Example of Cloud Pricing in ASP.NET MVC Range Slider Control
This sample demonstrate the cloud pricing slider which is used to calculate the cloud costs by considering Web Hosting, VPS Hosting, Cloud Server providers. Drag the thumb over the bar for selecting Processor, Memory and Storage.
This sample calculates the cloud cost based on number of workloads, complexity of workloads, system and monitoring requirements which is used under cloud operation.
In this demo, we have used default rendering of slider for selecting Processor, Memory and Storage. The estimated price for the selection will appear on the left pane.
We can avail 25% offer for annual pack. This can be applied by checking the checkbox from the left pane.
By default, cPanel will be included in the monthly pack. If you don't want, check the checkbox from the left pane which will reduce $10 from the estimated price..
We can also select different range of pack from the left pane toolbar which will have default configuration based on the range size.
After choosing your pack, confirm it by clicking sign up button which will show your selected package detail in a dialog box.