New row position in Angular Gantt component
27 Apr 202411 minutes to read
In Gantt, a new row can be added in one of the following positions: Top, Bottom, Above, Below and Child. This position can be specified through the newRowPostion
property. We can make use of the toolbarClick event to create a context menu that specifies the position in which the new row is to be added when adding a record through toolbar click.
The following code snippets demonstrate how to achieve this.
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'
import { GanttModule,ContextMenuService, ContextMenuItem} from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-gantt'
import { EditService, SelectionService } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-gantt'
import { ContextMenuModule } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-navigations'
import { Component, ViewEncapsulation, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { ToolbarItem, EditSettingsModel, GanttComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-gantt';
import { MenuItemModel, ContextMenu } from '@syncfusion/ej2-navigations';
import { Gantt } from '@syncfusion/ej2-gantt';
import { ClickEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-angular-navigations';
imports: [
providers: [EditService, SelectionService],
standalone: true,
selector: 'app-root',
template:`<ejs-contextmenu id='contextmenu' [items]= 'menuItems' (select)="select($event)"></ejs-contextmenu>
<ejs-gantt id="ganttDefault" height="430px" [dataSource]="data" [taskFields]="taskSettings" [editSettings]="editSettings" [toolbar]="toolbar" (toolbarClick)="toolbarClick($event)"></ejs-gantt>`,
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None
export class AppComponent{
// Data for Gantt
public data?: object[];
public taskSettings?: object;
public editSettings?: EditSettingsModel;
public toolbar?: ToolbarItem[];
@ViewChild('gantt', {static: true})
public ganttObj?: GanttComponent| any;
public ngOnInit(): void { = [
TaskID: 1,
TaskName: 'Project Initiation',
StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'),
EndDate: new Date('04/21/2019'),
subtasks: [
{ TaskID: 2, TaskName: 'Identify Site location', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 4, Progress: 50 },
{ TaskID: 3, TaskName: 'Perform Soil test', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 4, Progress: 50 },
{ TaskID: 4, TaskName: 'Soil test approval', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 4, Progress: 50 },
TaskID: 5,
TaskName: 'Project Estimation',
StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'),
EndDate: new Date('04/21/2019'),
subtasks: [
{ TaskID: 6, TaskName: 'Develop floor plan for estimation', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'), Duration: 3, Progress: 50 },
{ TaskID: 7, TaskName: 'List materials', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'), Duration: 3, Progress: 50 },
{ TaskID: 8, TaskName: 'Estimation approval', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'), Duration: 3, Progress: 50 }
this.taskSettings = {
id: 'TaskID',
name: 'TaskName',
startDate: 'StartDate',
duration: 'Duration',
progress: 'Progress',
child: 'subtasks'
this.editSettings = {
this.toolbar = ['Add'];
public menuItems: MenuItemModel[] = [
text: 'Bottom'
text: 'Above'
text: 'Below'
text: 'Child'
text: 'Top'
public select(args: any) {
if (args.item.text === "Bottom") {
this.ganttObj.editSettings.newRowPosition = "Bottom";
} else if (args.item.text === "Above") {
if (this.ganttObj.selectedRowIndex == -1) {
alert("Please select any row");
} else {
this.ganttObj.editSettings.newRowPosition = "Above";
} else if (args.item.text === "Below") {
if (this.ganttObj.selectedRowIndex == -1) {
alert("Please select any row");
} else {
this.ganttObj.editSettings.newRowPosition = "Below";
} else if (args.item.text === "Child") {
if (this.ganttObj.selectedRowIndex == -1) {
alert("Please select any row");
} else {
this.ganttObj.editSettings.newRowPosition = "Child";
} else if (args.item.text === "Top") {
this.ganttObj.editSettings.newRowPosition = "Top";
public toolbarClick(args: ClickEventArgs): void {
if ( === 'ganttDefault_add') {
let contextmenuObj: ContextMenu = getInstance(document.getElementById("contextmenu_0"), ContextMenu) as ContextMenu;, 20);
function getInstance(arg0: HTMLElement | null, ContextMenu: any): ContextMenu {
throw new Error('Function not implemented.');
import { bootstrapApplication } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import 'zone.js';
bootstrapApplication(AppComponent).catch((err) => console.error(err));