Getting Started with Essential UI Kit for Angular

16 Jan 20252 minutes to read

Follow the steps below to get started with Essential UI Kit for Angular. You can begin in one of two ways:

  • Download the App from GitHub: Get the full free source code and run the app locally to explore the blocks.
  • View the Online Demo: Alternatively, you can try out the blocks directly through the online demo to see them in action without needing to download anything.

Get Started by Downloading the App from GitHub

Step 1: Download and Open the App in Visual Studio Code

Download the app from the GitHub link, and then open the same in Visual Studio Code to start working with it.

Launching the downloaded app

Step 2: Open a New Terminal

In Visual Studio Code, go to the Terminal menu and select New Terminal to open the integrated terminal.

Opening a new terminal

Step 3: Install Dependencies and Run the App

Run the following commands one after the other in the terminal:

  1. Install dependencies
    Run the command below to install all necessary packages related to the blocks, the Syncfusion Angular components, and the sample browser.

    Installing the required dependencies

    This will download and install all the dependencies listed in the package.json file.

  2. Serve the App Locally
    Once the dependencies are installed, you can run the app locally by starting the Angular local development server. To do so, run the following command.

    Running the Angular development server

    This command will start the local development server, and you’ll see an output in the terminal indicating the app is running. Typically, it will display a local host URL like this:

    Local development server running

    To view the app in your browser, simply Ctrl + Click (or Cmd + Click on macOS) on the local host URL displayed in the terminal. This will open the app in your default browser, allowing you to interact with the blocks.

Step 4: License Key Requirement

The blocks include several Syncfusion Angular components that require an active license key for proper display and usage. To activate the license, refer to the topics below:

How to Obtain the License Key

To obtain the license key, visit the following page: Syncfusion License.

How to Register the License Key in the App

Once you have your license key, add it to the src/main.ts file for seamless browsing and usage of the blocks.

import { registerLicense } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';


Replace ‘Your-License-Key’ with the actual license key you received from Syncfusion.

By adding the license key, you ensure that the blocks are fully functional and free from licensing issues.

Get Started by Viewing the Online Demo

If you prefer a quick demo instead of downloading the app, you can explore the blocks directly through the online demo. Simply visit the official Essential UI Kit for Angular website to interact with the blocks.