Adding new record in Angular TreeGrid component

24 May 202424 minutes to read

The TreeGrid component allows you to add new records using the built-in toolbar with the Add button or programmatically using the addRecord method. Also, to utilize this method, the allowadding porperty must be enabled. This guide outlines how to add new records at different positions within the Tree Grid.

New row position types

The TreeGrid component offers the newRowPosition property to specify where to add new rows. This property allows you to add new rows at different positions within the Tree Grid hierarchy.

Ensure that the allowAdding property of the Tree Grid is set to true to allow adding new records.

The TreeGrid component provides the following row positions when adding a new row:

  • Top: Adds the new row at the top of the tree grid. This is the default position.
  • Bottom: Adds the new row at the bottom of the tree grid.
  • Above: Inserts the new row above the selected row.
  • Below: Inserts the new row below the selected row.
  • Child: Inserts the new row as a child of the selected row.

These row positions provide flexibility in managing the placement of new rows within the TreeGrid, allowing for efficient organization and structuring of data.

Give unique value to primary key column automatically

In the TreeGrid component, you can automatically assign unique values to the primary key column using the actionBegin event. During this event, you can set a unique value to the primary key column when the args.requestType as add.

The following example demonstrates how to set a unique value to the primary key column using the actionBegin event.

import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'
import { TreeGridAllModule } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-treegrid'
import { DropDownListModule } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-dropdowns'
import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { sampleData } from './datasource';
import { EditSettingsModel, ToolbarItems, TreeGridComponent,EditService,PageService } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-treegrid';
import { ChangeEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-dropdowns';

    imports: [ TreeGridAllModule, DropDownListModule],
    standalone: true,
    providers:[EditService, PageService],

    selector: 'app-container',
    template: `<ejs-treegrid #treegrid [dataSource]='data' [toolbar]='toolbar' [treeColumnIndex]='1' height='230' [editSettings]='editSettings' (actionBegin)="actionBegin($event)" childMapping='subtasks' >
                        <e-column field='taskID' headerText='Task ID' [isPrimaryKey]='true' textAlign='Right' width=90></e-column>
                        <e-column field='taskName' headerText='Task Name' textAlign='Left' width=180></e-column>
                        <e-column field='priority' headerText='Priority' editType= 'dropdownedit' textAlign='Right' width=140></e-column>
                        <e-column field='progress' editType= 'numericedit' headerText='Progress' textAlign='Right' width=120></e-column>
export class AppComponent {

    public data?: object[];
    public editSettings?: EditSettingsModel;
    public toolbar?: ToolbarItems[];
    public treegrid?: TreeGridComponent;
    ngOnInit(): void { = sampleData;
        this.editSettings = { allowAdding: true , allowEditing:true, mode:"Row", newRowPosition:"Above"};
        this.toolbar = ['Add', 'Update', 'Cancel'];
    public actionBegin(args:any){
 * TreeGrid DataSource

export let sampleData: Object[] =  [
        taskID: 1,
        taskName: 'Planning',
        startDate: new Date('02/03/2017'),
        endDate: new Date('02/07/2017'),
        progress: 100,
        duration: 5,
        priority: 'Normal',
        approved: false,
        subtasks: [
            { taskID: 2, taskName: 'Plan timeline', startDate: new Date('02/03/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/07/2017'), duration: 5, progress: 100, priority: 'Normal', approved: false },
            { taskID: 3, taskName: 'Plan budget', startDate: new Date('02/03/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/07/2017'), duration: 5, progress: 100, priority: 'Low', approved: true },
            { taskID: 4, taskName: 'Allocate resources', startDate: new Date('02/03/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/07/2017'), duration: 5, progress: 100, priority: 'Critical', approved: false },
            { taskID: 5, taskName: 'Planning complete', startDate: new Date('02/07/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/07/2017'), duration: 0, progress: 0, priority: 'Low', approved: true }
        taskID: 6,
        taskName: 'Design',
        startDate: new Date('02/10/2017'),
        endDate: new Date('02/14/2017'),
        duration: 3,
        progress: 86,
        priority: 'High',
        approved: false,
        subtasks: [
            { taskID: 7, taskName: 'Software Specification', startDate: new Date('02/10/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/12/2017'), duration: 3, progress: 60, priority: 'Normal', approved: false },
            { taskID: 8, taskName: 'Develop prototype', startDate: new Date('02/10/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/12/2017'), duration: 3, progress: 100, priority: 'Critical', approved: false },
            { taskID: 9, taskName: 'Get approval from customer', startDate: new Date('02/13/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/14/2017'), duration: 2, progress: 100, priority: 'Low', approved: true },
            { taskID: 10, taskName: 'Design Documentation', startDate: new Date('02/13/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/14/2017'), duration: 2, progress: 100, priority: 'High', approved: true },
            { taskID: 11, taskName: 'Design complete', startDate: new Date('02/14/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/14/2017'), duration: 0, progress: 0, priority: 'Normal', approved: true }
        taskID: 12,
        taskName: 'Implementation Phase',
        startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
        endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
        priority: 'Normal',
        approved: false,
        duration: 11,
        progress: 66,
        subtasks: [
                taskID: 13,
                taskName: 'Phase 1',
                startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
                priority: 'High',
                approved: false,
                progress: 50,
                duration: 11,
                subtasks: [{
                    taskID: 14,
                    taskName: 'Implementation Module 1',
                    startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                    endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
                    priority: 'Normal',
                    duration: 11,
                    progress: 10,
                    approved: false,
                    subtasks: [
                        { taskID: 15, taskName: 'Development Task 1', startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/19/2017'), duration: 3, progress: '50', priority: 'High', approved: false },
                        { taskID: 16, taskName: 'Development Task 2', startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/19/2017'), duration: 3, progress: '50', priority: 'Low', approved: true },
                        { taskID: 17, taskName: 'Testing', startDate: new Date('02/20/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/21/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'Normal', approved: true },
                        { taskID: 18, taskName: 'Bug fix', startDate: new Date('02/24/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/25/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'Critical', approved: false },
                        { taskID: 19, taskName: 'Customer review meeting', startDate: new Date('02/26/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'High', approved: false },
                        { taskID: 20, taskName: 'Phase 1 complete', startDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'), duration: 0, progress: '50', priority: 'Low', approved: true }

                taskID: 21,
                taskName: 'Phase 2',
                startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/28/2017'),
                priority: 'High',
                approved: false,
                duration: 12,
                progress: 60,
                subtasks: [{
                    taskID: 22,
                    taskName: 'Implementation Module 2',
                    startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                    endDate: new Date('02/28/2017'),
                    priority: 'Critical',
                    approved: false,
                    duration: 12,
                    progress: 90,
                    subtasks: [
                        { taskID: 23, taskName: 'Development Task 1', startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/20/2017'), duration: 4, progress: '50', priority: 'Normal', approved: true },
                        { taskID: 24, taskName: 'Development Task 2', startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/20/2017'), duration: 4, progress: '50', priority: 'Critical', approved: true },
                        { taskID: 25, taskName: 'Testing', startDate: new Date('02/21/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/24/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'High', approved: false },
                        { taskID: 26, taskName: 'Bug fix', startDate: new Date('02/25/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/26/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'Low', approved: false },
                        { taskID: 27, taskName: 'Customer review meeting', startDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/28/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'Critical', approved: true },
                        { taskID: 28, taskName: 'Phase 2 complete', startDate: new Date('02/28/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/28/2017'), duration: 0, progress: '50', priority: 'Normal', approved: false }


                taskID: 29,
                taskName: 'Phase 3',
                startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
                priority: 'Normal',
                approved: false,
                duration: 11,
                progress: 30,
                subtasks: [{
                    taskID: 30,
                    taskName: 'Implementation Module 3',
                    startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                    endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
                    priority: 'High',
                    approved: false,
                    duration: 11,
                    progress: 60,
                    subtasks: [
                        { taskID: 31, taskName: 'Development Task 1', startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/19/2017'), duration: 3, progress: '50', priority: 'Low', approved: true },
                        { taskID: 32, taskName: 'Development Task 2', startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/19/2017'), duration: 3, progress: '50', priority: 'Normal', approved: false },
                        { taskID: 33, taskName: 'Testing', startDate: new Date('02/20/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/21/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'Critical', approved: true },
                        { taskID: 34, taskName: 'Bug fix', startDate: new Date('02/24/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/25/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'High', approved: false },
                        { taskID: 35, taskName: 'Customer review meeting', startDate: new Date('02/26/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'Normal', approved: true },
                        { taskID: 36, taskName: 'Phase 3 complete', startDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'), duration: 0, progress: '50', priority: 'Critical', approved: false },
import { bootstrapApplication } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import 'zone.js';
bootstrapApplication(AppComponent).catch((err) => console.error(err));

Change new row position dynamically

You have the flexibility to dynamically change the row position for new rows in the TreeGrid component using the newRowPosition property of editSettings object.

In the following demonstration, row positions are changed by utilizing the newRowPosition property.

import { NgModule} from '@angular/core'
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'
import { TreeGridAllModule } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-treegrid'
import { DropDownListModule } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-dropdowns'

import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { sampleData } from './datasource';
import { EditSettingsModel, ToolbarItems, TreeGridComponent,EditService,PageService } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-treegrid';
import { ChangeEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-dropdowns';

    imports: [ TreeGridAllModule, DropDownListModule],
    standalone: true,
    providers:[EditService, PageService],

    selector: 'app-container',
    template: `<div style="display: flex">
                    <label style="padding: 30px 17px 0 0;">Change new row position :</label>
                        <ejs-dropdownlist  style="padding: 26px 0 0 0" index="0" width="100" [dataSource]="rowPositionData" (change)="changeRowPosition($event)"></ejs-dropdownlist>

                <ejs-treegrid #treegrid [dataSource]='data' [toolbar]='toolbar' [treeColumnIndex]='1' height='230' [editSettings]='editSettings' childMapping='subtasks' >
                        <e-column field='taskID' headerText='Task ID' [isPrimaryKey]='true' textAlign='Right' width=90></e-column>
                        <e-column field='taskName' headerText='Task Name' textAlign='Left' width=180></e-column>
                        <e-column field='priority' headerText='Priority' editType= 'dropdownedit' textAlign='Right' width=140></e-column>
                        <e-column field='progress' editType= 'numericedit' headerText='Progress' textAlign='Right' width=120></e-column>
export class AppComponent {

    public data?: object[];
    public editSettings?: EditSettingsModel;
    public toolbar?: ToolbarItems[];
    public treegrid?: TreeGridComponent;
    public rowPositionData: Object[] = [
        { text: 'Top', value: 'Top' },
        { text: 'Bottom', value: 'Bottom' },
        { text: 'Above', value: 'Above' },
        { text: 'Below', value: 'Below' },
        { text: 'Child', value: 'Child' }
    ngOnInit(): void { = sampleData;
        this.editSettings = { allowAdding: true ,mode:"Row", newRowPosition:"Above"};
        this.toolbar = ['Add', 'Update', 'Cancel'];
    public changeRowPosition(args: ChangeEventArgs): void {
        (this.treegrid as TreeGridComponent).editSettings.newRowPosition = args.value as any;

 * TreeGrid DataSource

export let sampleData: Object[] =  [
        taskID: 1,
        taskName: 'Planning',
        startDate: new Date('02/03/2017'),
        endDate: new Date('02/07/2017'),
        progress: 100,
        duration: 5,
        priority: 'Normal',
        approved: false,
        subtasks: [
            { taskID: 2, taskName: 'Plan timeline', startDate: new Date('02/03/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/07/2017'), duration: 5, progress: 100, priority: 'Normal', approved: false },
            { taskID: 3, taskName: 'Plan budget', startDate: new Date('02/03/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/07/2017'), duration: 5, progress: 100, priority: 'Low', approved: true },
            { taskID: 4, taskName: 'Allocate resources', startDate: new Date('02/03/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/07/2017'), duration: 5, progress: 100, priority: 'Critical', approved: false },
            { taskID: 5, taskName: 'Planning complete', startDate: new Date('02/07/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/07/2017'), duration: 0, progress: 0, priority: 'Low', approved: true }
        taskID: 6,
        taskName: 'Design',
        startDate: new Date('02/10/2017'),
        endDate: new Date('02/14/2017'),
        duration: 3,
        progress: 86,
        priority: 'High',
        approved: false,
        subtasks: [
            { taskID: 7, taskName: 'Software Specification', startDate: new Date('02/10/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/12/2017'), duration: 3, progress: 60, priority: 'Normal', approved: false },
            { taskID: 8, taskName: 'Develop prototype', startDate: new Date('02/10/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/12/2017'), duration: 3, progress: 100, priority: 'Critical', approved: false },
            { taskID: 9, taskName: 'Get approval from customer', startDate: new Date('02/13/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/14/2017'), duration: 2, progress: 100, priority: 'Low', approved: true },
            { taskID: 10, taskName: 'Design Documentation', startDate: new Date('02/13/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/14/2017'), duration: 2, progress: 100, priority: 'High', approved: true },
            { taskID: 11, taskName: 'Design complete', startDate: new Date('02/14/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/14/2017'), duration: 0, progress: 0, priority: 'Normal', approved: true }
        taskID: 12,
        taskName: 'Implementation Phase',
        startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
        endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
        priority: 'Normal',
        approved: false,
        duration: 11,
        progress: 66,
        subtasks: [
                taskID: 13,
                taskName: 'Phase 1',
                startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
                priority: 'High',
                approved: false,
                progress: 50,
                duration: 11,
                subtasks: [{
                    taskID: 14,
                    taskName: 'Implementation Module 1',
                    startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                    endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
                    priority: 'Normal',
                    duration: 11,
                    progress: 10,
                    approved: false,
                    subtasks: [
                        { taskID: 15, taskName: 'Development Task 1', startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/19/2017'), duration: 3, progress: '50', priority: 'High', approved: false },
                        { taskID: 16, taskName: 'Development Task 2', startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/19/2017'), duration: 3, progress: '50', priority: 'Low', approved: true },
                        { taskID: 17, taskName: 'Testing', startDate: new Date('02/20/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/21/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'Normal', approved: true },
                        { taskID: 18, taskName: 'Bug fix', startDate: new Date('02/24/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/25/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'Critical', approved: false },
                        { taskID: 19, taskName: 'Customer review meeting', startDate: new Date('02/26/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'High', approved: false },
                        { taskID: 20, taskName: 'Phase 1 complete', startDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'), duration: 0, progress: '50', priority: 'Low', approved: true }

                taskID: 21,
                taskName: 'Phase 2',
                startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/28/2017'),
                priority: 'High',
                approved: false,
                duration: 12,
                progress: 60,
                subtasks: [{
                    taskID: 22,
                    taskName: 'Implementation Module 2',
                    startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                    endDate: new Date('02/28/2017'),
                    priority: 'Critical',
                    approved: false,
                    duration: 12,
                    progress: 90,
                    subtasks: [
                        { taskID: 23, taskName: 'Development Task 1', startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/20/2017'), duration: 4, progress: '50', priority: 'Normal', approved: true },
                        { taskID: 24, taskName: 'Development Task 2', startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/20/2017'), duration: 4, progress: '50', priority: 'Critical', approved: true },
                        { taskID: 25, taskName: 'Testing', startDate: new Date('02/21/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/24/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'High', approved: false },
                        { taskID: 26, taskName: 'Bug fix', startDate: new Date('02/25/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/26/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'Low', approved: false },
                        { taskID: 27, taskName: 'Customer review meeting', startDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/28/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'Critical', approved: true },
                        { taskID: 28, taskName: 'Phase 2 complete', startDate: new Date('02/28/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/28/2017'), duration: 0, progress: '50', priority: 'Normal', approved: false }


                taskID: 29,
                taskName: 'Phase 3',
                startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
                priority: 'Normal',
                approved: false,
                duration: 11,
                progress: 30,
                subtasks: [{
                    taskID: 30,
                    taskName: 'Implementation Module 3',
                    startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                    endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
                    priority: 'High',
                    approved: false,
                    duration: 11,
                    progress: 60,
                    subtasks: [
                        { taskID: 31, taskName: 'Development Task 1', startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/19/2017'), duration: 3, progress: '50', priority: 'Low', approved: true },
                        { taskID: 32, taskName: 'Development Task 2', startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/19/2017'), duration: 3, progress: '50', priority: 'Normal', approved: false },
                        { taskID: 33, taskName: 'Testing', startDate: new Date('02/20/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/21/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'Critical', approved: true },
                        { taskID: 34, taskName: 'Bug fix', startDate: new Date('02/24/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/25/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'High', approved: false },
                        { taskID: 35, taskName: 'Customer review meeting', startDate: new Date('02/26/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'Normal', approved: true },
                        { taskID: 36, taskName: 'Phase 3 complete', startDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'), duration: 0, progress: '50', priority: 'Critical', approved: false },
import { bootstrapApplication } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import 'zone.js';
bootstrapApplication(AppComponent).catch((err) => console.error(err));

Add new row at different positions using context menu

The TreeGrid component provides options to display a context menu when a row is right-clicked. This feature allows to add a new row at different positions within the Tree Grid hierarchy using the Add Row items in the context menu.

To use the context menu, inject the ContextMenuService module in the treegrid.

Refer to the documentation on different context menu items for more information.

In the following demonstration, row positions are changed by utilizing the context menu feature.

import { NgModule} from '@angular/core'
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'

import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { sampleData } from './datasource';
import { EditSettingsModel, ToolbarItems, TreeGridComponent,EditService,ContextMenuService, TreeGridAllModule } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-treegrid';
import { ChangeEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-dropdowns';

    imports: [
    standalone: true,
    selector: 'app-container',
    template: `<ejs-treegrid #treegrid [dataSource]='data' [toolbar]='toolbar' [contextMenuItems]='contextMenuItems' [treeColumnIndex]='1' height='230' [editSettings]='editSettings' childMapping='subtasks' >
                        <e-column field='taskID' headerText='Task ID' [isPrimaryKey]='true' textAlign='Right' width=90></e-column>
                        <e-column field='taskName' headerText='Task Name' textAlign='Left' width=180></e-column>
                        <e-column field='priority' headerText='Priority' editType= 'dropdownedit' textAlign='Right' width=140></e-column>
                        <e-column field='progress' editType= 'numericedit' headerText='Progress' textAlign='Right' width=120></e-column>
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {

    public data?: object[];
    public editSettings?: EditSettingsModel;
    public toolbar?: ToolbarItems[];
    public treegrid?: TreeGridComponent;
    public contextMenuItems?: Object[]
    ngOnInit(): void { = sampleData;
        this.editSettings = { allowAdding: true, mode:"Row", newRowPosition:"Above"};
        this.toolbar = ['Add', 'Update', 'Cancel'];
        this.contextMenuItems = ['AddRow'];

 * TreeGrid DataSource

export let sampleData: Object[] =  [
        taskID: 1,
        taskName: 'Planning',
        startDate: new Date('02/03/2017'),
        endDate: new Date('02/07/2017'),
        progress: 100,
        duration: 5,
        priority: 'Normal',
        approved: false,
        subtasks: [
            { taskID: 2, taskName: 'Plan timeline', startDate: new Date('02/03/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/07/2017'), duration: 5, progress: 100, priority: 'Normal', approved: false },
            { taskID: 3, taskName: 'Plan budget', startDate: new Date('02/03/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/07/2017'), duration: 5, progress: 100, priority: 'Low', approved: true },
            { taskID: 4, taskName: 'Allocate resources', startDate: new Date('02/03/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/07/2017'), duration: 5, progress: 100, priority: 'Critical', approved: false },
            { taskID: 5, taskName: 'Planning complete', startDate: new Date('02/07/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/07/2017'), duration: 0, progress: 0, priority: 'Low', approved: true }
        taskID: 6,
        taskName: 'Design',
        startDate: new Date('02/10/2017'),
        endDate: new Date('02/14/2017'),
        duration: 3,
        progress: 86,
        priority: 'High',
        approved: false,
        subtasks: [
            { taskID: 7, taskName: 'Software Specification', startDate: new Date('02/10/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/12/2017'), duration: 3, progress: 60, priority: 'Normal', approved: false },
            { taskID: 8, taskName: 'Develop prototype', startDate: new Date('02/10/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/12/2017'), duration: 3, progress: 100, priority: 'Critical', approved: false },
            { taskID: 9, taskName: 'Get approval from customer', startDate: new Date('02/13/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/14/2017'), duration: 2, progress: 100, priority: 'Low', approved: true },
            { taskID: 10, taskName: 'Design Documentation', startDate: new Date('02/13/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/14/2017'), duration: 2, progress: 100, priority: 'High', approved: true },
            { taskID: 11, taskName: 'Design complete', startDate: new Date('02/14/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/14/2017'), duration: 0, progress: 0, priority: 'Normal', approved: true }
        taskID: 12,
        taskName: 'Implementation Phase',
        startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
        endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
        priority: 'Normal',
        approved: false,
        duration: 11,
        progress: 66,
        subtasks: [
                taskID: 13,
                taskName: 'Phase 1',
                startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
                priority: 'High',
                approved: false,
                progress: 50,
                duration: 11,
                subtasks: [{
                    taskID: 14,
                    taskName: 'Implementation Module 1',
                    startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                    endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
                    priority: 'Normal',
                    duration: 11,
                    progress: 10,
                    approved: false,
                    subtasks: [
                        { taskID: 15, taskName: 'Development Task 1', startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/19/2017'), duration: 3, progress: '50', priority: 'High', approved: false },
                        { taskID: 16, taskName: 'Development Task 2', startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/19/2017'), duration: 3, progress: '50', priority: 'Low', approved: true },
                        { taskID: 17, taskName: 'Testing', startDate: new Date('02/20/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/21/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'Normal', approved: true },
                        { taskID: 18, taskName: 'Bug fix', startDate: new Date('02/24/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/25/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'Critical', approved: false },
                        { taskID: 19, taskName: 'Customer review meeting', startDate: new Date('02/26/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'High', approved: false },
                        { taskID: 20, taskName: 'Phase 1 complete', startDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'), duration: 0, progress: '50', priority: 'Low', approved: true }

                taskID: 21,
                taskName: 'Phase 2',
                startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/28/2017'),
                priority: 'High',
                approved: false,
                duration: 12,
                progress: 60,
                subtasks: [{
                    taskID: 22,
                    taskName: 'Implementation Module 2',
                    startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                    endDate: new Date('02/28/2017'),
                    priority: 'Critical',
                    approved: false,
                    duration: 12,
                    progress: 90,
                    subtasks: [
                        { taskID: 23, taskName: 'Development Task 1', startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/20/2017'), duration: 4, progress: '50', priority: 'Normal', approved: true },
                        { taskID: 24, taskName: 'Development Task 2', startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/20/2017'), duration: 4, progress: '50', priority: 'Critical', approved: true },
                        { taskID: 25, taskName: 'Testing', startDate: new Date('02/21/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/24/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'High', approved: false },
                        { taskID: 26, taskName: 'Bug fix', startDate: new Date('02/25/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/26/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'Low', approved: false },
                        { taskID: 27, taskName: 'Customer review meeting', startDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/28/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'Critical', approved: true },
                        { taskID: 28, taskName: 'Phase 2 complete', startDate: new Date('02/28/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/28/2017'), duration: 0, progress: '50', priority: 'Normal', approved: false }


                taskID: 29,
                taskName: 'Phase 3',
                startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
                priority: 'Normal',
                approved: false,
                duration: 11,
                progress: 30,
                subtasks: [{
                    taskID: 30,
                    taskName: 'Implementation Module 3',
                    startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                    endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
                    priority: 'High',
                    approved: false,
                    duration: 11,
                    progress: 60,
                    subtasks: [
                        { taskID: 31, taskName: 'Development Task 1', startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/19/2017'), duration: 3, progress: '50', priority: 'Low', approved: true },
                        { taskID: 32, taskName: 'Development Task 2', startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/19/2017'), duration: 3, progress: '50', priority: 'Normal', approved: false },
                        { taskID: 33, taskName: 'Testing', startDate: new Date('02/20/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/21/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'Critical', approved: true },
                        { taskID: 34, taskName: 'Bug fix', startDate: new Date('02/24/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/25/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'High', approved: false },
                        { taskID: 35, taskName: 'Customer review meeting', startDate: new Date('02/26/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'Normal', approved: true },
                        { taskID: 36, taskName: 'Phase 3 complete', startDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'), duration: 0, progress: '50', priority: 'Critical', approved: false },
import { bootstrapApplication } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import 'zone.js';
bootstrapApplication(AppComponent).catch((err) => console.error(err));

Add a record programmatically at particular index

To add a new record at a specific index within the Tree Grid, you can utilize the addRecord method. This method allows you to insert a new record at a particular row index and position.


  • data: The data object representing the new record.
  • index: The row index at which the new record should be inserted. If not provided, the record will be added at the top as the first row index.
  • Position: The position, such as Below, Above, or as a Child to the selected row, where the new record is to be added.

Ensure that the allowAdding property of the Tree Grid is set to true to allow adding new records.

In the following demonstration, use the addRecord method to add a new row at a specific index.

import { NgModule, } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { TreeGridAllModule } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-treegrid';
import { PageService,  EditService, } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-treegrid';
import {ButtonModule} from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-buttons';
import {  NumericTextBoxAllModule } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-inputs';

import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { sampleData } from './datasource';
import { EditSettingsModel, ToolbarItems, TreeGridComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-treegrid';
import { ChangeEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-dropdowns';
import { NumericTextBoxComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-inputs';

    imports: [
    providers:[PageService,  EditService,],
    standalone: true,
    selector: 'app-container',
    template: `<div>
                    <label style="padding: 30px 17px 0 0" >Enter the index of the new row added:</label>
                    <ejs-numerictextbox #numeric min='0' max='35'></ejs-numerictextbox>
                    <button ejs-button id="buttons" (click)="AddrecordbyIndex()">Add record</button>
                <ejs-treegrid #treegrid [dataSource]='data' [treeColumnIndex]='1' height='230' [editSettings]='editSettings' childMapping='subtasks' >
                        <e-column field='taskID' headerText='Task ID' [isPrimaryKey]='true' textAlign='Right' width=90></e-column>
                        <e-column field='taskName' headerText='Task Name' textAlign='Left' width=180></e-column>
                        <e-column field='priority' headerText='Priority' editType= 'dropdownedit' textAlign='Right' width=140></e-column>
                        <e-column field='progress' editType= 'numericedit' headerText='Progress' textAlign='Right' width=120></e-column>
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {

    public data?: object[];
    public editSettings?: EditSettingsModel;
    public treegrid?: TreeGridComponent;
    public id=100;

    public numeric?: NumericTextBoxComponent;
    public AddrecordbyIndex(){
        var index=(this.numeric as NumericTextBoxComponent).value;
        var new_data={,taskName:"New Task", priority:"High",progress:9};

    ngOnInit(): void { = sampleData;
        this.editSettings = { allowAdding: true, mode:"Row", newRowPosition:"Above"};

 * TreeGrid DataSource

export let sampleData: Object[] =  [
        taskID: 1,
        taskName: 'Planning',
        startDate: new Date('02/03/2017'),
        endDate: new Date('02/07/2017'),
        progress: 100,
        duration: 5,
        priority: 'Normal',
        approved: false,
        subtasks: [
            { taskID: 2, taskName: 'Plan timeline', startDate: new Date('02/03/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/07/2017'), duration: 5, progress: 100, priority: 'Normal', approved: false },
            { taskID: 3, taskName: 'Plan budget', startDate: new Date('02/03/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/07/2017'), duration: 5, progress: 100, priority: 'Low', approved: true },
            { taskID: 4, taskName: 'Allocate resources', startDate: new Date('02/03/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/07/2017'), duration: 5, progress: 100, priority: 'Critical', approved: false },
            { taskID: 5, taskName: 'Planning complete', startDate: new Date('02/07/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/07/2017'), duration: 0, progress: 0, priority: 'Low', approved: true }
        taskID: 6,
        taskName: 'Design',
        startDate: new Date('02/10/2017'),
        endDate: new Date('02/14/2017'),
        duration: 3,
        progress: 86,
        priority: 'High',
        approved: false,
        subtasks: [
            { taskID: 7, taskName: 'Software Specification', startDate: new Date('02/10/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/12/2017'), duration: 3, progress: 60, priority: 'Normal', approved: false },
            { taskID: 8, taskName: 'Develop prototype', startDate: new Date('02/10/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/12/2017'), duration: 3, progress: 100, priority: 'Critical', approved: false },
            { taskID: 9, taskName: 'Get approval from customer', startDate: new Date('02/13/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/14/2017'), duration: 2, progress: 100, priority: 'Low', approved: true },
            { taskID: 10, taskName: 'Design Documentation', startDate: new Date('02/13/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/14/2017'), duration: 2, progress: 100, priority: 'High', approved: true },
            { taskID: 11, taskName: 'Design complete', startDate: new Date('02/14/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/14/2017'), duration: 0, progress: 0, priority: 'Normal', approved: true }
        taskID: 12,
        taskName: 'Implementation Phase',
        startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
        endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
        priority: 'Normal',
        approved: false,
        duration: 11,
        progress: 66,
        subtasks: [
                taskID: 13,
                taskName: 'Phase 1',
                startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
                priority: 'High',
                approved: false,
                progress: 50,
                duration: 11,
                subtasks: [{
                    taskID: 14,
                    taskName: 'Implementation Module 1',
                    startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                    endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
                    priority: 'Normal',
                    duration: 11,
                    progress: 10,
                    approved: false,
                    subtasks: [
                        { taskID: 15, taskName: 'Development Task 1', startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/19/2017'), duration: 3, progress: '50', priority: 'High', approved: false },
                        { taskID: 16, taskName: 'Development Task 2', startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/19/2017'), duration: 3, progress: '50', priority: 'Low', approved: true },
                        { taskID: 17, taskName: 'Testing', startDate: new Date('02/20/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/21/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'Normal', approved: true },
                        { taskID: 18, taskName: 'Bug fix', startDate: new Date('02/24/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/25/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'Critical', approved: false },
                        { taskID: 19, taskName: 'Customer review meeting', startDate: new Date('02/26/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'High', approved: false },
                        { taskID: 20, taskName: 'Phase 1 complete', startDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'), duration: 0, progress: '50', priority: 'Low', approved: true }

                taskID: 21,
                taskName: 'Phase 2',
                startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/28/2017'),
                priority: 'High',
                approved: false,
                duration: 12,
                progress: 60,
                subtasks: [{
                    taskID: 22,
                    taskName: 'Implementation Module 2',
                    startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                    endDate: new Date('02/28/2017'),
                    priority: 'Critical',
                    approved: false,
                    duration: 12,
                    progress: 90,
                    subtasks: [
                        { taskID: 23, taskName: 'Development Task 1', startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/20/2017'), duration: 4, progress: '50', priority: 'Normal', approved: true },
                        { taskID: 24, taskName: 'Development Task 2', startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/20/2017'), duration: 4, progress: '50', priority: 'Critical', approved: true },
                        { taskID: 25, taskName: 'Testing', startDate: new Date('02/21/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/24/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'High', approved: false },
                        { taskID: 26, taskName: 'Bug fix', startDate: new Date('02/25/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/26/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'Low', approved: false },
                        { taskID: 27, taskName: 'Customer review meeting', startDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/28/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'Critical', approved: true },
                        { taskID: 28, taskName: 'Phase 2 complete', startDate: new Date('02/28/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/28/2017'), duration: 0, progress: '50', priority: 'Normal', approved: false }


                taskID: 29,
                taskName: 'Phase 3',
                startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
                priority: 'Normal',
                approved: false,
                duration: 11,
                progress: 30,
                subtasks: [{
                    taskID: 30,
                    taskName: 'Implementation Module 3',
                    startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                    endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
                    priority: 'High',
                    approved: false,
                    duration: 11,
                    progress: 60,
                    subtasks: [
                        { taskID: 31, taskName: 'Development Task 1', startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/19/2017'), duration: 3, progress: '50', priority: 'Low', approved: true },
                        { taskID: 32, taskName: 'Development Task 2', startDate: new Date('02/17/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/19/2017'), duration: 3, progress: '50', priority: 'Normal', approved: false },
                        { taskID: 33, taskName: 'Testing', startDate: new Date('02/20/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/21/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'Critical', approved: true },
                        { taskID: 34, taskName: 'Bug fix', startDate: new Date('02/24/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/25/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'High', approved: false },
                        { taskID: 35, taskName: 'Customer review meeting', startDate: new Date('02/26/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'), duration: 2, progress: '0', priority: 'Normal', approved: true },
                        { taskID: 36, taskName: 'Phase 3 complete', startDate: new Date('02/27/2017'),
                            endDate: new Date('02/27/2017'), duration: 0, progress: '50', priority: 'Critical', approved: false },
import { bootstrapApplication } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import 'zone.js';
bootstrapApplication(AppComponent).catch((err) => console.error(err));