Example of Swimlane in ASP.NET MVC Kanban Control

This example demonstrates the swimlane functionalities of Kanban control. Provided options in the property panel to sort the cards, enable drag-and-drop across swimlanes, show or hide the empty row, items count and swimlane frozen rows. Also, you can expand/collapse the swimlane row in the Kanban board.

Sort Direction
Enable Swimlane Drag And Drop
Show Empty Swimlane Row
Show Swimlane Item Count
Enable Frozen Rows

This sample renders the assignee field as a swimlane header using the SwimlaneSettings property. The property provides the following options to change its related settings:

  • Sorting the swimlane cards using the SwimlaneSettings.SortDirection property
  • Control the drag-and-drop of the cards across swimlane using the SwimlaneSettings.AllowDragAndDrop property.
  • Show or hide the empty swimlane row using the SwimlaneSettings.ShowEmptyRow property.
  • Show or hide the items count in the swimlane header using the SwimlaneSettings.ShowItemCount property.
  • Enable or disable the frozen swimlane rows using the SwimlaneSettings.EnableFrozenRows property.
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