Example of Popup in ASP.NET MVC Toolbar Control

This sample demonstrates the Popup mode in the Toolbar. Click the drop-down icon to open the popup and see the hidden commands of the Toolbar.


Popup mode display can be enabled to view primary priority items in toolbar and secondary priority items in the popup.

  • In first Toolbar, the popup will be shown when the content exceeds the available viewing area.
  • The second Toolbar is set with priority for specific toolbar items using showAlwaysInPopupopens in a new tab , which is always displayed in the popup.

You can set priority to toolbar item using overflowopens in a new tab property. Possible values are as follows,

Overflow Description
Show To display the commands in toolbar with primary priority.
Hide To display the commands in popup with secondary priority.
None (default) To display the commands with normal order without any priority.
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opens in a new tab