Accessibility in Angular TextBox component

26 Oct 20242 minutes to read

The TextBox component followed the accessibility guidelines and standards, including ADA, Section 508, WCAG 2.2 standards, and WCAG roles that are commonly used to evaluate accessibility.

The accessibility compliance for the TextBox component is outlined below.

Yes - All features of the component meet the requirement.
Intermediate - Some features of the component do not meet the requirement.
No - The component does not meet the requirement.

WAI-ARIA attributes

The TextBox is characterized with complete ARIA Accessibility support that helps to access through the on-screen readers and other assistive technology devices. This component is designed with the reference of the guidelines document given in WAI ARAI Accessibility practices.

The TextBox uses the TextBox role and following ARIA properties for its element based on its state.

Property Functionality
aria-placeholder The aria-placeholder is a short hint to help the users with data entry when the TextBox has no value.
aria-labelledby The aria-labelledby property indicates the floating label element of the TextBox.

Ensuring accessibility

The TextBox component’s accessibility levels are ensured through an accessibility-checker and axe-core software tools during automated testing.

The accessibility compliance of the TextBox component is shown in the following sample. Open the sample in a new window to evaluate the accessibility of the TextBox component with accessibility tools.

See also