Essential Studio for Angular Release Notes

March 30, 2021


Bug Fixes

  • I306436,I313360 - Resolved dynamic property change not working for Tab component.
  • Resolved script error while using clearTemplate method.


Breaking Changes

  • The following properties type was changed.
Property Previous Type Current Type
Disabled anonymous boolean
Expanded anonymous boolean
Visible anonymous boolean


Bug Fixes

  • #313827 - Fixed stripline fails issue on canvas mode.
  • #304737 - Remove child of null console error thrown while using canvas mode issue has been fixed.
  • #314894 - Stripline is not working in datetime for core platform issue fixed.
  • #F162046 - Dynamic indicator change using useState issue resolved.


  • Range color mapping feature added.



  • #290958 - When startValue and endValueproperties are not set, the linear gradient will follow the circular path in the ranges.

Dashboard Layout

Bug Fixes

  • #312164 - The issue with “Newly added dashboard panels hide while switch between mobile mode to normal mode” has been resolved.
  • #310199 - The issue “Unable to resize when rendering multiple panels” has been resolved.



  • Provided CustomDataAdaptor support.


Bug Fixes

  • #318084 - Issue with “date input gets empty in the strict mode while typing invalid date” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #316429 - This issue “Nodes are not updating properly for the swim lane in the DOM during save and load” has been fixed.
  • #304194 - This issue “Straight line segments are not moved while dragging “ has been fixed.
  • #309543 - This issue “overview’s preview is not updated when update the diagram’s size “ has been fixed.
  • #311751 - This issue “when drag and drop from the palette the symbol preview not disappear “ has been fixed.
  • #312744 - This issue “Exception occurs when mouse over the node with many connector “ has been fixed.
  • #301792 - This issue “Alignment of connector is misplaced in balanced layout “ has been fixed.
  • #311219 - This issue “z order Commands not working for child node in group “ has been fixed.
  • #312725 - This issue “Expand collapse icon cannot export properly “ has been fixed.
  • #314224 - This issue “Shapes getting disappear after adding Swimlane shape “ has been fixed.
  • F162436 - This issue “While set the node’s isExpanded property true at initial rendering unwanted scroll is take placed” has been fixed.
  • #314664 - This issue “Exception occurs when drag and drop the node and perform undo “ has been fixed.
  • F161997 - This issue “Context menu disappear while mouseover the item which has subitems “ has been fixed.
  • #316472 - This issue “Strange snapping behaviors with swimlane “ has been fixed.
  • #317149 - This issue “Exception occurs when drag and drop a lane on connector in swimlane “ has been fixed.
  • F23048 - This issue “When change style of group at runtime the same is applied to its child too “ has been fixed.
  • 317728 - This issue “Line routing is not working if the connection end point of the connector has two or more nodes “ has been fixed.


  • #285393 - Support to avoid connector overlapping with complex hierarchical layout has been added.
  • #314220 - Support for Auto scrolling feature while using drawing tool has been added.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #315096 - Selection behaviour is updated properly, while pasting a URL and clicking enter after the URL.
  • #315413, #317463 - Table cell is now rendered properly.
  • #314467 - Find and replace is now working properly.
  • #315441 - While inserting same bookmark multiple times and deleting, bookmarks were preserved properly now.
  • #316532 - ParagraphFormat is now preserved while pasting with text only option.
  • #314193 - Document with charts were now preserved properly on exporting.
  • #161908, #318321 - Added API to show/hide restrict editing pane.
  • #315435 - Table cell width now preserved properly on editing.
  • #162638 - Table background color was now updated properly on updating borders and shading.

Breaking Changes

  • The DictionaryData(int langID,string dictPath,string affPath,string customPath) is marked as obsolete. Please use the alternate new constructor DictionaryData(int langID, string dictPath, string affPath) in Syncfusion.EJ2.SpellChecker spell checker.
  • The SpellChecker(List<SpellCheckDictionary> dictItem) is marked as obsolete. Please use the alternate new constructor SpellChecker(List<DictionaryData> dictItem, string customDicPath) in Syncfusion.EJ2.SpellChecker spell checker.


Bug Fixes

  • #261558 – Leader length is now working properly in the firefox browser.

Bug Fixes

#317088 - The issue with “The popup is not opened for the second time in the Dropdown Tree component when it is rendered inside the Dialog” has been resolved.

Excel Export

Bug Fixes

  • Internet Explorer version 11 Grid to Excel export issue is fixed.
  • Date issue is fixed for CSV export.
  • File corruption issue is fixed in Grid to Excel export.
  • Fixed currency format thousand separator missing issue.



  • #298361 - Provided Observable data binding support in Gantt.
  • #300136 - Provided support for tab like behaviour on cell navigation for cell edit mode.


Bug Fixes

  • #317762 - Increasing frozen columns using custom toolbar issue has been resolved.


  • #266164, #298390, #298305, #317536, #197245 - Provided mobile view support for responsive Grid.
  • #243700, #255673, #145292, #312122, #316185, #162746, #162824 - Provided exporting image and hyper link to Excel and PDF file formats.
  • #297861 - Provided option for rendering checkbox items in menu filter dialog.
  • #308524 - Provided autofilter support in Grid to Excel export.
  • #297263 - Provided complex column filtering and sorting support with IQueryable.
  • #307522 - Provided the target indicator support for drag and drop with different Grid.


Bug Fixes

  • #287830 - The issue with using setState in the HeatMap has been resolved.
  • #299279 - The issue “API level styles was not taken as important for HeatMap” has been resolved.

In-place Editor


  • #306178- Provided two-way binding support to value property of the In-place editor.


Bug Fixes

  • #317594 - An issue with “script error thrown when dynamically add new card with new swimlane key” issue has been fixed.


  • F160742 - Support to drag and drop the card from kanban to an external source and vice versa has been provided.


Bug Fixes

  • #304129,#304247 - The issue “ActionBegin event does not trigger before/after switching to new views in the nested ListView” has been fixed.
  • #310143 - The script error with refreshItemHeight method in ListView component has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #312465 - When the zoomFactor property is set as 0 in the tile maps, it now renders properly.
  • #311273 - The imageUrlValuePath property now correctly renders markers as images.
  • #312865 - Markers will now render properly when they are added dynamically in the click event with “Normal” geometry type maps.
  • #317398 - shapeSelection method will now work properly with multi-layers on the Maps.



  • #284609 - Now, the cursor will position based on the value present in the input element while focusing the component.

Pdf Export

Bug Fixes

  • Performance issue with true type font is fixed.
  • Preservation issue with PDF colour empty constructor is fixed.
  • Preservation issue with PDF Grid in Angular sample browser is fixed.
  • Rendering issue with exceeded image into PDF export is fixed.
  • Rendering issue with PDF Grid border into PDF export is fixed.
  • Rendering issue with Pdf number style is fixed.
  • Rendering issue with Line break is fixed.
  • Undefined error occurs while getting line width of text content on particular True Type Font.


  • Added Draw Path support
  • Added Draw Arc support
  • Added support for Linear gradient brush
  • Added support for Radial gradient brush
  • Added support for Tiling brush
  • Added support for PDF Brushes.

PDF Viewer


  • #F158073, #I291648 - Exposed the annotation UnSelect event in PDF Viewer.

Pivot Table

Bug Fixes

  • #309694 - The issue in the pivot table for a particular OLAP cube has been fixed.
  • #313576 - The height calculation issue in the pivot table has been fixed.
  • The issues in the field list with the defer layout update have now been fixed.


  • #294982,#F157008 - In addition to existing aggregation types, a median type has been included.
  • #293740,#294851,#295251,#310709,#F158140 - Multiple values (i.e. measures) can now be displayed in a single axis.
  • Hyperlink can now be set based on caption of measure field.
  • #316689 - Data from the data manager can now be retrieved using a custom query.

Breaking Changes

  • The chartSettings.enableMultiAxis property is deprecated and will no longer to be used. Use chartSettings.enableMultipleAxis to achieve the same.


Bug Fixes

  • #F159325 - ProgressBar renders inside the Grid with out any console error.


Bug Fixes

  • #F162988 - The issue when field has space is fixed.
  • #317355 - The issue with disable the condition option when that group has single


  • Provided Complex data binding Support
  • Provided Header Template Support
  • Provided Complex data binding Support.
  • Provided Header Template Support.
  • Provided model support for fields, operators and values.

Recurrence Editor

Breaking Changes

  • The following properties type was changed.
Property Previous Type Current Type
selectedType anonymous int
value anonymous string


Bug Fixes

  • #318815- The issue with “Resize grip of the image freezes, after resizing for the first time” has been resolved.
  • #317508- The issue with “Resize icon of an image is not positioned properly, when height is set to the Rich Text Editor” has been resolved.
  • F163544- The issue with “Pressing the ‘cmd+z’ in mac after deleting all contents, deletes the first paragraph of the Rich Text Editor” has been resolved.
  • F163545- The issue with “‘cmd+z’ is not working after pasting the content in Mac machine” has been resolved.
  • #313508 - The issue with “event ‘afterImageDelete’ triggers two times when removing the image using the backspace key” has been resolved.
  • #313508 - The issue with “Console error is thrown, when updating the selected image with another image” has been resolved.


  • #257889, #264792, #280064, #305551, #316177, - Provided support for the table cell merge and split in Rich Text Editor table properties.



  • Multiple events drag and drop - This feature allows to select multiple events and reschedule them quickly by drag-and-drop. Multiple selections can be done by pressing the CTRL key with a click.
  • Time Format - This feature allows users to set 24-hour or 12-hour time formats in the scheduler. By default, the time format applies from the schedule’s current culture configuration.


Bug Fixes

  • #315820, #313937, #316711 - The issue with “Console error occurs on resizing when the splitter is rendered” has been resolved.
  • #F163365 - The issue with “When the first pane is collapsed, the size of the second pane is not properly set” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • Copy / paste the merge cells not working properly issue resolved.
  • #I316931 - Selection misalignment issue when applying border on wrap text has been resolved.


  • Freeze pane: Allows users to keep the specified rows and columns always visible at the top and left side of the sheet while scrolling through the sheet.
  • PDF Export: Allows users to save the spreadsheet data as a PDF document.
  • Password protection: Allows users to protect the workbook with a password.

Svg Base

Bug Fixes

  • #311306 - Position of Tooltip template has been changed.


Bug Fixes

  • 308530 - The issue with “Toast elements are not destroyed properly when open and hide the toast” has been fixed.

Tree Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #332604 - Resolved white space issue while using less number of records with Virtualization.


  • #274416, #274607, #313192, #F159014 - Provided Infinite Scrolling support for Tree Grid which allows you to lazy load data when scroller reaches the near end.
  • #280065 - Provided support to maintain Expand/Collapse state of Tree Grid while exporting the data.
  • #274416, #274607, #313192, #F159014 - Provided Infinite Scrolling support for Tree Grid which allows you to lazy load data when scroller reaches the near end.


Bug Fixes

  • #310875 - The issue with “The isChecked attribute is not working when using the sortOrder property in TreeView” has been resolved.
  • #282214 - Now the isChecked attribute value is updated properly in the NodeChecked event arguments in the TreeView component.