TreeView module from ej2-navigations, for adding TreeView. Please refer the TreeView initialization steps

  • You can initialize the TreeView component in expanding event, by getting the element and defining the required TreeView properties.

import { Accordion, TreeView } from '@syncfusion/ej2-navigations';
import { DocDB, DownloadDB, PicDB} from './datasource.ts'

  //Initialize Accordion component
    let acrdnObj: Accordion = new Accordion({
    expanding: expand,
    width: 400,
       items : [
           { header: 'Documents', expanded: true, content: '<div id="treeDoc"></div>' },
           { header: 'Downloads', content : '<div id="treeDownload"></div>' },
           { header: 'Pictures', content: '<div id="treePic"></div>' },
    //Render initialized Accordion component

    //Expanding Event function for Accordion component.
    function expand(e: ExpandEventArgs): void {
  if ( === 'expanding' && [], e.item) === 0 && e.element.querySelector('#treeDoc').childElementCount === 0) {
    //Initialize TreeView component
        let treeObj: TreeView = new TreeView({
        fields: { dataSource: DocDB, id: 'nodeId', text: 'nodeText', child: 'nodeChild', iconCss: 'icon', imageUrl: 'image' },
        sortOrder: 'Ascending'
    //Render initialized TreeView component
    if ( === 'expanding' && [], e.item) === 1 && e.element.querySelector('#treeDownload').childElementCount === 0) {
        let treeObj: TreeView = new TreeView({
        fields: { dataSource: DownloadDB, id: 'nodeId', text: 'nodeText', child: 'nodeChild', iconCss: 'icon', imageUrl: 'image' },
        sortOrder: 'Ascending'
      if ( === 'expanding' && [], e.item) === 2 && e.element.querySelector('#treePic').childElementCount === 0) {
        let treeObj: TreeView = new TreeView({
        fields: { dataSource: PicDB, id: 'nodeId', text: 'nodeText', child: 'nodeChild', iconCss: 'icon', imageUrl: 'image' },
        sortOrder: 'Ascending'
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <title>Essential JS 2 Accordion</title>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <meta name="description" content="Typescript Toolbar Controls" />
    <meta name="author" content="Syncfusion" />
    <link href="index.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="systemjs.config.js"></script>
<script src="" type ="text/javascript"></script>

    <div id='loader'>LOADING....</div>
    <div id='container'>
        <div id='element'></div>
        <div id='result'></div>

export let DocDB: { [key: string]: Object }[] = [
            nodeId: '03', nodeText: 'Documents', icon: 'folder',
            nodeChild: [
                { nodeId: '03-01', nodeText: 'Environment Pollution.docx', icon: 'docx' },
                { nodeId: '03-02', nodeText: 'Global Water, Sanitation, & Hygiene.docx', icon: 'docx' },
                { nodeId: '03-03', nodeText: 'Global Warming.ppt', icon: 'ppt' },
                { nodeId: '03-04', nodeText: 'Social Network.pdf', icon: 'pdf' },
                { nodeId: '03-05', nodeText: 'Youth Empowerment.pdf', icon: 'pdf' },
  export let DownloadDB: { [key: string]: Object }[] = [
            nodeId: '05', nodeText: 'Downloads', icon: 'folder',
            nodeChild: [
                { nodeId: '05-01', nodeText: 'UI-Guide.pdf', icon: 'pdf' },
                { nodeId: '05-02', nodeText: '', icon: 'zip' },
                { nodeId: '05-03', nodeText: 'Game.exe', icon: 'exe' },
                { nodeId: '05-04', nodeText: 'TypeScript.7z', icon: 'zip' },
  export let PicDB: { [key: string]: Object }[] = [
            nodeId: '04', nodeText: 'Pictures', icon: 'folder', expanded: true,
            nodeChild: [
                    nodeId: '04-01', nodeText: 'Camera Roll', icon: 'folder', expanded: true,
                    nodeChild: [
                        { nodeId: '04-01-01', nodeText: 'WIN_20160726_094117.JPG', image: '' },
                        { nodeId: '04-01-02', nodeText: 'WIN_20160726_094118.JPG', image: '' },
                { nodeId: '04-02', nodeText: 'Wind.jpg', icon: 'images' },
                { nodeId: '04-03', nodeText: 'Stone.jpg', icon: 'images' },