Example of Exporting in ASP.NET MVC Gantt Chart Control

This sample demonstrates client-side exporting of the Gantt, which allows you to export Gantt data to Excel, PDF and CSV formats. Using the Gantt toolbar buttons, you can export Gantt data to the desired format.


Gantt supports client-side exporting, which allows you to export its data to the Excel, PDF and CSV formats.

In this demo, we have defined actions in the toolbarClickopens in a new tab event to export the Gantt data using the excelExportopens in a new tab, pdfExportopens in a new tab and csvExportopens in a new tab methods.

In addition we have provided support to export the Gantt component where each rows are auto-fit to the PDF document page width using fitToWidthSettingsopens in a new tab in PdfExportProperties and also it includes the functionality allowing the PDF export of holidays and eventMarkers.

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