Essential Studio for Angular Release Notes

November 12, 2021



  • Provided tagDirective support for third level tag element.


Bug Fixes

  • #I346472- Selection and highlight color is not proper when using pointColorMapping is fixed.
  • #I346183 - StackingArea not rendering properly in huge data has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I346747 - When the range tooltip is enabled and the pointer is hovered over, the tooltip now works properly.


Bug Fixes

  • Overflow issue in ColorPicker has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I346110 - The issue “Text did not display on Connector line after adjusting the Bezier Connector” has been fixed.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I343310 - Resolved the blank page adding issue in exported word document due to footnote.
  • #I345594 - Resolved the new style listing problem during localization.
  • #I344840 - Resolved the height and width for insertImage API.
  • #I343403 - Resolved the script error while opening document with tracked changes and restrict editing enabled.
  • #I342774 - Resolved the word export issue for document with content control.
  • #I340276 - Resolved issue with entering custom date time value in form field.
  • #I344605 - Resolved the context menu rendering issue for multiple instances of DocumentEditor in the same page.
  • #I343106 - Resolved the table border rendering issue.
  • #I337087, #I344332 - Improved the suggestion construction logic for error words.
  • #I338302 - Resolved the hanging issue when opening document with table.
  • #I339240 - RTL list is now deleted properly.
  • #I340758 - Resolved the word export issue for the table with merged cells.
  • #I341140 - Track changes content is now updated properly for the existing empty line.
  • #F167253, #F168269 - Track changes pane visibility issue is resolved.
  • #I341985 - Resolved the tab space rendering issue.
  • #F168463 - Resolved the layout issue for the element with square wrapping style.
  • #I338947 - Resolved the undo problem after paste of hebrew text.
  • #I341435 - Optimized the content change event triggering in Document Editor.
  • #I340867 - Selection issue after applying character format is resolved.
  • #I341335 - Resolved the text formatting preservation for merge fields.
  • #I339239, #I339242, #I339021 - Resolved the text arrangement issue for RTL documents.
  • #I335659 - Resolved the undo/redo some text in RTL mode.
  • #I340643 - Resolved the comment mark removal issue in comment delete.
  • #I339335 - Resolved the hanging issue in editing document with Hebrew text.
  • #I340121 - Resolved the issue with elbow connector rendering as line connector.
  • #I339453 - Resolved the rendering issue in fixed table width case.
  • #I341119 - Resolved the image with top and bottom wrapping overlapping issue with table.
  • #I339602 – Track changes is now updated properly in header and footer.
  • #I341964, #I342165 – Resolved the text rearrange issue in copy/paste of RTL text.
  • #I339714 – Footnote order is now updated properly.
  • #I339973 - Table serialization issue in word export is resolved.
  • #I340795 – Issue with copying field is resolved.
  • #I339872 – Page number is footer is now updated properly.
  • #I339576, #F168072 – Resolved the issue in applying page orientation with the section break.
  • #I339027 – Resolved the script error in saving tracked content in header/footer.
  • #I340532 – Html elements are nor properly disposed.
  • #F168319 – Resolved the ViewChange event binding issue in Document Editor component.
  • #I341375 – Resolved the history issue in comment operations.
  • #I341840 – Resolved the table rendering issue.


  • #I345565 - Added support for Word 2013 justification.
  • #I343497 - Added support to render the texture style for table cell shading.
  • #I343751 - Added alert window for row and column specified more than 63 and 32767 respectively in insert table dialog.
  • #I342110 - Added event to customize the XMLHttpRequest in DocumentEditor and DocumentEditorContainer component.

Bug Fixes

  • #I345378 - The issue with “The interaction value is not updated properly in the select event while selecting via Select All checkbox” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #342557 - In fixed work type duration update issue has been fixed.



  • #F158756 - Now, you can convert the typed value as chip or update as value of the component while focusing out the component by enabling the addTagOnBlur property.
  • #I346387 - Issue with “select all checkbox is not displayed properly while selecting an item from the list” has been resolved.

Pivot Table

Bug Fixes

  • The Pivot Table can now be exported properly with static field list.


  • #I343343 - Provided support to render value totals alone when no field in row axis.


Bug Fixes

  • #I346580 - The issue with “align top in the table vertical align quick toolbar is always disabled” has been resolved.
  • #I346331 - The issue with “font family is not working when changed dynamically when the Rich Text Editor is in inline mode” has been resolved.
  • #I346832 - The issue with “upload icon overlaps with the percentage icon in the insert image dialog when uploading” has been resolved.



  • #I224286, #I224730, #I316683, #I321325, #I331265, #I331820, #I338907, #I342102, #F169564, #F169824, #F169024 - Provided option to render the spanned events greater than 24 hours in either AllDayRow region or TimeSlot region.
  • #I339786 - Provided localization support for timezone collections which are displayed in the editor window.