Ahead-of-Time (AOT) Compilation in Angular

20 Mar 20241 minute to read

Ahead-of-Time (AOT) Compilation is a technique that compiles Angular’s templates and components into browser-ready JavaScript code during the build process itself. This can improve the initial loading time of the application. From angular v9, the AOT compilation is enabled by default. To know more about AOT compilation, refer to this documentation.

This section explains the benefits of using AOT compilation and how to implement it in applications.

Why use AOT compilation

The following are the benefits of using AOT compilation in Angular applications.

  • AOT compilation translates Angular templates into optimized JavaScript code during the build process, which leads to faster initial loading times for your application.

  • By pre-compiling templates, AOT eliminates the need for the Angular compiler to be part of the final bundle, resulting in smaller bundle sizes and reduced runtime overhead.

  • AOT compilation catches template errors at build time rather than runtime, making it easier to identify and fix issues early in the development process.

Using Syncfusion components with AOT

All Syncfusion Angular components are compatible with AOT compilation.

Implementation of AOT Compilation in an Angular Application

1.From the angular v9, the Ivy compiler is enables the AOT compilation by default in the angular.json configuration file. If you’re using Angular versions prior to 9, ensure that aot is set to true in the angular.json file.

"build": { 
    "options": { 
        "aot": true,

To know more about AOT compilation with Ivy, refer to this documentation.

2.AOT compilation improves the initial rendering performance of the application. To achieve this performance improvement, build the application using the following command:

ng build –configuration=production

See also