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Context menu in Angular Schedule component
11 Jul 202415 minutes to read
You can display context menu on work cells and appointments of Scheduler by making use of the ContextMenu
control manually from the application end. In the following code example, context menu control is being added from sample end and set its target as Scheduler
On Scheduler cells, you can display the menu items such as New Event
, New Recurring Event
and Today
option. For appointments, you can display its related options such as Edit Event
and Delete Event
. The default event window can be opened for appointment creation and editing using the openEditor
method of Scheduler.
The deletion of appointments can be done by using the deleteEvent
public method. Also, the selectedDate
property can be used to navigate between different dates.
You can also display custom menu options on Scheduler cells and appointments. Context menu will open on tap-hold in responsive mode.
<ejs-schedule #scheduleObj height='550px' [selectedDate]="selectedDate" [allowResizing]="allowResizing"
[allowDragAndDrop]="allowDragDrop" [eventSettings]="eventSettings">
<ejs-contextmenu #menuObj cssClass='schedule-context-menu' target='.e-schedule' [items]='menuItems' (beforeOpen)='onContextMenuBeforeOpen($event)'
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'
import { ScheduleModule } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-schedule'
import { ButtonModule } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-buttons'
import { ContextMenuModule } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-navigations'
import { Component, ViewChild, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core';
import { extend, closest, isNullOrUndefined, remove, removeClass } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
import { DataManager, Query } from '@syncfusion/ej2-data';
import {
EventSettingsModel, DayService, WeekService, WorkWeekService, MonthService, AgendaService, ScheduleComponent, CellClickEventArgs, MonthAgendaService
} from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-schedule';
import { ContextMenuComponent, MenuItemModel, BeforeOpenCloseMenuEventArgs, MenuEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-navigations';
import { scheduleData } from './datasource';
imports: [
standalone: true,
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
providers: [DayService, WeekService, WorkWeekService, MonthService, AgendaService, MonthAgendaService],
styleUrls: ['./index.css'],
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None
export class AppComponent {
public scheduleObj?: ScheduleComponent;
public menuObj?: ContextMenuComponent;
public allowResizing: Boolean = false;
public allowDragDrop: Boolean = false;
public selectedDate: Date = new Date(2018, 1, 15);
public eventSettings: EventSettingsModel = { dataSource: <Object[]>extend([], scheduleData, undefined, true) };
public selectedTarget?: Element;
public menuItems: MenuItemModel[] = [
text: 'New Event',
iconCss: 'e-icons new',
id: 'Add'
}, {
text: 'New Recurring Event',
iconCss: 'e-icons recurrence',
id: 'AddRecurrence'
}, {
text: 'Today',
iconCss: 'e-icons today',
id: 'Today'
}, {
text: 'Edit Event',
iconCss: 'e-icons edit',
id: 'Save'
}, {
text: 'Edit Event',
id: 'EditRecurrenceEvent',
iconCss: 'e-icons edit',
items: [{
text: 'Edit Occurrence',
id: 'EditOccurrence'
}, {
text: 'Edit Series',
id: 'EditSeries'
}, {
text: 'Delete Event',
iconCss: 'e-icons delete',
id: 'Delete'
}, {
text: 'Delete Event',
id: 'DeleteRecurrenceEvent',
iconCss: 'e-icons delete',
items: [{
text: 'Delete Occurrence',
id: 'DeleteOccurrence'
}, {
text: 'Delete Series',
id: 'DeleteSeries'
onContextMenuBeforeOpen(args: BeforeOpenCloseMenuEventArgs): void {
const newEventElement: HTMLElement = document.querySelector('.e-new-event') as HTMLElement;
if (newEventElement) {
removeClass([document.querySelector('.e-selected-cell') as Element], 'e-selected-cell');
const targetElement: HTMLElement = <HTMLElement>;
if (closest(targetElement, '.e-contextmenu')) {
this.selectedTarget = closest(targetElement, '.e-appointment,.e-work-cells,' +
'.e-vertical-view .e-date-header-wrap .e-all-day-cells,.e-vertical-view .e-date-header-wrap .e-header-cells');
if (isNullOrUndefined(this.selectedTarget)) {
args.cancel = true;
if (this.selectedTarget.classList.contains('e-appointment')) {
const eventObj: { [key: string]: Object } = <{ [key: string]: Object }>this.scheduleObj?.getEventDetails(this.selectedTarget);
if (eventObj['RecurrenceRule']) {
this.menuObj?.showItems(['EditRecurrenceEvent', 'DeleteRecurrenceEvent'], true);
this.menuObj?.hideItems(['Add', 'AddRecurrence', 'Today', 'Save', 'Delete'], true);
} else {
this.menuObj?.showItems(['Save', 'Delete'], true);
this.menuObj?.hideItems(['Add', 'AddRecurrence', 'Today', 'EditRecurrenceEvent', 'DeleteRecurrenceEvent'], true);
this.menuObj?.hideItems(['Save', 'Delete', 'EditRecurrenceEvent', 'DeleteRecurrenceEvent'], true);
this.menuObj?.showItems(['Add', 'AddRecurrence', 'Today'], true);
onMenuItemSelect(args: MenuEventArgs): void {
const selectedMenuItem: string | undefined =;
let eventObj: { [key: string]: Object } = {};
if (this.selectedTarget && this.selectedTarget.classList.contains('e-appointment')) {
eventObj = <{ [key: string]: Object }>this.scheduleObj?.getEventDetails(this.selectedTarget);
switch (selectedMenuItem) {
case 'Today':
this.scheduleObj!.selectedDate = new Date();
case 'Add':
case 'AddRecurrence':
const selectedCells: Element[] = this.scheduleObj!.getSelectedElements();
const activeCellsData: CellClickEventArgs = this.scheduleObj!.getCellDetails(selectedCells.length > 0 ? selectedCells : this.selectedTarget as any);
if (selectedMenuItem === 'Add') {
this.scheduleObj?.openEditor(activeCellsData, 'Add');
} else {
this.scheduleObj?.openEditor(activeCellsData, 'Add', undefined, 1);
case 'Save':
case 'EditOccurrence':
case 'EditSeries':
if (selectedMenuItem === 'EditSeries') {
eventObj = <{ [key: string]: Object }>new DataManager(this.scheduleObj?.eventsData).executeLocal(new Query().
where(this.scheduleObj? as any, 'equal', eventObj[this.scheduleObj?.eventFields.recurrenceID as any] as string | number))[0];
this.scheduleObj?.openEditor(eventObj, selectedMenuItem);
case 'Delete':
case 'DeleteOccurrence':
case 'DeleteSeries':
this.scheduleObj?.deleteEvent(eventObj, selectedMenuItem);
import { bootstrapApplication } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import 'zone.js';
bootstrapApplication(AppComponent).catch((err) => console.error(err));
You can refer to our Angular Scheduler feature tour page for its groundbreaking feature representations. You can also explore our Angular Scheduler example to knows how to present and manipulate data.