Example of Enter Key Configuration in ASP.NET MVC Rich Text Editor Control

Rich Text Editor
Enter Key Configuration

This sample demonstrates the API usage to customize the enter key and shift + enter key action in the Rich Text Editor content. Code view represents the current rich text editor value when pressing typing or pressing enter key or shift + enter key.

<p>In Rich text Editor, the enter key and shift + enter key actions can be customized using the enterKey and shiftEnterKey APIs. And the possible values are as follows:</p><ul><li>P - When "P" is configured, pressing enter or shift + enter will create a "p" tag</li><li>DIV - When "DIV" is configured, pressing enter or shift + enter will create a "div" tag</li><li>BR - When "BR" is configured, pressing enter or shift + enter will create a "br" tag</li></ul><p><br></p>

In this demos, Ensuring the API'S behaviors by doing

  • Change the value of enterKey dropdown to customize the enter the enter key action when enter key is pressed.
  • Change the value of shiftEnterKey dropdown to customize the shift+enter the enter key action when shift+enter key is pressed.
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