Angular Universal: Server-side Rendering in Angular Frameworks

19 Oct 20232 minutes to read

Angular is a widely-used client-side web development framework. However, by default, it runs only on the client-side. Many web development tools are designed for server-side frameworks like Asp.Net WebForms and Asp.Net MVC. To bridge this gap, Angular provides a feature called Angular Universal that allows for server-side rendering (SSR) of Angular applications.

This documentation provides information about Angular Universal and how to implement it with Syncfusion Angular components in an Angular Universal application.

What is Angular Universal

Angular Universal is a technology for rendering Angular components on the server and sending the pre-rendered HTML to the client, where JavaScript takes over and adds interactivity. This has several benefits, such as improved SEO, faster load times, and better accessibility.

Why use Server-side Rendering

Server-side rendering basically allows an application to render faster in a browser and enables users to view the application’s UI before it becomes fully interactive. There are three main reasons to create an Angular Universal application.

  • Search engines can easily index content in SSR applications because the initial HTML is fully rendered on the server, making it more accessible to web crawlers.

  • Users see the content sooner because the server sends the pre-rendered HTML, reducing the time it takes for the page to become interactive.

  • SSR can be especially beneficial for users on slower devices or those with limited processing power, as more work is performed on the server.

Create an Angular Universal application

Syncfusion Angular UI Components support the server-side rendering of an Angular Universal application. The following steps demonstrate how to create an Angular application with Syncfusion components and enable server-side rendering in the Angular application.

1.Create an Angular application with Syncfusion Angular DataGrid component as described in the Getting Started using the Angular CLI.

2.To add the Server-Side Rendering (SSR) into the application, run the following command.

ng add @nguniversal/express-engine

3.After installing the above command, enable Client Hydration. Hydration is the process that restores the server-side rendered application on the client. To enable hydration, import the provideClientHydration function and add it to the providers section of the app.module.ts file as shown below.

import {provideClientHydration} from '@angular/platform-browser';
// ...

  // ...
  providers: [ provideClientHydration() ],
  bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]
export class AppModule {
    // ...

4.Run the following command to build and serve the application in both prerender and rerender(ssr) modes of the Angular universal.

npm run dev:ssr

View the Angular Universal sample on GitHub

See also