Example of Excel Exporting in Javascript Scheduler Control

Excel Exporting

This example demonstrates how to export the Scheduler events to an Excel file format at client-side.

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In this example, the Scheduler events data are exported to an Excel file by making use of the public method exportToExcel. By default, the whole event collection bound to the Scheduler gets exported as an excel file. To export only specific events of Scheduler, you need to pass the custom data collection as a parameter to the exportToExcel method. This method accepts the export options as its arguments such as fileName, exportType, fields, customData, and includeOccurrences. The fileName denotes the name to be given for the exported file and the exportType allows you to set the format of the excel file to be exported either as .xlsx or .csv. The custom or specific field collection of event dataSource to be exported can be provided through fieldsInfo option and the custom data collection can be exported by passing them through the customData option. There also exists option to export individual instances of the recurring events to an excel file, by setting true or false to the includeOccurrences option, denoting either to include or exclude the occurrences as separate instances on an exported excel file. Module Injection To start using Excel exporting functionality in Scheduler, you need to import the ExcelExport module from @syncfusion/ej2-schedule package and then inject it using the Schedule.Inject(ExcelExport) method.