Example of Range Customization in ASP.NET MVC Circular Gauge Control
This sample demonstrates how to highlight a region in an axis using ranges in the circular gauge. The width, corner radius, and start and end range of a range can all be customized.
Select Range
Range Start
Range End
Start Width
End Width
Corner Radius
In this example, you can see how to render and configure the ranges in the circular gauge. Ranges are used to group the axis values, and you can use Startopens in a new tab, Endopens in a new tab, Coloropens in a new tab, StartWidthopens in a new tab, EndWidthopens in a new tab, Radiusopens in a new tab and RoundedCornerRadiusopens in a new tab properties to customize them. In addition, an axis with multiple ranges is shown in the circular gauge component, as well as options to customize the range properties via the property panel.
More information on the ranges can be found in this documentation sectionopens in a new tab.