Example of Multi Sorting in Javascript Data Grid Control

Multi Sorting

This sample demonstrates the Grid multi sorting feature. To sort two or more columns, hold the CTRL key and click the column header.

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Order ID
Customer Name
Order Date
Ship Country

Sorting feature enables us to order the data in a particular direction. It can be enabled by setting the allowSorting as true. To sort a Grid column simply click the column header. The icons (ascending) and (descending) specifies the sort direction of a column. By default, multi-sorting is enabled in Grid, to sort multiple column hold CTRL key and click the column header. To clear sort for a column, hold SHIFT key and click the column header. While using Grid in a touch device, you have an option for multi sorting in single tap on the grid header. By tapping on the grid header, it will show the toggle button in small popup with sort icon. Now tap the button to enable the multi-sorting in single tap. In this demo, Simply click the column header to sort a column. Check the checkboxes in the properties panel to sort a column and uncheck to remove sort from a column. Injecting Module: Grid features are segregated into individual feature-wise modules. To use sorting feature, we need to inject Sort using the Grid.Inject(Sort) section. More information on the sorting feature configuration can be found in this documentation section.