Example of Drag and Drop in ASP.NET MVC TreeView Control

Drag and Drop

This ASP.NET MVC TreeView exampleopens in a new tab demonstrates the drag and drop functionality of TreeView. A drag and drop image is present at the top of the sample which hides on clicking the sample. To drag and drop node, select and drag the desired node and drop it on the target node or external container.


  • ASP.NET MVC Team
    • Smith
    • Johnson
    • Anderson
  • Windows Team
    • Clark
    • Wright
    • Lopez


  • Web Team
    • Joshua
    • Matthew
    • David
  • Build Team
    • Ryan
    • Justin
    • Robert


The TreeView component allows users to drag any node and drop it on any other node in the same or different tree using allowDragAndDrop property. Additionally, it supports dropping a tree node to an external container using nodeDragStop event of the TreeView

For more information, you can refer to the Drag and Dropopens in a new tab section from the documentation.

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