Essential Studio for EJ2 Angular Release Notes

October 17, 2023


Bug Fixes

  • #I509029 - The issue with “HtmlAttributes property not working properly in checkBox component” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I506617 - Fixed issue where the previous and next icons were displaying incorrectly in the Fluent Theme.


Bug Fixes

  • #I504425 - Fixed an issue where typing “pm” and then focusing out would convert the “pm” extension to “am”. This issue has been resolved.

Bug Fixes

  • #I511002 - Issue in Aria-label accessibility issue in DropDownButton has been resolved

Bug Fixes

  • #I498409 - Fixed an issue where the preselected value was getting cleared when updating the data source.
  • #I500431 - Fixed issue where the preselected value through index property was not updated when updating the data source.

Bug Fixes

  • #I498924 - Issue with the locale property in the Dropdown Tree component has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I505985 - Provide the alert dialog for unsupported files and selecting multiple images in the Image Editor uploader.
  • #I507638 - Provide the support to hide the uploader toolbar item in the Image Editor.

Bug Fixes

  • #I503763 - The issue with “sub menu closes while click on the vertical scroll of sub menu” has been resolved.
  • The issue with “menu component in ribbon while switching to arabic localization” has been resolved


Bug Fixes

  • #I503091 - Resolved a null exception that was thrown when dynamically changing the groupBy fields to undefined.


Bug fixes

  • The pivot table will now be exported as a PDF document when the export method is invoked without the pdFExportProperties parameter.


Bug Fixes

  • #F184903 - Issue with setRules method of the Query builder not working for complex data binding has been fixed.


  • #I502356 - Fixed the console error that throws when we resize the range navigator.


Bug Fixes

  • #I499852 - Now, pressing the enter key when the cursor is placed next to the image after pasting the image works properly.
  • #I456729 - Now, pasting the cropped images from MS Word into the Rich Text Editor works properly.
  • #I501846 - Now the Format Painter will copy and paste the list with paragraph elements.
  • #I499862 - Now, pasting contents into the RichTextEditor works properly.
  • #I498006 - Now, the NumberFormatList and BulletFormatList icon functions on the Safari browser are working properly.
  • #I503797 - Now, the CMD+B shortcut works properly in the Safari browser.