Example of API in ASP.NET MVC Rich Text Editor Control

This sample demonstrates the usage of API in Rich Text Editor. Use the properties panel to change the maximum length, read only mode, disable status, to get value, enable HTML encode, select all content and get selected HTML from the Rich Text Editor.

Max Length
Enable HTML Encode

In this demo, we are going to ensure the API'S behaviour by

  • Changing the value of maxLength textbox to change maximum Length of character.
  • Clicking the readOnly check box to enable/disable editable and non-editable mode of the RTE.
  • Clicking the enabled check box to enable/disable the RTE component.
  • Clicking the enableHtmlEncode check box to enableHtmlEncode/disableHtmlEncode the RTE component.
  • Clicking the getValue button which shows the RTE values in the alert window.
  • Clicking the getSelection button which shows the selectedText in the alert window.
  • Clicking the selectAll button selecting all text content in the RTE.
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