Essential Studio for Angular Release Notes

July 12, 2022



  • Syncfusion components are now compatible with Angular 14 version.
  • Provided the Ivy-compatible support for the Angular packages. Ivy Angular packages support Angular versions 12 and above.
  • Provided the TypeScript 4.7 compatible support for the Angular components.
  • Provided the option to register the license key by using the npx command. Follow these steps to register the license using the npx command:
The npx command
Install the Syncfusion packages from npm.
Add the license key either in the environment variable SYNCFUSION_LICENSE or in the syncfusion-license.txt text file.
Run the command npx syncfusion-license activate to automatically register the license.

Breaking Changes

  • From this release, Syncfusion provided the Ivy-compatible support for the Angular packages. Ivy Angular packages support Angular versions 12 and above. While using the latest Angular packages in the Angular 11 and below version application, components will not work. To provide the latest features and fixes for Angular versions 11 and below, Syncfusion will maintain the Angular packages tagged with ngcc. To install Angular packages that are compatible with ngcc for the Angular versions 11 and below application, run the npm install @syncfusion/ej2-angular-grids@ngcc command.


  • Provided option to play or pause the slides when hovering the mouse pointer over the Carousel element.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed animation property from Carousel component, now you can set the animation effect directly to the animationEffect property.
  • To apply custom animation effects, Needs to set animationEffect property to custom and specify the custom animation class in cssClass property.


    template: `<ejs-carousel [animation]="carouselAnimation"></ejs-carousel>`

export class AppComponent {
  public carouselAnimation: CarouselAnimationSettingsModel = {
    customEffect: "parallax",


template: <ejs-carousel [animationEffect]="custom" [cssClass]="parallax"></ejs-carousel>


Bug Fixes

  • #I381436 - Data label is hidden in stacked bar series has been fixed.
  • #F175532 - Waterfall sum indexes are now rendering properly.
  • #I387394 - Marker position changes while displaying tooltip for rangearea issue has been fixed.
  • #I387391 - Horizontal and vertical line marker shapes are now rendering properly.


Bug Fixes

  • F379986 - The issue with “Screen reader reads checkbox field twice for tab keypress” has been resolved.

Dashboard Layout

Bug Fixes

  • #I382649 - The issue with “When resizing the page to less than mediaQuery value then the height was not proper for the Dashboard Layout component” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I387297 - Now, the Expand & Collapse work properly for layout.
  • #I389174 - The undefined exception will no longer thrown while drag and drop the node from treeview to diagram.
  • #I384522 - Now, connector gets rendered properly in the complex hierarchical tree layout.
  • #I383401 - BPMN task type symbols are updated as per BPMN 2.0 standard.
  • #FB35907 - Localization support for symbol palette search box placeholder has been added.


Bug Fixes

  • #F175969 - Now, the dragging working properly when dynamically set the dialog header.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I379353, #I378987 - Resolved floating table overlapping issue.
  • #F174378 - Improved performance while editing in the protected document.
  • #I375732 - Resolved issue in rendering merged cell.
  • #I376914 - Resolved script error while updating the list.
  • #I378333 - Resolved tab character layouting issue.
  • #I381087 - Resolved issue in stopProtection API.
  • #I382546, #I384249 - Resolved table disappearing issue while applying top margin.

Bug Fixes

  • #I388961 - Now, change event is not trigger when we bind the remote data with value
  • #I382870 - Issue with “NVDA reader does not read the selected value in the component” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I380929 - Baseline end date issue for milestone with same baseline start and end date has been fixed.
  • #I385298 - Bottom Tier not partitioned properly when zoom to fit issue has been fixed.
  • #I388575 - Virtual scroll issue when collapsed and searched has been fixed


Bug Fixes

  • #I376131 - when cell containing the checkbox is double clicked the next cell content gets highlighted issue has been fixed.
  • #I385933 - Custom format on number column is not working properly in Grid pdf export issue has been fixed.
  • #FB35672 - Empty grid in batch edit mode throws script error has been fixed.
  • #I382789 - Tab key Navigation not working When allowEditing set to false with RowDragandDrop is fixed.
  • #FB34522 - Column reorder not working properly in column freeze enabled is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I385821 - Now, the server-side modified data is returned to the client side while performing the CRUD operation.
  • #I390524, #F175935 - Now, when dropping the card into an empty column will render it.


Bug Fixes

  • #I383114 - Issue with “Drop event argument not passes the selected item properly, while drag and drop the multiple item of listbox” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I388045 - In mobile devices, the marker tooltip will now render properly when touched.


Bug Fixes

  • #FB31100 - Issue with “popup is not opened while changing the popupHeight dynamically in the beforeOpen event” has been resolved.

Bug Fixes

  • #I379731 - Issue with “popup is not opening while typing a single digit with custom value enabled” has been resolved.
  • #I382004 - Issue with “unable to remove the added custom value from the input element on specific scenario” has been resolved.
  • #I383092 - Issue with “popup is not updated while clearing the filter input value using long backspace keypress” has been resolved.
  • #FB31983 - Issue with “empty popup shows while rendering the component with item template and changing the query property dynamically” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #F170722 - Issue with “change event doesn’t trigger while modifying the value using setValue method inside reactive form” is resolved.
  • #I379498 - Issue with “NVDA reader does not read the floating label text while focusing the component” has been resolved.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #I383108 - Now,the custom stamp annotations are added properly in touch mode
  • #I377362 - Annotations are now placed in the correct position in the download PDF document with crop value.
  • #I383385 - The delete key can be used to remove annotations added in touch mode.
  • #I381030 - Unloading a PDF document from the first PDF Viewer component no longer affects the rendering of the PDF document in the second PDF Viewer component.
  • #I385936 - The value of the Add Signature button will not extend outside the button and missing Portuguese tooltips have been translated.
  • #I372855, #F173951 - An annotation can now be added and resized up to the edge of the PDF document.
  • #I380996 - The TextSearchComplete event will be triggered when the text is searched in the PDF viewer.
  • #I377035,#I379948 - A tooltip will be displayed in a form field even if the FormDesignerService is not injected.
  • #I380472 - Added form fields after pressing escape no longer shades form fields.
  • #I384112 - The formFieldSelect event will be triggered while selecting the first form field in the document.
  • #I386568 - In the Bootstrap5 theme, the search icon will change to a clear icon after a search has been initiated.
  • #I382999 - The type signature in the signature fields will be modified based on the height of the Signature field while resizing.
  • #I379221 - Now, cache values (PDF_CONTENT) are updated in the getCache() method.
  • #I385864 - Now, the dropdown values will be changed programmatically in the PDF Viewer.
  • #I386545 - Now, the signature field color will appear while scrolling down long document.
  • #I272377 - Now, the position and size of the arrow shapes in the shape annotation are same as in the downloaded document.
  • #F173953 - Now, Script error have been resolved.
  • #I378591 - The issue with the comment panel not opening after disabling and enabling again has been fixed.
  • #I386545 - Now, the signature field color will appear with opacity while scrolling down long document.

Pivot Table

Bug Fixes

  • The selection is now properly working when using the selection mode of the pivot table.
  • The engine population events are now properly triggered during virtual scrolling.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with Dynamically changing the columns with complex data source of query builder has been fixed.
  • I379818 - Issue with Getting change event as undefined for fields having custom value template of query builder has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I385741 - Now, pressing the ctrl+c or shift key on the link inside the list doesn’t remove the link.
  • #I386619 - Now, the content area is visible properly when maximizing and minimizing the Rich Text Editor.
  • #I385281 - Now, the height of the link, image, and table dialog when the RichTextEditor is in full-screen mode works properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #F172936 - An issue with Form validator instance not available in popupOpen event of Scheduler has been fixed.
  • #F175741 - An issue with UID of the appointments varies every time while exporting appointments in ICS file has been fixed.
  • #I379499 - An issue with Recurrence appointments start and end times are not changed based on DST time zone has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #F385792 - The issues with the Splitter’s first pane resizing to the right and the pane resizing not working properly has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I384048 - The issue of copied values being removed after saving when unique is applied is resolved.
  • #I379174 - After importing the protected excel file, the problem of not considering the password when selecting the unprotect sheet option in the sheet tab context menu has been resolved.
  • #I386574 - The exception thrown with font size pixel values while exporting is resolved.
  • #I384953 - Unique formula cell value gets #spill error on refresh issue resolved.
  • #F175967 - The addToolbarItems method is not working for locale other than ‘en-US’ issue has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I388161 - An issue with “Removing the selected tab item” has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • F175544 - Now, the toast will render properly in the target container when the target API is set as an HTML element.


Bug Fixes

  • #I381526 - Checkbox column selection works properly when multiple hierarchy level record with filtering, searching actions performed.
  • #I383115, #F175737 - Resolved data repeats when we set dataSource through set timeout or created event and also while changing dataSource with virtualization.
  • #I372485 - addRecord method works properly while adding as in between row with infinite scrolling enabled.
  • #I379658 - Remote data aggregate renders properly while on expand/collapse.


Bug Fixes

  • #I383454 - The issue with “The TreeView checked nodes state not maintained for remote data when enabling the persistence” has been resolved.