Register Syncfusion License key in EJ2-Angular application

1 Feb 20246 minutes to read

Syncfusion license key should be registered, if your project using Syncfusion EJ2-Angular packages reference. The generated license key is a string that needs to be registered after any Syncfusion Angular reference.

Note: Syncfusion license validation is done offline during application execution and does not require internet access. Apps registered with a Syncfusion license key can be deployed on any system that does not have an internet connection.

Generate the Syncfusion license key and register it in one of the following ways,

Register Syncfusion License key in the project

Register the license key in the main.ts file of the Angular project.

import { enableProdMode } from '@angular/core';
import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';

import { AppModule } from './app/app.module';
import { environment } from './environments/environment';
import { registerLicense } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';

// Registering Syncfusion license key
registerLicense('Replace your generated license key here');

if (environment.production) {

  .catch(err => console.error(err));

Note: Only from 2022 Vol 1 v20.1.0.47, license key registration required for Essential JavaScript 2 products.

Register Syncfusion License key using the npx command

Register the Syncfusion license key through npx command in one of the following ways,

If both the license text file and the environment variable are used for license registration, priority is set to syncfusion-license.txt file. If you want to use the environment variable for license registration, then remove the license text file from the application.

Register the license key with the license file

The following steps show how to register the Syncfusion license key with the license text file.

  • Create the syncfusion-license.txt file in the application root directory and paste the license key.

  • Open the command prompt in the application root directory and activate the license key by using the below command,

    npx syncfusion-license activate
  • Once the Syncfusion license key is activated, the following console message will appear.

    License message:
    (INFO) Syncfusion License imported successfully.

  • Remove the .cache folder from node modules in the application.

  • Now run the application. If you are facing a license validation error, refer to this link to resolve it. Also, find the most frequent license registration questions from this link.

If you don’t want to use the license text file in the application, refer to this link to use an environment variable and register the Syncfusion license key. Also, check out some common licensing FAQs while registering the license key using the npx command from this link

Register the license key with the environment variable

You can set the environment variable as SYNCFUSION_LICENSE in the system and paste the license key as a value. It can be used in all applications on your machine.

The following steps show how to set environment variable in different operating systems and register the Syncfusion license key.

  • Set the environment variable in different operating systems like below,


  • Open the command prompt and use setx command to add the new environment variable.

    setx SYNCFUSION_LICENSE "license key"


  • Open the terminal and use the env command to view the variables list.

  • You can set the environment variable by using below command,

    echo 'export SYNCFUSION_LICENSE="license key"' >> ~/.bash_profile
  • If you want to modify the environment variable in the bash profile. Use the below command,

    nano .bash_profile
  • Once modified the variable. Press ctrl+x to exit then Y and Enter button to save the changes.

  • Close the terminal and open it again to see the environment variables changes using env command.


  • Open the terminal and use the env command to view the variables list.

  • You can set or modify the environment variable by using below command,

    export SYNCFUSION_LICENSE='license key'
  • Once set the SYNCFUSION_LICENSE environment variable, restart the IDE or application terminal before using the license activation command.

  • Open the command prompt in the application root directory and activate the license key by using the below command,

    npx syncfusion-license activate
  • Once the Syncfusion license key is activated, the following console message will appear.

    License message:
    (INFO) Syncfusion License imported successfully.

  • Remove the .cache folder from node modules in the application.

  • Now run the application. If you are facing a license validation error, refer to this link to resolve it. Also, find the most frequent license registration questions from this link.

Register Syncfusion license key in CI services

The following sections show how to use an environment variable in CI services.

GitHub Actions

  • Create a new Repository Secret or an Organization Secret. Set the name of the secret to SYNCFUSION_LICENSE and use the license key as a value.

  • Add the Syncfusion license activation command after running npm install or yarn like below,

    - name: Install node modules
      run: npm install
    - name: Activate Syncfusion License
      run: npx syncfusion-license activate

Azure Pipelines (YAML)

  • Create a new User-defined Variable named SYNCFUSION_LICENSE. Use the license key as a value.

  • Add the Syncfusion license activation command after running npm install or yarn like below,

The following example shows the syntax for Windows build agents.

  vmImage: 'windows-latest'

- script: call npm install
  displayName: 'Install node modules'

- script: call npx syncfusion-license activate
  displayName: 'Activate Syncfusion License'

The following example shows the syntax for Linux build agents.

  vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'

  - script: npm install
    displayName: 'Install node modules'

  - script: npx syncfusion-license activate
    displayName: 'Activate Syncfusion License'

Azure Pipelines (Classic)

  • Create a new User-defined Variable named SYNCFUSION_LICENSE. Use the license key as a value.

  • Add the Syncfusion license activation command after running npm install or yarn using bash task like below,

# Activate the license
npx syncfusion-license activate

Bash task

See Also