Interaction Mode in Angular PDF Viewer component

28 Sep 20237 minutes to read

The PDF Viewer provides interaction mode for easy interaction with the loaded PDF document. Selection mode and panning mode are the two interactions modes.

Selection mode

In this mode, the text selection can be performed in the PDF document loaded in PDF Viewer. The panning and scrolling of the pages by touch cannot be performed in this mode. It allows users to select and copy text from the PDF files. This is helpful for copying and sharing text content. You can enable/disable the text selection using the following code snippet.

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { LinkAnnotationService, BookmarkViewService, MagnificationService,
         ThumbnailViewService, ToolbarService, NavigationService,
         TextSearchService, AnnotationService, TextSelectionService,
       } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-pdfviewer';
  selector: 'app-container',
  // specifies the template string for the PDF Viewer component
  template: `<div class="content-wrapper">
              <ejs-pdfviewer id="pdfViewer"
  providers: [ LinkAnnotationService, BookmarkViewService, MagnificationService,
               ThumbnailViewService, ToolbarService, NavigationService,
               AnnotationService, TextSearchService, TextSelectionService,
  export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
      public document = '';
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { LinkAnnotationService, BookmarkViewService, MagnificationService,
         ThumbnailViewService, ToolbarService, NavigationService,
         TextSearchService, AnnotationService, TextSelectionService,
       } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-pdfviewer';
  selector: 'app-container',
  // specifies the template string for the PDF Viewer component
  template: `<div class="content-wrapper">
              <ejs-pdfviewer id="pdfViewer"
  providers: [ LinkAnnotationService, BookmarkViewService, MagnificationService,
               ThumbnailViewService, ToolbarService, NavigationService,
               AnnotationService, TextSearchService, TextSelectionService,
  export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
      public service = '';
      public document = '';

Alt text

Panning Mode

In this mode, the panning and scrolling of the pages by touch can be performed in the PDF document loaded in the PDF Viewer, but the text selection cannot be performed.

Alt text

You can switch the interaction mode of PDF Viewer by using the following code snippet.,

  selector: 'app-container',
  // specifies the template string for the PDF Viewer component
  template: `<div class="content-wrapper">
              <ejs-pdfviewer id="pdfViewer"
  providers: [ LinkAnnotationService, BookmarkViewService, MagnificationService,
               ThumbnailViewService, ToolbarService, NavigationService,
               AnnotationService, TextSearchService, TextSelectionService,
  export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
      public document = '';
      public interaction = 'Pan';
  selector: 'app-container',
  // specifies the template string for the PDF Viewer component
  template: `<div class="content-wrapper">
              <ejs-pdfviewer id="pdfViewer"
  providers: [ LinkAnnotationService, BookmarkViewService, MagnificationService,
               ThumbnailViewService, ToolbarService, NavigationService,
               AnnotationService, TextSearchService, TextSelectionService,
  export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
      public service = '';
      public document = '';
      public interaction = 'Pan';

See also