Value sorting

17 Feb 202224 minutes to read

Value sorting allows you to sort individual column based on it’s values either in ascending or descending order. It can been enabled by setting the enableValueSorting property to true. You can sort the column values by clicking the column header.

Value sorting can be configured using the valueSortSettings option through code behind. The settings required to sort value fields at initial rendering are:

  • headerText: It allows to set the column header names with delimiters, that is used for value sorting.
  • headerDelimiter: It allows to set the delimiters string to separate the given header text.
  • sortOrder: It allows to set the sort direction of the value field.
<ejs-pivotview id="PivotView" height="300" enableValueSorting="true">
    <e-datasourcesettings dataSource="@ViewBag.DataSource" expandAll="false">
        <e-valuesortsettings headerText="FY 2015##Sold Amount" headerDelimiter="##" sortOrder="Descending"></e-valuesortsettings>
            <e-field name="Country"></e-field>
            <e-field name="Products"></e-field>
            <e-field name="Year" caption="Year"></e-field>
            <e-field name="Quarter"></e-field>
            <e-field name="Sold" caption="Units Sold"></e-field>
            <e-field name="Amount" caption="Sold Amount"></e-field>
public ActionResult Index()
    var data = GetPivotData();
    ViewBag.DataSource = data;
    return View();

public List<PivotData> GetPivotData()
    List<PivotData> pivotData = new List<PivotData>();
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 31, Amount = 52824, Country = "France", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Quarter = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 51, Amount = 86904, Country = "France", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Quarter = "Q2" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 90, Amount = 153360, Country = "France", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Quarter = "Q3" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 25, Amount = 42600, Country = "France", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Quarter = "Q4" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 27, Amount = 46008, Country = "France", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Quarter = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 49, Amount = 83496, Country = "France", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Quarter = "Q2" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 95, Amount = 161880, Country = "France", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Quarter = "Q3" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 67, Amount = 114168, Country = "France", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Quarter = "Q4" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 75, Amount = 127800, Country = "France", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Quarter = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 67, Amount = 114168, Country = "France", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Quarter = "Q2" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 69, Amount = 117576, Country = "France", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Quarter = "Q3" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 90, Amount = 153360, Country = "France", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Quarter = "Q4" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 16, Amount = 27264, Country = "France", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2018", Quarter = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 83, Amount = 124422, Country = "France", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Quarter = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 57, Amount = 85448, Country = "France", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Quarter = "Q2" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 20, Amount = 29985, Country = "France", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Quarter = "Q3" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 67, Amount = 70008, Country = "France", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Quarter = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 89, Amount = 60496, Country = "France", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Quarter = "Q2" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 75, Amount = 801880, Country = "France", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Quarter = "Q3" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 57, Amount = 204168, Country = "France", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Quarter = "Q4" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 75, Amount = 737800, Country = "France", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Quarter = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 87, Amount = 884168, Country = "France", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Quarter = "Q2" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 39, Amount = 729576, Country = "France", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Quarter = "Q3" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 90, Amount = 38860, Country = "France", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Quarter = "Q4" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 93, Amount = 139412, Country = "France", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Quarter = "Q4" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 51, Amount = 92824, Country = "Germany", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Quarter = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 61, Amount = 76904, Country = "Germany", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Quarter = "Q2" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 70, Amount = 43360, Country = "Germany", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Quarter = "Q3" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 85, Amount = 62600, Country = "Germany", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Quarter = "Q4" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 97, Amount = 86008, Country = "Germany", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Quarter = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 69, Amount = 93496, Country = "Germany", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Quarter = "Q2" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 45, Amount = 301880, Country = "Germany", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Quarter = "Q3" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 77, Amount = 404168, Country = "Germany", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Quarter = "Q4" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 15, Amount = 137800, Country = "Germany", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Quarter = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 37, Amount = 184168, Country = "Germany", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Quarter = "Q2" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 49, Amount = 89576, Country = "Germany", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Quarter = "Q3" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 40, Amount = 33360, Country = "Germany", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Quarter = "Q4" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 96, Amount = 77264, Country = "Germany", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2018", Quarter = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 23, Amount = 24422, Country = "Germany", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Quarter = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 67, Amount = 75448, Country = "Germany", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Quarter = "Q2" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 70, Amount = 52345, Country = "Germany", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Quarter = "Q3" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 13, Amount = 135612, Country = "Germany", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Quarter = "Q4" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 57, Amount = 90008, Country = "Germany", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Quarter = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 29, Amount = 90496, Country = "Germany", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Quarter = "Q2" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 45, Amount = 301880, Country = "Germany", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Quarter = "Q3" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 77, Amount = 404168, Country = "Germany", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Quarter = "Q4" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 15, Amount = 137800, Country = "Germany", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Quarter = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 37, Amount = 184168, Country = "Germany", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Quarter = "Q2" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 99, Amount = 829576, Country = "Germany", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Quarter = "Q3" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 80, Amount = 38360, Country = "Germany", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Quarter = "Q4" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 91, Amount = 67824, Country = "United States", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Quarter = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 81, Amount = 99904, Country = "United States", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Quarter = "Q2" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 70, Amount = 49360, Country = "United States", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Quarter = "Q3" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 65, Amount = 69600, Country = "United States", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Quarter = "Q4" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 57, Amount = 90008, Country = "United States", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Quarter = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 29, Amount = 90496, Country = "United States", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Quarter = "Q2" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 85, Amount = 391880, Country = "United States", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Quarter = "Q3" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 97, Amount = 904168, Country = "United States", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Quarter = "Q4" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 85, Amount = 237800, Country = "United States", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Quarter = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 77, Amount = 384168, Country = "United States", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Quarter = "Q2" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 99, Amount = 829576, Country = "United States", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Quarter = "Q3" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 80, Amount = 38360, Country = "United States", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Quarter = "Q4" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 76, Amount = 97264, Country = "United States", Products = "Mountain Bikes", Year = "FY 2018", Quarter = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 53, Amount = 94422, Country = "United States", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Quarter = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 90, Amount = 45448, Country = "United States", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Quarter = "Q2" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 29, Amount = 92345, Country = "United States", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Quarter = "Q3" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 67, Amount = 235612, Country = "United States", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2015", Quarter = "Q4" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 97, Amount = 90008, Country = "United States", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Quarter = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 79, Amount = 90496, Country = "United States", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Quarter = "Q2" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 95, Amount = 501880, Country = "United States", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Quarter = "Q3" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 97, Amount = 104168, Country = "United States", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2016", Quarter = "Q4" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 95, Amount = 837800, Country = "United States", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Quarter = "Q1" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 87, Amount = 684168, Country = "United States", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Quarter = "Q2" });
    pivotData.Add(new PivotData { Sold = 109, Amount = 29576, Country = "United States", Products = "Road Bikes", Year = "FY 2017", Quarter = "Q3" });
    return pivotData;

public class PivotData
    public int Sold { get; set; }
    public double Amount { get; set; }
    public string Country { get; set; }
    public string Products { get; set; }
    public string Year { get; set; }
    public string Quarter { get; set; }

See Also