Keyboard shortcuts in Angular Spreadsheet component

14 Feb 202515 minutes to read

The keyboard shortcuts supported in the spreadsheet are,

Shortcut Description
Ctrl + O Displays dialog to open a file.
Ctrl + S / Alt + F2 Saves the workbook.
Ctrl + P Print the active worksheet when the spreadsheet is in focus.
F2 Enables edit mode.
ESC Cancel edit mode and discard the changes.
Backspace and SPACE Clears content of the active cell and enables edit mode.
Ctrl + C Copies the selected cells.
Ctrl + X Cuts the selected cells.
Ctrl + V Paste the clipboard(cut or copied) content in the new selected range.
Ctrl + B Applies or removes bold formatting.
Ctrl + I Applies or removes italic formatting.
Ctrl + U Applies or removes underline.
Ctrl + 5 Applies or removes strikethrough.
Ctrl + Z Reverses (Undo) the last action.
Ctrl + Y Repeats (Redo) the last reversed action.
Ctrl + K It opens the Insert Hyperlink dialog for adding new hyperlink to a cell. If the selected cell already contains hyperlink, it opens the Edit Hyperlink dialog.
Ctrl + F / Shift + F5 Opens Find dialog.
Ctrl + H Opens Find and Replace dialog.
Ctrl + G Opens GoTo dialog, which helps to navigate to cell.
Ctrl + Shift + L Applies filter to the first row of the selected range or used range.
Alt + F Opens the File menu.
Alt + H Go to Home tab.
Alt + N Go to Insert tab.
Alt + M Go to Formulas tab.
Alt + A Go to Data tab.
Alt + W Go to View tab.
Tab Navigate the active cell to the next cell in the same row.
Shift + Tab Navigate the active cell to the previous cell in the same row.
Right or Left arrow Move the focus to next or previous item in the tab if the focus is on ribbon tab.
Up arrow When a menu is open, move focus to the next item.
Down arrow When a menu is open, move focus to the previous item.
Spacebar or Enter Activate a selected button.
Ctrl + F8 Expand or collapse the ribbon content.
Ctrl + Shift + U Expand or collapse the formula bar.
Ctrl + 9 Hide the selected row.
Ctrl + 0 Hide the selected column.
Home Moves the selection to starting column in worksheet.
Ctrl + Home Move the selection to the first visible cell on a worksheet.
Ctrl + Shift + Home Extend the selection of cells to the beginning of the worksheet.
Ctrl + End Move to the last cell on a worksheet, right most last column and last row cell.
Ctrl + & Apply an outline border to the selected cells.
Ctrl + Shift + & Apply an outline border to the cells that you’ve chosen.
Ctrl + Shift + ~ Apply the General number format.
Ctrl + Shift + $ Apply the Currency format with two decimal places (negative numbers in parentheses).
Shift + F10 Open the context menu.
Ctrl + % Apply the Percentage format with no decimal places.
Ctrl + ^ Apply the Scientific number format with two decimal places.
Ctrl + Shift + # Apply the Date format with the day, month, and year.
Ctrl + Shift + @ Apply the Time format with the hour and minute, and AM or PM.
Ctrl + Shift + ! Apply the Number format with two decimal places, thousands separator, and minus sign (-) for negative values.
Ctrl + Spacebar Select an entire column in a worksheet.
Shift + Spacebar Select an entire row in a worksheet.
Shift + F3 Opens Insert Function dialog.
Ctrl + Alt + N Opens new workbook.
Shift + Page Down Perform page down by selecting all cells between.
Shift + Page Up Perform page up by selecting all cells between.
Ctrl + Left Navigate to the non-blank cell before the active cell in the same row.
Ctrl + Right Navigate to the last non-blank cell in the same row as the active cell.
Ctrl + Up Navigate to the first non-blank cell in the same row as the active cell.
Ctrl + Down Navigate to the last cell that is not blank in the same column as the active cell.
Ctrl + Shift + Left Extend the cell selection to the previous non-blank cell in the same row as the active cell.
Ctrl + Shift + Right Extend the cell selection to the last non-blank cell in the same row as the active cell.
Ctrl + Shift + Up Extend the selection of cells to the first non-blank cell in the same row as the active cell.
Ctrl + Shift + Down Extend the selection of cells to the last non-blank cell in the same row as the active cell.
Shift + Alt + K Open the List All Sheets dropdown option.
Up arrow Navigate from the active cell to the previous cell in the same column.
Down arrow Navigate from the active cell to the next cell in the same column.
Left arrow Navigate from the active cell to the previous cell in the same row.
Right arrow Navigate from the active cell to the next cell in the same row.
Page Up Move page up.
Page Down Move page down.
Shift + Up Extend the selection of cells to the previous row.
Shift + Down Extend the selection of cells to the next row.
Shift + Left Extend the selection of cells to the previous column.
Shift + Right Extend the selection of cells to the next column.
Ctrl + Top Navigate to the non-blank cell before the active cell in the same column.
Ctrl + Shift + Top Extend the cell selection to the previous non-blank cell in the same column as the active cell.
Ctrl + Shift + Bottom Extend the cell selection to the last non-blank cell in the same column as the active cell.
Enter Navigate the active cell to the next cell in the same column.
Shift + Enter Navigate to the previous cell in the same column from the active cell.
Alt + Down Open the list data validation menu and filter menu.
Alt + Up Close the list data validation menu and filter menu.
Delete Remove the contents of the cell.
Shift + Home Extend the cell selection to the first column of a worksheet.
Shift + F11 Add a new sheet.
Ctrl + Shift + 9 Unhide the selected rows.
Ctrl + Shift + 0 Unhide the selected columns.
Ctrl + D Fill the cell down.
Ctrl + R Fill the cell right.
Alt + Enter While editing, add a new line.
Enter Complete the cell editing and select the cell below in the same column.
Shift + Enter Complete the cell editing and select the cell above in the same column.
Tab Complete the cell editing and select the next cell in the same row.
Shift + Tab Complete the cell editing and select the previous cell in the same row.
Shift + F2 Open the dialog box to add or edit notes for the desired cells. Meanwhile, upon pressing the Esc key, the dialog box for notes, when in focus, will save and close.
Alt Focus on the active ribbon tab.
Left Move the focus to the previous items in the ribbon content.
Right Move the focus to the next items in the ribbon content.
Alt + Down Open the ribbon dropdown menu.
Esc / Alt + Up Close the ribbon dropdown menu.


You can refer to our Angular Spreadsheet feature tour page for its groundbreaking feature representations. You can also explore our Angular Spreadsheet example to knows how to present and manipulate data.

See Also