Scrolling in Spreadsheet control

30 Dec 20247 minutes to read

Scrolling helps you to move quickly to different areas of the worksheet. It moves faster if we use horizontal and vertical scroll bars. Scrolling can be enabled by setting the allowScrolling as true.


By default, the allowScrolling property is true.

You have the following options in Scrolling by using scrollSettings.

  • Finite scrolling.
  • Virtual scrolling.

Finite Scrolling

Finite scrolling supports two type of modes in scrolling. You can use the isFinite property in scrollSettings to specify the mode of scrolling.

  • Finite - This mode does not create a new row/column when the scrollbar reaches the end. This can be achieved by setting the isFinite property as true.

  • Infinite - This mode creates a new row/column when the scrollbar reaches the end. This can be achieved by setting the isFiniteproperty as false.


By Default, the isFinite property is false.

Virtual Scrolling

  • Virtual scrolling allows you to load data that you require (load data based on viewport size) without buffering the entire huge database. You can set the enableVirtualization property in scrollSettings as true.

In virtual scrolling enableVirtualization is set to true means, it allows you to load the spreadsheet data while scrolling.


By Default, the enableVirtualization property is true.

User Interface:

You can scroll through the worksheet using one of the following ways,

  • Using the arrow keys.
  • Using the Horizontal and Verticalscroll bars.
  • Using the mouse wheel.

Finite scrolling with defined rows and columns

If you want to perform scrolling with defined rows and columns, you must define rowCount and colCount in the sheets property and set isFinite as true and enableVirtualization as false in scrollSettings.

The following code example shows the finite scrolling with defined rows and columns in the spreadsheet. Here, we used rowCount as 20 and colCount as 20, after reaching the 20th row or 20th column you can’t able to scroll.

<ejs-spreadsheet id="spreadsheet" created="createHandler">
    <e-spreadsheet-scrollsettings isFinite="true"></e-spreadsheet-scrollsettings>
        <e-spreadsheet-sheet rowCount="20" colCount="20">
                <e-spreadsheet-range dataSource="ViewBag.DefaultData"></e-spreadsheet-range>
                <e-spreadsheet-column width="130"></e-spreadsheet-column>
                <e-spreadsheet-column width="92"></e-spreadsheet-column>
                <e-spreadsheet-column width="96"></e-spreadsheet-column>
                <e-spreadsheet-column width="130"></e-spreadsheet-column>
                <e-spreadsheet-column width="92"></e-spreadsheet-column>
                <e-spreadsheet-column width="96"></e-spreadsheet-column>
                <e-spreadsheet-column width="96"></e-spreadsheet-column>

    function createHandler() {
        //Applies format to specified range
        this.cellFormat({ fontWeight: 'bold' }, 'A1:F1');
public IActionResult Index()
    List<object> data = new List<object>()
        new { CustomerName= "Romona Heaslip",  Model= "Taurus",  Color= "Aquamarine",  PaymentMode= "Debit Card",  DeliveryDate= "07/11/2015",  Amount= "8529.22" },
        new { CustomerName= "Clare Batterton",  Model= "Sparrow",  Color= "Pink",  PaymentMode= "Cash On Delivery",  DeliveryDate= "7/13/2016",  Amount= "17866.19" },
        new { CustomerName= "Eamon Traise",  Model= "Grand Cherokee",  Color= "Blue",  PaymentMode= "Net Banking",  DeliveryDate= "09/04/2015",  Amount= "13853.09" },
        new { CustomerName= "Julius Gorner",  Model= "GTO",  Color= "Aquamarine",  PaymentMode= "Credit Card",  DeliveryDate= "12/15/2017",  Amount= "2338.74" },
        new { CustomerName= "Jenna Schoolfield",  Model= "LX",  Color= "Yellow",  PaymentMode= "Credit Card",  DeliveryDate= "10/08/2014",  Amount= "9578.45" },
        new { CustomerName= "Marylynne Harring",  Model= "Catera",  Color= "Green",  PaymentMode= "Cash On Delivery",  DeliveryDate= "7/01/2017",  Amount= "19141.62" },
        new { CustomerName= "Vilhelmina Leipelt",  Model= "7 Series",  Color= "Goldenrod",  PaymentMode= "Credit Card",  DeliveryDate= "12/20/2015",  Amount= "6543.30" },
        new { CustomerName= "Barby Heisler",  Model= "Corvette",  Color= "Red",  PaymentMode= "Credit Card",  DeliveryDate= "11/24/2014",  Amount= "13035.06" },
        new { CustomerName= "Karyn Boik",  Model= "Regal",  Color= "Indigo",  PaymentMode= "Debit Card",  DeliveryDate= "05/12/2014",  Amount= "18488.80" },
        new { CustomerName= "Jeanette Pamplin",  Model= "S4",  Color= "Fuscia",  PaymentMode= "Net Banking",  DeliveryDate= "12/30/2014",  Amount= "12317.04" },
        new { CustomerName= "Cristi Espinos",  Model= "TL",  Color= "Aquamarine",  PaymentMode= "Credit Card",  DeliveryDate= "12/18/2013",  Amount= "6230.13" },
        new { CustomerName= "Issy Humm",  Model= "Club Wagon",  Color= "Pink",  PaymentMode= "Cash On Delivery",  DeliveryDate= "02/02/2015",  Amount= "9709.49" },
        new { CustomerName= "Tuesday Fautly",  Model= "V8 Vantage",  Color= "Crimson",  PaymentMode= "Debit Card",  DeliveryDate= "11/19/2014",  Amount= "9766.10" },
        new { CustomerName= "Rosemaria Thomann",  Model= "Caravan",  Color= "Violet",  PaymentMode= "Net Banking",  DeliveryDate= "02/08/2014",  Amount= "7685.49" },
    ViewBag.DefaultData = data;
    return View();