Essential Studio for Angular Release Notes

March 9, 2021


Bug Fixes

  • #316606 - “UPC-A does not render some code value” issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #313827 - Fixed stripline fails issue on canvas mode.


Bug Fixes

  • #316541 - This issue “Drag and Drop into the swimlane for multiple nodes is not work as expected while enabling the Linerouting “ has been fixed.
  • #316429 - This issue “When drag and drop connector into the swimlane not updated properly “ has been fixed.
  • F163118 - This issue “Swimlane is removable even if the delete constraints are excluded” has been fixed.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #315096 - Selection behaviour is updated properly, while pasting a URL and clicking enter after the URL.
  • #315413, #317463 - Table cell is now rendered properly.
  • #314467 - Find and replace is now working properly.
  • #315441 - While inserting same bookmark multiple times and deleting, bookmarks were preserved properly now.
  • #316532 - ParagraphFormat is now preserved while pasting with text only option.
  • #314193 - Document with charts were now preserved properly on exporting.
  • #161908, #318321 - Added API to show/hide restrict editing pane.
  • #315435 - Table cell width now preserved properly on editing.
  • #162638 - Table background color was now updated properly on updating borders and shading.

Breaking Changes

  • The DictionaryData(int langID,string dictPath,string affPath,string customPath) is marked as obsolete. Please use the alternate new constructor DictionaryData(int langID, string dictPath, string affPath) in Syncfusion.EJ2.SpellChecker spell checker.
  • The SpellChecker(List<SpellCheckDictionary> dictItem) is marked as obsolete. Please use the alternate new constructor SpellChecker(List<DictionaryData> dictItem, string customDicPath) in Syncfusion.EJ2.SpellChecker spell checker.

Form Validator

Bug Fixes

  • #315294 - Now, you can use the complex name attribute to add the validation rules.


Bug Fixes

  • 316898 - Maintained additional fields in segments on zooming action.


Bug Fixes

  • #315085 - Script error with custom format in server side exporting has been fixed.
  • #22476 - getRowIndexByPrimarykey method returns incorrect index with complex data has been fixed.
  • #292594 - Preventing the row deselection issue has been resolved.
  • #316299 - Previous data is not properly return while save action, issue has been fixed.
  • #315859 - Script error while using using the textbox component in the filter template has been fixed.
  • #311142 - Provided the support for custom datasource in excel filter.
  • #314870 - Checkbox Filter true/false locale text issue has been resolved.
  • #315677 - Horizontal scroll bar is hide while filtering the column with frozen columns issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

#317598 - Issue with “selected values are not posted properly while clicking on the select all option with predefined value” has been resolved.

Pdf Export

Bug Fixes

  • Undefined error occurs while getting line width of text content on particular True Type Font.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #312055 - The opacity value is applied properly for the free text annotation when importing the annotations.

Pivot Table

Bug Fixes

  • #299730, #315686 - Issues in “Date Grouping” feature have been fixed.
  • #315248 - Issues in “Field list(Popup)” when enabling “Defer layout update” have been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with tooltip has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #317795- The issue with “Pasting the block node contents in the Rich Text Editor” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I303694 - An issue with scheduler toolbar items are not rendered as mobile view in iPad has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #310875 - The issue with “The isChecked attribute is not working when using the sortOrder property in TreeView” has been resolved.
  • #282214 - Now the isChecked attribute value is updated properly in the NodeChecked event arguments in the TreeView component.