Column template in gantt control
2 Sep 202220 minutes to read
A column template is used to customize the column’s look. The following code example explains how to define the custom template in Gantt using the Template
<ejs-gantt id='Gantt' dataSource="ViewBag.dataSource" height="450px" resources="ViewBag.projectResources">
<e-gantt-taskfields id="TaskId" name="TaskName" startDate="StartDate"
endDate="EndDate" duration="Duration" progress="Progress" child="SubTasks" resourceInfo="ResourceId">
<e-gantt-resourcefields id="ResourceId" name="ResourceName"> </e-gantt-resourcefields>
<e-gantt-column field="TaskId" headerText="Task Id" width="50"></e-gantt-column>
<e-gantt-column field="TaskName" headerText="Task Name" width="250"></e-gantt-column>
<e-gantt-column field="ResourceId" headerText="Resources" template="#columnTemplate"></e-gantt-column>
<e-gantt-column field="StartDate"></e-gantt-column>
<e-gantt-column field="Duration"></e-gantt-column>
<e-gantt-column field="Progress"></e-gantt-column>
<script type="text/x-jsrender" id="columnTemplate">
<div class="image">
<img src="${TaskID}.png" style="height:40px;width:40px" /><div style="display:inline-block;width:100%;position:relative;left:30px;top:-14px">${ganttProperties.resourceNames}</div>
public IActionResult Index()
ViewBag.DataSource = ganttData();
ViewBag.projectResources = projectResources();
return View();
public static List<GanttResources> projectResources()
List<GanttResources> GanttResourcesCollection = new List<GanttResources>();
GanttResources Record1 = new GanttResources()
ResourceId = 1,
ResourceName = "Martin Tamer"
GanttResources Record2 = new GanttResources()
ResourceId = 2,
ResourceName = "Rose Fuller"
GanttResources Record3 = new GanttResources()
ResourceId = 3,
ResourceName = "Margaret Buchanan"
GanttResources Record4 = new GanttResources()
ResourceId = 4,
ResourceName = "Fuller King"
GanttResources Record5 = new GanttResources()
ResourceId = 5,
ResourceName = "Davolio Fuller"
GanttResources Record6 = new GanttResources()
ResourceId = 6,
ResourceName = "Van Jack"
GanttResources Record7 = new GanttResources()
ResourceId = 7,
ResourceName = "Fuller Buchanan"
GanttResources Record8 = new GanttResources()
ResourceId = 8,
ResourceName = "Jack Davolio"
GanttResources Record9 = new GanttResources()
ResourceId = 9,
ResourceName = "Tamer Vinet"
GanttResources Record10 = new GanttResources()
ResourceId = 10,
ResourceName = "Vinet Fuller"
GanttResources Record11 = new GanttResources()
ResourceId = 11,
ResourceName = "Bergs Anton"
GanttResources Record12 = new GanttResources()
ResourceId = 12,
ResourceName = "Construction Supervisor"
return GanttResourcesCollection;
public static List<GanttDataSource> ganttData()
List<GanttDataSource> GanttDataSourceCollection = new List<GanttDataSource>();
GanttDataSource Record1 = new GanttDataSource()
TaskId = 1,
TaskName = "Project initiation",
StartDate = new DateTime(2019, 04, 02),
EndDate = new DateTime(2019, 04, 21),
SubTasks = new List<GanttDataSource>(),
GanttDataSource Child1 = new GanttDataSource()
TaskId = 2,
TaskName = "Identify site location",
StartDate = new DateTime(2019, 04, 02),
Duration = 4,
Progress = 70,
ResourceId = new int[] { 1 },
GanttDataSource Child2 = new GanttDataSource()
TaskId = 3,
TaskName = "Perform soil test",
StartDate = new DateTime(2019, 04, 02),
Duration = 4,
Progress = 50,
Notes = "Obtain an engineered soil test of lot where construction is planned.From an engineer or company specializing in soil testing",
ResourceId = new int[] { 2 },
GanttDataSource Child3 = new GanttDataSource()
TaskId = 4,
TaskName = "Soil test approval",
Dependency = "3FS",
Notes = "Measure the total property area alloted for construction",
StartDate = new DateTime(2019, 04, 02),
Duration = 4,
Progress = 50,
ResourceId = new int[] { 3 }
GanttDataSource Record2 = new GanttDataSource()
TaskId = 5,
TaskName = "Project estimation",
StartDate = new DateTime(2019, 04, 02),
EndDate = new DateTime(2019, 04, 21),
SubTasks = new List<GanttDataSource>(),
GanttDataSource Child4 = new GanttDataSource()
TaskId = 6,
TaskName = "Develop floor plan for estimation",
StartDate = new DateTime(2019, 04, 04),
Duration = 3,
Progress = 70,
ResourceId = new int[] { 4 },
GanttDataSource Child5 = new GanttDataSource()
TaskId = 7,
TaskName = "List materials",
StartDate = new DateTime(2019, 04, 04),
Duration = 3,
Dependency = "6FS",
Progress = 50,
ResourceId = new int[] { 3 },
return GanttDataSourceCollection;
public class GanttResources
public int ResourceId { get; set; }
public string ResourceName { get; set; }
public class GanttDataSource
public int TaskId { get; set; }
public string TaskName { get; set; }
public string Dependency { get; set; }
public string Notes { get; set; }
public DateTime StartDate { get; set; }
public DateTime EndDate { get; set; }
public int? Duration { get; set; }
public int Progress { get; set; }
public List<GanttDataSource> SubTasks { get; set; }
public int[] ResourceId { get; set; }