Mentions in the ASP.NET Core Rich Text Editor Control

21 Mar 20259 minutes to read

By integrating the Mention component with a Rich Text Editor, users can effortlessly mention or tag other users or objects from a suggested list. This eliminates the need to manually type out names or identifying information, improving efficiency and accuracy.

Use the Target property of the Mention component to specify the ID of the content editable div element within the Rich Text Editor. When setting the target, make sure to append the suffix _rte-edit-view to the ID. This allows you to enable the Mention functionality within the Rich Text Editor, so that users can mention or tag other users or objects from the suggested list while editing the text.

When the user types the @ symbol followed by a character, the Rich Text Editor displays a list of suggestions. Users can then select an item from the list by:

  • Clicking on it
  • Typing the name of the item they want to tag

In the following sample, we configured the following properties with popup dimensions.

  • AllowSpaces - Allow to continue search action if user enter space after mention character while searching.
  • SuggestionCount - The maximum number of items that will be displayed in the suggestion list.
  • ItemTemplate - Used to display the customized appearance in suggestion list.
    char nameMentionChar = '@';
    List<EmployeeData> data = new EmployeeData().EmployeeList();
    string value = @"<p>Hello <span contenteditable=""false"" class=""e-mention-chip""><a title="""">@@Maria</a></span>&#8203;</p>
    <p>Welcome to the mention integration with rich text editor demo. Type <code>@@</code> character and tag user from the suggestion list. </p>";


@Html.EJS().Mention("mentionRTE").MentionChar(nameMentionChar).Target("#mentionIntegration_rte-edit-view").DataSource((IEnumerable<EmployeeData>)data).AllowSpaces(true).Fields(new Syncfusion.EJ2.DropDowns.MentionFieldSettings { Text = "Name", Value="EmailId" }).SuggestionCount(8).Highlight(true).DisplayTemplate("<a title =${ EmailId}>@${ Name}</a>").ItemTemplate("<table><tr><td><div id=\"mention-TemplateList\"><img class=\"mentionEmpImage\" src=\"./images/${EmployeeImage}\" alt=\"employee\" /><span class=\"e-badge e-badge-success e-badge-overlap e-badge-dot e-badge-bottom ${Status}\"></span></div></td><td><span class=\"person\">${Name}</span><span class=\"email\">${EmailId}</span></td</tr></table>").PopupWidth("250px").PopupHeight("200px").Render()

    #mention-TemplateList {
        position: relative;
        display: inline-block;

    .person, .email {
        display: block;
        line-height: 20px;
        text-indent: 5px;

    .person {
        font-size: 16px;

    .mentionEmpImage {
        display: inline-block;
        width: 46px;
        height: 46px;
        padding: 3px;
        border-radius: 25px;

    #mention-TemplateList .e-badge-success {
        left: 76%;
        bottom: 4px;
        top: auto;

    #mention_integration_rte-edit-view_popup .e-dropdownbase .e-list-item {
        line-height: 8px;

    #mention-TemplateList .e-badge-success {
        background-color: #4d841d;
        color: #fff;

        #mention-TemplateList .e-badge-success.away {
            background-color: #fedd2d;
            color: #fff;

        #mention-TemplateList .e-badge-success.busy {
            background-color: #de1a1a;
            color: #fff;

    #mention-TemplateList .e-badge.e-badge-dot {
        height: 10px;
        width: 10px;
    #mentionIntegration .e-mention-chip{
            cursor: pointer;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace WebApplication1.Models
    public class EmployeeData
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string EmployeeImage { get; set; }
        public string EmailId { get; set; }

        public List<EmployeeData> EmployeeList()
            List<EmployeeData> mention = new List<EmployeeData>()
                new EmployeeData { Name = "Selma Rose", EmployeeImage = "3.png", EmailId = "" },
                new EmployeeData { Name = "Russo Kay", EmployeeImage = "8.png", EmailId = "" },
                new EmployeeData { Name = "Camden Kate", EmployeeImage = "9.png", EmailId = "" },
                new EmployeeData { Name = "Mary Kate", EmployeeImage = "4.png", EmailId = "" },
                new EmployeeData { Name = "Ursula Ann", EmployeeImage = "2.png", EmailId = "" },
                new EmployeeData { Name = "Margaret", EmployeeImage = "5.png", EmailId = "" },
                new EmployeeData { Name = "Laura Grace", EmployeeImage = "6.png", EmailId = "" },
                new EmployeeData { Name = "Robert", EmployeeImage = "8.png", EmailId = "" },
                new EmployeeData { Name = "Albert", EmployeeImage = "9.png", EmailId = "" },
                new EmployeeData { Name = "Michale", EmployeeImage = "5.png", EmailId = "" },
                new EmployeeData { Name = "Andrew James", EmployeeImage = "7.png", EmailId = "" },
                new EmployeeData { Name = "Rosalie", EmployeeImage = "4.png", EmailId = "" },
                new EmployeeData { Name = "Stella Ruth", EmployeeImage = "2.png", EmailId = "" },
                new EmployeeData { Name = "Richard Rose", EmployeeImage = "8.png", EmailId = "" },
                new EmployeeData { Name = "Gabrielle", EmployeeImage = "3.png", EmailId = "" },
                new EmployeeData { Name = "Thomas", EmployeeImage = "7.png", EmailId = "" },
                new EmployeeData { Name = "Charles Danny", EmployeeImage = "8.png", EmailId = "" },
                new EmployeeData { Name = "Daniel", EmployeeImage = "5.png", EmailId = "" },
                new EmployeeData { Name = "Matthew", EmployeeImage = "7.png", EmailId = "" },
                new EmployeeData { Name = "Donald Krish", EmployeeImage = "9.png", EmailId = "" },
                new EmployeeData { Name = "Yohana", EmployeeImage = "1.png", EmailId = "" },
                new EmployeeData { Name = "Kevin Paul", EmployeeImage = "5.png", EmailId = "" },
            return mention;


ASP.NET MVC mention integration

View Sample

See Also